MaxAvenue Instructions

Is used for LOCALE, MaxAvenue magazine and misc. emails. You will be provided the login information from the Team Leader.

Creating a new template:

After you login,this is where it will take you. Click on the Marketing tab near the top.

Click on Template Library. This will show you the templates that werealready used. You want to click on any oneof these previous tasks (such as LOCALE). LOCALE and Practical Homeowner are done monthly.

When you click on one of the templates above it will open up a new window and look like below:

This will display the email contents. Clients will have headers and footers showing in here. In this sample there is no header. In order to create a new template we need to copy and paste content from one that is already done to transfer over the headers and footers.

After you click on Source it will look like below (in HTML code):

When copying and pasting in this program it is best to use ctrl + C and ctrl + V.

You need to highlight and Copyall of this. Then close out of this email. It willtake you back to the list of templates. Either on the top or bottom of the list there is a box Create New Template– click on that. Find Source and click on it. You are now going to Paste the previous task. Everything will be in HTML code until you click on Source again. This will show you the old content.

Now time to update information.

If you are doing the LOCALE and/or Practical Homeowner. All you have to do is change the links by clicking on the graphics icon. See below.

You can delete everything in between the headers; then insert the new content.

There is a small square that has a picture of a mountain(graphics icon)- click on that. Image Properties box will pop up. This is where you would need to insert the new content, update LOCALE and Practical Homeowner links, andinsertgraphics. New content will need to be saved on your pc to upload into program.The graphics need to be in jpeg format prior to uploading.

Goto Upload tab. Pressbrowseto get the content that was saved on your pc. Then hit Send to the Server. This will take you to the first tab (Image Info.). It will show the link, size, and the content in a smaller box. Check that smaller box to make sure the content uploaded correctly. If so, you may proceed.

If you are inserting a link you can click on the Link tab copy and paste the URL. Once you are done with this box you click on OK.

You will be taken to here (above) after you click ok in the Image Properties.

You want to make sure to change the following fields: Name, Description, Email Subject. The field for Text or HTML will always be HTML.

If you have no other changes to do, at the bottom of this screen below the boxes From Zip File and From URL, are 2 boxes: Submit and Next. You click on submit and it will save it. The new template will then show up at the top of the list in Template Library.

Campaign Tab:

In order to send the emails out we need click on Campaign. Then click on New Campaign Wizardwhich is below or above the list. You will be taken to a new screen.

There will be 2 boxes in the middle of the screen. Click on Blast Campaign.

1-Campaign: Will already say New Campaign and the day’s date. You will change New Campaign to whatever you are sending. For Example: Locale test 09/15/2011. Then click Next.

2-Select List:The next screen will show you who you are sending to already in groups. If sending a test you may want to choose something like BAB test. **Make sure that you make a note of how many is in the group you are sending to. You may need to send a confirmation email to the client. Also, need to enter in Quickbase.

3-Select Template: Here you will choose the template that you ‘re sending.The email content will pop up in a new window for you to view one last time. Click on Next.

4-Schedules: There a box checked in front of “Send me (login user) a test email” If left checked the client will receive the test email. Make sure that it is unchecked. Then hit submit.

What you just sent will show up on top of the Campaign list.

List Management:

The List Management tab allows you to add yourself so you can receive a copy of the test email. This is where you will see the total number of contacts who received the mailing. Below is where contacts arealready group together.

Make sure that you select the one that would say BAB test or similar to add your name .

After clicking on the test group, you will enter your full name and email address. There is a box checked next Also Create as Contact – leave the box checked. Then click on Add. You will see your name entered in the box on the left side with the other names.