Medieval Squires

The role of the Squires during the Middle Ages was an important step to achieving the status of a Knight. The Medieval Squire was a servant to a knight during the Middle Ages. The Norman predecessor of what came to be known as squire were called Armigers. Squires had already served 7 years in the role of a page before moving to the role of a Squire at the age of 14 years old. As a page he was viewed as a boy, and looked after by the ladies of the court or castle. Squires were viewed as young men and had reached the age of puberty, their first step towards manhood. The care of the Squires moved from the Medieval ladies to the Knights. This page describes how was a life of a squire in the medieval times. The word Squire is derived from the French words "Esquire, Escuyer" which originally meant 'shield bearer'. In later years the term gradually moved away from the meaning of apprentice knight and on to mean a country gentleman of some standing.

Squires - A description from the Middle Ages
Squires were described as follows by Ramon Lull (1235 – 1315), a Medieval writer and philosopher:

"a noble man who loves the order of chivalry and will be a knight to
have first a master who is a knight,
for thus it is a discovenable thing that a squire should learn the order and
nobility from any other man than a knight.
So very high and honored is the order of chivalry
that a squire should suffer himself not only to learn to keep horse and learn to serve a
knight, that he go with him to tourneys and battles; but it is necessary that he beholds the
school of the order of knighthood."

Ramon Lull is clearly describing the role of the Squires in this interesting quote.

The Lessons and Skills of Squires
The lessons and skills to be acquired by Squires were:

  • The Code of Chivalry
  • The Rules of Heraldry
  • Horsemanship
  • The use of weapons - swordsmanship and marksmanship
  • Squires had to develop strength, speed, dexterity and leadership skills
  • Climbing skills, athletics and swimming skills - important in situations which related to a castle siege
  • He must also learn bravery and the ability to withstand extremes in cold and heat, tiredness and hunger
  • All of these skills were required of a Knight

It was also their duty to enter into the social life of the castle and learn:

  • Courtly etiquette
  • Jousting
  • Music
  • Dancing

The Duties and Jobs of Squires
The duties of Squires and life of a squire was quite varied. However they could relate to specific tasks and roles such as:

  • The Arming Squire, who accompanied the Knight to the Battlefield
  • The Squire of the table, who performed duties in the castle or court

But the vast majority of the squires undertook a combination of these duties and their life of a squire was as follows:

  • Attending to their Knights horses - the stabling and care
  • Waiting at table, some duties in the kitchen, arranging for the upkeep of clothing, running errands, carrying messages and guarding their knight when he slept
  • Assisting the Knight in dressing in his armor. Ensuring the armor and weapons of the knight were in good order
  • Accompanying their Knight to tournaments and during the time of war to the battlefield

There was a 'pecking order' amongst the squires. The most envied of the squires positions was that of the "squire of the body". Such squires were the closest to the lord and were trusted to accompany him in battle. Such was the life of a squire

When the Squires became Knights
The Squires served in this role and performed their duties for seven years and became a Knight at the age of twenty-one. Sometimes knighthood was conferred on a squire at an earlier age as the reward for bravery on the battlefield. In time of war Squires accompanied Knights on the battlefield, leading and tending the horses and dressing them in the Medieval Knights Armor. They came under fire from arrows and many squires were killed doing their duty.

Not all Squires became Knights 'Arma Patrina'
Squires who had either grown too old to qualify for knighthood or who were unable to afford the expense of knighthood were called 'Arma Patrina'. These men were allowed to carry a lance and shield even though they had not undergone the ceremony of knighthood.

More Information

If the page showed promise, then at the age of fourteen, he became a squire. A squire is a Knight's personal servant. In battle, a squire would bring his knight replacements of lances, swords, horses, or any item lost or damaged in battle. The squire had to become accustomed to heavy armor. A squire played games with real weapons against real knights! The squire learned to ride his war horse while keeping his weapon arm free. While he was a squire, he was allowed to carry a sword and a shield, which showed what rank he had achieved. The squire was taught not to kill many knights. Most knights held other knights for ransom. If he got through all of that, he was knighted or "dubbed". Before a squire was dubbed, he did lots of things in preparation. First, he prayed all night. He prayed without sleeping or eating. When morning came, he would take a nice, warm bath. Then he put on a special padded vest and hood so that his armor did not hurt him. Then he would have a page help him put on chain mail armor or plate armor. Then the almost knighted squire would put on a white tunic. The tunic was white because white is the color of peace. The tunic was so that his armor did not rust in the rust in the rain and sun. He knelt before his lord. Then his lord would slap him with his hand or the flat of the sword. As his lord was doing that, his lord would say, "I dub thee Sir Knight." Then the new knight would receive his sword, lance, and golden spurs. Each of the weapons had a good meaning. The lance had a saying. It was said, "As fear of the lance drives back the unarmed, so the knight drives back the enemies of the church." As for the sword, it was said that, "The two edges of the sword show that the knight serves God and the people." Then the knight was free to roam. He usually rode off on quests of adventure. He either stopped by the road and challenged any knight that passed by or he did battle for a damsel in need.