Chapter 8 Practice

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.Which statement about the election of 1824 is true?

a. / Most people did not think a military leader could be a good political leader.
b. / The winner of the popular vote did not have enough electoral votes to win.
c. / The legislature appealed to the Supreme Court to decide the election.
d. / Many people based their votes on their opinions about slavery.

____2.What settlement did the U.S. and Spain reach in the Adams-Onís Treaty?

a. / The U.S. would receive the MissouriTerritory from Spain.
b. / The U.S. would receive control of East Florida from Spain.
c. / Spain would make Texas an independent territory.
d. / Spain would pay $5 million to the United States.

____3.After the War of 1812 ended, conflicts continued between British Canada and the United States. What was one of those conflicts about?

a. / limiting naval power off the LabradorCoast
b. / logging rights in Oregon Country
c. / taxing the fur trade in MissouriTerritory
d. / fishing rights on the Great Lakes

____4.How did the Convention of 1818 affect the boundaries of the United States?

a. / It drew a border between the United States and Canada extending to the Rocky Mountains.
b. / It gave the United States control of the natural resources and waterways of Oregon Country.
c. / It expanded the boundaries of the United States further west by opening up Texas.
d. / It gave Florida to the United States, along with full control of the AtlanticCoast.

____5.How did the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine affect U.S. relations with Europe?

a. / It allowed European nations to continue to colonize U.S. territories with the permission of the U.S.
b. / It gave the U.S. permission to take over any territories previously occupied by a European nation.
c. / It prevented the U.S. from interfering with any future conflicts or wars between European nations.
d. / It took away control of U.S. territories that had previously been owned by European nations.

____6.Why did both British Canada and the U.S. want control over Oregon Country?

a. / They were interested in the region’s fertile lands and good climate.
b. / They wanted to patrol the section of Canada’s border that ran through the region.
c. / They wanted to gain access to the Pacific Ocean.
d. / They were interested in the region’s valuable fur trade.

____7.How did the Monroe Doctrine affect the United States’ relationship with Latin America?

a. / It placed Latin American nations within the United States’ sphere of influence.
b. / It caused anger in Latin American revolutionary leaders who felt the United States was abusing its power.
c. / It created a strong bond between the two regions because each became interested in the other’s security.
d. / It made Latin American countries financially dependent on the United States.

____8.What finally convinced Spanish leaders to settle disputes with the U.S. over Florida in 1819?

a. / the growing number of runaway slaves in Florida
b. / the rise of the Seminole Indian tribe in Florida
c. / General Andrew Jackson’s presence in Florida
d. / President Monroe’s interest in Florida

____9.What caused conflicts in the early 1800s between the U.S. and the Seminole Indian tribe in Florida?

a. / The tribe refused to leave Florida and attacked U.S. military posts.
b. / The tribe had refused to help the U.S. in its efforts in the War of 1812.
c. / The tribe aided Spain in its conquest of Florida.
d. / The tribe raided U.S. settlements and aided runaway slaves.

____10.Why was President Monroe concerned when Mexico became independent from Spain in 1821?

a. / He thought that European powers might declare war on new Latin American countries.
b. / He thought that Mexico would permanently close its borders to the U.S.
c. / He thought that Mexico would now try to overtake some U.S. territories.
d. / He thought that European powers might try to colonize new Latin American countries.

____11.Why did American leaders support Latin American struggles for independence from Spain in the early 1820s?

a. / Latin America had supported America in its fight for independence during the American Revolution.
b. / Latin America’s struggles reminded American leaders of their country’s fight for independence from Britain.
c. / Latin America requested U.S. support, arguing that Spain’s domination threatened America’s economy.
d. / Latin America received U.S. support because of American leaders’ hard feelings toward Spain.

____12.What change to the U.S. economy did Henry Clay make specifically to finance the building of new roads and canals?

a. / a tariff on foreign goods / c. / a single currency for the country
b. / a national bank system / d. / a federal reserve system

____13.What was the significance of the Missouri Compromise?

a. / It allowed Missouri to enter the Union as an independent territory.
b. / It established that the practice of slavery was unconstitutional.
c. / It gave the free states a majority in the House of Representatives.
d. / It maintained an equal balance between slave and free states in the United States.

____14.Who became president as a result of the Election of 1824?

a. / John Quincy Adams / c. / Andrew Jackson
b. / Henry Clay / d. / James Monroe

____15.Why was it important to politicians to keep the number of free and slave states balanced in the case of the Missouri Compromise?

a. / to be true to the principles of fairness and equality
b. / to keep representatives of slave states from having a majority in the Senate
c. / to give delegates from northern states an advantage in the electoral college
d. / to prevent regional conflicts from dividing the nation

____16.During the 1820s sectionalism grew in the United States. What is sectionalism?

a. / when citizens develop increased feelings of pride and devotion to their nation
b. / when politicians become divided over the interests of the regions they represent
c. / when the federal government places a group on a reservation to prevent conflict
d. / when a state breaks off from a nation and declares its independence

____17.What was Henry Clay’s role in the Missouri Compromise?

a. / He opposed the compromise and tried to persuade members of Congress to veto it.
b. / He did not agree with the conditions of the original compromise and revised it.
c. / He was a strong supporter of the compromise when it was proposed to Congress.
d. / He created the terms of the compromise and convinced Congress to accept it.

