2014-2015 Careers 7 Course Outline – G.Stack
Goals for Career Education / Change and Growth – Students will develop career management competencies through an exploration of personal change and growth.Connections to Community – Students will explore the connections between learning and work pathways and their connections to community.
Life and Work Plan – Students will engage in inquiry to build a personal life and work plan.
Outcomes / Change and Growth / Connections to Community / Life and Work Plan
Explore and draw conclusions about the influences of positive and negative self-images on one’s life and work.
Develop and demonstrate the behaviours and understandings needed for building healthy relationships (i.e., emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical). / CC7.1
Reflect on and express insights about how knowledge and skills learned in school transfer to one’s future life and work.
Analyze the contributions work makes to the individual and their community, including globally. / LW7.1
Investigate and demonstrate the personal qualities and abilities needed to seek, obtain, or create work.
Investigate non-traditional work scenarios involving issues such as stereotyping and discrimination to assess the impact on life and work.
Assessment for this class will be broken into two categories; Practice and Assessment. These two categories are meant to reflect formative and summative assessment practices. The goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes assessments for students and instructors.The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. For our purposes, summative assessments will measure students’ mastery of grade outcomes. Practice assignments can include daily practice, small questions/answer assignments, observations and short written assignments or demonstrations of a skill. Assessment assignments will be larger, more complex assignments that will measure students’ mastery of grade outcomes. Students must complete the Practice Assignments in order to submit the Assessment Assignments. All assessment assignments will affect their final grade outcome. Evaluation methods will vary and may include, but are not limited to: projects, written stories, exams, and media projects.
All late assignments must be turned in five school days prior to reporting periods. Failure to meet this deadline will result in an incomplete for missing assignments. Note: Incomplete assignments may result in an incomplete failure of the course.
Class Expectations:
- Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class. This means students should be seated and ready to begin at the fell. Furthermore, students are to have all necessary equipment for class: binder, paper, pen, any required texts, etc.
- If students show up late to class, for any reason, they are to politely knock and wait quietly and patiently until admitted entry into the classroom.
- Students are expected to make up for any and all classes they miss. Should a student miss a day when a major project is due or an exam is scheduled, they are expected to meet with the teacher to make up the date. Prior notice of missed days will be greatly appreciated.
- Above all, students are expected to show respect for self and others throughout the year.
- Hats are not to be worn in the classroom at any time.
- Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used during instructional time unless previous permission has been granted. Such devices may be placed on the back shelf of the classroom or on the teacher’s desk.
- Pop and energy drinks are not allowed in the school at any time.
Keep on top of things…
Remind 101 – sign up for Remind 101 and get reminders about assignments, projects, exams, etc. Using your cell phone, text (306)992-6986 and type in this message “ @731a8 “.
Weebly – I am currently setting up this site to post assignments, information for classes, etc. More information to follow.
My email is