Artificial Intelligence in Gaming

Ryan Donnelly

Department of Computer Science

University of Wisconsin Platteville


Artificial intelligence (AI) in gaming is getting more and more realistic as we head well into the twentieth century. But will we ever be at a state where games replicate humans perfectly on a consistent basis and learn their instincts?

Games are getting more complicated. This is due to the use of more advanced algorithms that are being used as well as the new hardware that allows more computations. Games wouldn’t be where they are today if it wasn’t for artificial intelligence. I will be discussing the importance of artificial intelligence in games such as RTS-type games, First Person Shooter-type (FPS-type) and sports games. I will also discuss the most popular algorithms used today for artificial intelligence in games such as A* algorithm, finite state machines, and artificial neural networks.


AI in gaming refers to methods used to produce intelligence of non-player characters or computer players. The methods are usually created from existing methods in AI. There may be other methods used but it is a vastly different approach to common AI. In first person shooter (FPS) games the computer is basically cheating due to the fact that it has to know where you are at all times to try to achieve the most intelligent non-player character. In a lot of cases, the AI of the non-player character has to be lowered or tweaked to give the human player a sign of fairness and a chance to win.

Programmers will want to stay away from cheating as much as possible. In a way this makes the game have an unrealistic challenge because it is not using intelligence. Cheating also draws away focus from programmers to program more human-like bots.

AI can also be thought as to simulate thinking, or as representing intelligent behavior in an algorithmic way [3]. When creating AI for games, one thing should always be in the programming team’s head, “what would a human player do?” The obvious goal is to make games to have a realistic challenge for the human-players. This makes sure that the game does not get too boring and shoved under the shelf in a week.

Many techniques are used to achieve human like behavior for computer players. The most popular techniques are the A* algorithm, finite machines, and artificial neural networks. Each contributes to the AI in different ways. Without these techniques AI wouldn’t be where it is today not only in games but in all other software trying to replicate human intelligence.


Videogames first entered the world in the 1960s and into the early 1970s with the likes of Spacewar!, Pong, and Gotcha [1]. These games had no AI in them but used some discrete logic because they were based on a competition between two human players.

Artificial Intelligence began to get implemented into games in the 1970s with a single player mode to play against the computer enemies [1]. The enemy moved by the use of stored patterns. Stored patterns are paths that never change, and the computer-players follow the same paths that are stored in the game. When microprocessors came into play, the building of the AI became more complex due to the speed and amount of computation that the microprocessors allowed.

When the game Space Invaders was released in 1978, it brought to the table distinct moving patterns, which is different from stored patterns in that there are different paths for the computer-player [1]. The following year, Galaxian was released and the AI in this game stepped it up a notch from Space Invaders in that it allowed for more complex and varied enemy movements [1]. Pac-Man debuted in 1980 and was the first popular game character. Pac-Man sold all kinds of memorabilia.

As the years went on, different personalities for the enemy were introduced as well as fighting games such as Karate Champ in 1984 [1]. A big accomplishment for AI occurred in 1983 when a human player went down in defeat to a computer player in chess. This was the first victory recorded for AI against a human player at anything. This opened up many eyes in the software industry. An even bigger accomplishment for AI occurred in 1997 when Deep Blue, a chess playing computer developed by IBM, defeated Kasparov, a world champion chess player [1]. This event gave confidence to every AI developer to believe that anything can be done or programmed to what they want it to be or do.

Sports games advanced game AI in the early 1990s with the use of expert systems [1]. An expert system is a program that contains knowledge on a subject of one or more human experts. An example would be the popular Madden Football series. The AI of this game tried to mock the coaching or managerial style of John Madden himself. Extensive work and time put into this game to try to maximize the accuracy of the AI. In the newer Madden games one can change the variables of the opponent to play how the user wants them to play. Most games now have a difficulty level as well which allows the user to pick a difficulty level which matches their experience with the game.

Finite state machines started to enter the gaming world in the 1990s as well as artificial neural networks. Real-time strategy and first-person shooter type games first entered the market in the 90s as well. The first Real-Time Strategy games had notorious problems which included path finding problems, real-time decisions and economic playing and many more. As for an example, in the game Dune II, the enemy uses cheats and when the computer-players attack a human base, they attack in a bee line instead of attacking in random positions [1]. The RTS games did get better in the AI department and have gotten more popular. For instance, one of the most popular games are the WarCraft series, and in the 1990s the first WarCraft game was the first game to ever implement path-finding algorithms at such a big scale for hundreds of units to engage in huge battles [2]. Graphic cards also come out in the 90s and allow for more processor time to be spent on AI.

What we are seeing now in the 21st century is that more games are successfully implementing artificial neural networks. Battlecruiser 3000AD was the first game to use neural networks 1996 [2]. That spawned the games Creatures and Black & White where computer-controlled characters’ learning was used for the first time. Hyper-threading processors came out in the early 2000s as well as just recently the core-duo processors which allow for even more of a complex AI engine to be built.