____18.What physical obstacle hindered builders of the Cumberland Road?

a. / the Mississippi River / c. / the Appalachian Mountains
b. / the dense, thick forests / d. / the rocky, dangerous terrain

____19.What was the primary goal of Henry Clay’s American System?

a. / to prevent foreign influences from affecting the United States
b. / to industrialize the smaller towns in the United States
c. / to create a sense of nationalism in the United States
d. / to make the United States economically independent

____20.Which of these was not a cause of the rising sense of nationalism that occurred in America in the early 1800s?

a. / the passage of the Missouri Compromise
b. / the end of the War of 1812
c. / the successful negotiations with foreign powers
d. / the confident tone of the Monroe Doctrine

____21.Why were some members of Congress against using federal funds to build roads, canals, and railroads in the U.S.?

a. / They felt that U.S. transportation systems did not need any improvements.
b. / They felt that the national bank could not afford to make the improvements.
c. / They believed the Constitution did not permit the federal government to make the improvements.
d. / They believed the federal government would create regional conflicts by financing the improvements.

____22.What was the Supreme Court’s decision in the 1824 case of Gibbons v.Ogden?

a. / States cannot interfere with the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.
b. / The Constitution gives Congress the implied power to create a national bank.
c. / States can regulate commerce on man-made canals and roads, but not on natural waterways.
d. / The Constitution gives Congress sole power over the nation’s money supply.

____23.How did the decisions in the McCulloch v. Maryland and the Gibbons v.Ogden cases strengthen the feeling of national unity in the United States?

a. / by reinforcing the power of the federal government
b. / by agreeing with the opinion of the majority of Americans
c. / by strengthening pride in state governments
d. / by permitting all Americans to use the same currency

____24.The Cumberland Road was the first road

a. / built by the federal government.
b. / that reached from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
c. / built in the U.S. using bulldozers and steamrollers.
d. / that allowed automobile travel.

____25.What literary style did writer Washington Irving make popular in the United States in the early 19th century?

a. / epic poetry / c. / autobiography
b. / historical fiction / d. / satire

____26.Because of the writings of Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper, painters in the United States began to

a. / show the history and natural beauty of America in their work.
b. / include traditional European styles in their work.
c. / create works that showed the ideal future of America.
d. / create abstract works of art that could not be easily understood.

____27.Why are the works of James Fenimore Cooper so significant to American history?

a. / He created works that inspired people to expand westward in the United States.
b. / He created works that connected European traditions and new American traditions.
c. / He popularized satire, a humorous style of writing that aims to instruct and educate its readers.
d. / He popularized historical fiction, a type of writing that places fictional characters in actual historical settings.

____28.What was the Hudson River school?

a. / a school for writers located near the Hudson River valley
b. / a group of artists whose paintings focused on the Hudson River valley
c. / a school for portrait painters located in the Hudson River valley
d. / a group of poets whose work was inspired by the beauty of the Hudson River valley

____29.What did the paintings produced by students from the Hudson River school reflect?

a. / the shift to abstract paintings illustrating the discord in America
b. / the feeling of national pride in America and an appreciation of landscapes
c. / the change of focus in American painting from landscapes to portraits
d. / the division in the American culture produced by the War of 1812

____30.In the early 1800s, American music focused on

a. / religion and national pride.
b. / spiritual revival and everyday life.
c. / political leaders and democratic values.
d. / satire and folk tales.

____31.How did the subjects of American paintings change from the 1830s to the 1840s?

a. / Earlier paintings were influenced by westward expansion, while later work focused on landscapes in eastern America.
b. / Earlier paintings mainly consisted of portraits, while later work focused on people’s daily lives and American landscapes.
c. / Earlier paintings were inspired by European landscapes, while later work focused on the Hudson River.
d. / Earlier paintings reflected a feeling of patriotism, while later work focused on the feelings of discord in America.

____32.What did Washington Irving’s story “Rip Van Winkle” attempt to teach Americans?

a. / Life should be lived each day looking forward to the future.
b. / Learn from the past and be cautious about what the future holds.
c. / The future promises to be much brighter than the past.
d. / The past is not a sign of how the future will turn out.

____33.Why did Americans decide to model much of their architecture after the architecture of ancient Athens and Rome?

a. / These civilizations created buildings that were very easy and inexpensive for Americans to reproduce.
b. / These civilizations were founded on the same religious beliefs as the new American nation.
c. / These civilizations created simple buildings that were a reflection of the “common man” in America.
d. / These civilizations were based on some of the same political ideals as the new American nation.

____34.Which of these is the best summary of Thomas Cole’s contribution to early American art?

a. / He gained fame as a portrait painter and introduced new styles and techniques to American artists.
b. / He inspired artists to forget about following rules and to create works that expressed America’s originality.
c. / He recognized the democratic spirit of the people of America and encouraged artists to focus on everyday life.
d. / He encouraged artists to appreciate the unique qualities of the American landscape and to show the beauty of nature.

____35.In the early 1800s, how were the new American culture’s views on education reflected by education reforms?

a. / The new American culture held the belief that education was mainly for the wealthy, so many boarding schools were founded.
b. / The new American culture was a democracy that needed educated and informed citizens to survive, so public schools were supported.
c. / The new American culture was interested in training people to enter the workforce, so value was given to learning a trade.
d. / The new American culture held the belief that people should be educated regardless of race or gender, so integrated schools were built.

____36.Who chose the winner of the election of 1824?

a. / the majority of voters / c. / the Supreme Court
b. / the electoral college / d. / the House of Representatives

____37.According to the Missouri Compromise, which state would enter the Union as a free state?

a. / Florida / c. / California
b. / Maine / d. / Texas

____38.Popular American folk songs from the early 1800s, such as “Hunters of Kentucky,” expressed the period’s spirit of

a. / nationalism. / c. / religious revivalism.
b. / sectionalism. / d. / frontier adventurism.

____39.How did the Missouri Compromise contribute to the eventual abolition of slavery?

a. / It banned the use of slaves in all federal government facilities.
b. / It gave representatives of free states a permanent advantage in Congress.
c. / It prohibited slavery in states and territories north of Missouri’s southern border.
d. / It allowed abolitionists to distribute propaganda in the Missouri legislature.

____40.In the 1840s, George Caleb Bingham painted Fur Traders Descending the Missouri. What new development in American art did this painting signify?

a. / the introduction of European influences to portrait painting
b. / the illustration of the love of nature written of by the transcendentalists
c. / the inclusion of scenes from people’s everyday lives in landscape painting
d. / the shift to themes of western expansion and the frontier

____41.The Monroe Doctrine was issued after which country won its independence?

a. / Canada / c. / Spain
b. / Russia / d. / Mexico

____42.Why was the Convention of 1818 important?

a. / It established the border between Canada and the United States.
b. / It gave Britain fishing rights off the Atlantic coastline.
c. / It established the border between Mexico and the United States
d. / It established the border between the Rocky Mountains and Oregon.

____43. Henry Clay's idea for making the United States economically self-sufficient was called

a. / the Era of Good Feelings. / c. / the Convention of 1818.
b. / sectionalism. / d. / the American System.

____44.The First Seminole War began when

a. / Spain sold Florida to the United States.
b. / the United States signed the Adams-Onís Treaty.
c. / Andrew Jackson invaded Florida to capture Seminole raiders.
d. / Americans began to settle in Florida.

____45.Hudson River school painters usually painted

a. / famous people. / c. / Native American chiefs.
b. / American landscapes. / d. / everyday people in their daily lives.


Study the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

The political system of the allied powers is essentially different . . . from that of America. We . . .declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety . . .

____46.This quotation likely comes from what source?

a. / the United States Constitution / c. / the journals of Henry Clay
b. / the Monroe Doctrine / d. / the Missouri Compromise

____47.In this quotation, the U.S. government is most likely

a. / asking for help in colonizing Latin America.
b. / asking European powers to help the newly independent Latin American countries.
c. / discouraging foreign powers from interfering in events in Latin American countries.
d. / discouraging foreign powers from interfering in events in the United States.


Complete each statement.

48.______used humor and satire to tell about American history. (James Finimore Cooper/Washington Irving)

49.The ______helped connect distant markets by creating a new waterway. (Cumberland Road/Erie Canal)

50.______convinced Congress to agree to the Missouri Compromise. (Henry Clay/James Monroe)

51.As Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams negotiated with Spain over American settlements in ______. (Florida/Missouri)

52.A national bank that would provide a single currency was one of Henry Clay’s measures in his ______. (Era of Good Feeling/American System)

53.The Seminoles often helped ______and sometimes raided U.S. settlements. (military troops/runaway slaves)

54.The Monroe Doctrine proclaimed that the ______was to be off-limits to future colonization by any foreign power. (Western Hemisphere/Western Frontier)

55.In the Convention of 1818, the United States and Britain agreed to occupy the ______together. (Canadian border/Pacific Northwest)


In the space provided, write the letter of the term or place that matches each description. Some answers will not be used.

a. / Adams-Onís Treaty / g. / Missouri Compromise
b. / Catharine Maria Sedwick / h. / 36° 30' N latitude
c. / 49°N latitude / i. / Monroe Doctrine
d. / George Catlin / j. / Simon Bolívar
e. / James Fennimore Cooper / k. / spirituals
f. / John Quincy Adams / l. / Thomas Jefferson

____56.Novelist who wrote about interesting heroines

____57.Encouraged the use of Greek and Roman styles of architecture

____58.Latin American revolutionary

____59.Border division used in the Missouri Compromise

____60.Border division used in the Convention of 1818

____61.Settled all border disputes with Spain

____62.Admitted Maine and Missouri into the Union

____63.Foundation of Latin American foreign policy

____64.Wrote The Last of the Mohicans

____65.Folk hymns from both white and African-American traditions