AI in First Person Shooter (FPS-type) Games

In first person shooter-type games the AI is in the opponents, teammates, and extra characters. First person shooter-type games can be created using a layered artificial intelligence structure. The bottom layers take care of the trivial tasks such as determining the best path to the target, and the top layers deal with reasoning and the behavior of the computer player [2]. When a behavior is decided, the lower-level module selects the best tactics for completing a task. After the tactic is picked, the AI of the computer player determines the best approach for the situation. For example, if the tactic picked is to fight, the approach could be to sneak up on the opponent, hide and wait for the opponent, or run at the opponent and firing.

An event driven engine can also be used where action is taken based on specific events that happen. For example, some events with actions could be [3]:

If enemy seen → Then attack with best weapon

If wounded → Then run away or hide and find health

If out of ammo → Then find ammo

If you take a look at the first Doom game, it would have only one event which would be “if enemy seen, then attack.” The same could probably be said for the new Doom games as well.

When using an event driven engine, it is good idea to use leaking buckets. This allows for possibly a different action than a human player may expect. The leaking buckets theory is where there are buckets that leak some of their contents over time. The script that gets ran is the script with the most filled bucket [3]. For example, let’s say there exists the buckets flee, fight, and restock. Events that occur fill the buckets to a different extent such as:

Seen enemy → Add 5% to flee and 10% to fight

Low ammo → Add 20% to restock

Low health → Add 20% to flee and 10% to restock

A lot of ammo and health → Add 50% to fight, remove 20% from flee and restock

Lost 50% health in one hit → Add 50% to flee, add 20% to restock and remove 50% from fight.

After an event occurs, the bucket with the most content in it gets ran. So if the computer-player sees an enemy and has 45% in its’ flee bucket and 30% in its’ fight bucket then the computer-player will flee instead of fight.

Most all first-person shooter games use some sort of path-finding system. The path finding is based on graphs describing the world where each vertex on the graph represents a location [2]. The location could be anything related to the game such as a room or a tower. When the computer player is ordered to get to a given point, navigation is done by using the points that it should consecutively head towards to reach the specified location [2]. The A* algorithm is the most popular algorithm or technique used for path-finding. It guarantees to find the shortest path between two points.

The animation system or the computer player movement in first-person shooters has to play an appropriate sequence of animation at a chosen speed. Basically it must be in sync with the AI system in the game. Different body parts should be able to play at different animation sequences such as for example a soldier running and aiming at the enemy then shooting and reloading while still running [2]. Such games often use the inverted kinematics (IK) system, which is the process of computing the pose of a human body from a set of constraints [4]. In an IK animation system, parameter calculations can be done for arm positioning animation so that the hand can grab an object off a shelf or the ground [2].

Figure 1: Representation of the world in a FPS-type game with the red lines being a path.

AI in Real Time Strategy (RTS-type) games

Just like in first-person shooters, RTS-type games must implement a path-finding system. Path-finding is more important in RTS-type games in that some games require this module to have a solution for movement of hundreds of units on the map and it needs to be done in seconds. Because there are numerous computer-controlled players on the map, this module must also handle collisions between the units so they don’t run into each other.

The units themselves are controlled by an event driven engine where action is taken based on events. The same rules apply here as they do in first-person shooters. It is also a good idea to use leaking buckets.

Most maps are represented by a rectangular grid as shown in figure 2. A module is used to analyze the game map. This module uses a goal driven engine which works by taking the highest ranked goal and processing it. Smaller sub-goals are created as needed and are processed until the goal has been fulfilled [3]. This module has to also analyze the terrain and a settlement can be built based on the evaluation of the terrain. The same module decides when cities should be built and how reinforcements should be placed.

An example which shows the interaction between the event driven engine and the goal driven engine could be as follows: a building gets blown up by an air strike. This sparks the event based engine to give a new goal to the goal based engine to increase air defenses. The goal based engine responds by moving units that are capable of air defense into position [3].

Figure 2: Representation of the world in a RTS-type game with the red lines being a path

AI in Role Playing Games (RPG)

Artificial intelligence in RPGs has historically been scarce. They have mostly been dependent on random encounters or scripted behavior. The random encounters are mostly seen in the games where there is a lot of fighting and where moving up in levels is more important [3].

Scripted behavior has some minor AI involved and is common in games where the story line is more important [3]. These games can have some fighting as well but it is usually kept to a minimum. Some games implement a combination of both scripted behavior and random encounters

AI in Sports Games

A lot of the AI in sports games has some sort of cheating. For example, in racing games, two paths are marked on the track: the first represents the optimal driving path; the second represents the path used when passing opponents. Basically it is the same as stored patterns. The track is also split into sectors and each sector length is calculated. These sectors are used to build a graph describing the track and to acquire characteristics of the track in the vehicle’s closest vicinity [2]. In effect, the computer-driver knows when to slow down if a curve is near because it knows what sectors are approaching.

The AI system in racing games must also analyze the terrain to detect objects in the road so the computer-driver can go around it or hit it if preferred. There must also be co-operation between the AI system and the physics module [2]. The physics module provides information such as when the car is skidding and the AI system needs to react immediately to get the vehicle under control.