Year B

Invitation to Prayer:

My brothers and sisters,

rejoicing in the presence of Jesus Christ among us,

and praying in union with our Saviour,

let us entrust our needs to God,

who gives us the Spirit with the promise of salvation.

Concluding Prayer:

Come, O God most high and near,

and bring glad tidings to the lowly;

reveal your face to the poor

and give light to those who dwell in darkness.

Grant that, at the advent of your Son,

we may recognize him in our midst

and find joy in his saving presence,

who lives for ever and ever.


O faithful God,

who have clothed us with the garment of salvation,

and robed us in Spirit of Jesus Christ,

grant that we may always rejoice in the good news of salvation

and humbly serve each other in your Church,

as we await the return of the Messiah in glory,

who lives for ever and ever.


Hear our prayers, O loving God,

and sanctify your people,

that our humble service may proclaim

the presence among us of the Light of the world,

your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives for ever and ever.


Third Sunday of Advent - December 17, 2017 - Year B

Deacon or Reader: The response is “Come, Lord Jesus, come.

1.For the Church, witness to the light and freedom of Jesus;

for a deeper appreciation of Christ’s incarnation as the sign of God’s presence

and love for all people;

and for all pastors who serve their communities with steadfast faith and love.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

2.For peace throughout the world as we prepare for the coming of Jesus;

for victims of hatred and violence;

for the safety of the Christians in the Middle East and all hostages and prisoners;

and for the dawning of salvation upon all people.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

3.For the children of the world;

for the homeless and persecuted, the ill and homebound;

and for those who care for shut-ins and the sick.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

4.For those who bring glad tidings to the poor and healing to the broken-hearted;

for the healing of relationships and the forgiveness of all wounds;

and for the humility of John the Baptist in our service and praise of God.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

5. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

for those who have died recently,

and for all the departed who await the resurrection of the body.

Come, Lord, and heal us.


Third Sunday of Advent - December 17, 2017 - Year B

Deacon or Reader: The response is “Come, Lord Jesus, come.

1.Deacon:Let us pray for the Church, witness to the light and freedom of Jesus:

Reader:For a deeper appreciation of Christ’s incarnation as the sign of God’s presence

and love for all people;

for the humility of John the Baptist in our service and praise of God;

and for all pastors who serve their communities with steadfast faith and love.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

2.Deacon:Let us pray for peace throughout the world as we prepare for the coming of Jesus:

Reader:For victims of hatred and violence;

for the safety of the Christians in the Middle East and all hostages and prisoners;

and for the dawning of salvation upon all people.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

3.Deacon:Let us pray for the needs of our community and parish:

Reader:For the homeless and persecuted, the ill and homebound;

for the children of the world;

and for those who care for shut-ins and the sick.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

4.Deacon:Let us pray for those who bring glad tidings to the poor and healing

to the broken-hearted:

Reader:For the Spirit’s gift of joy in living our baptismal commitment;

for the healing of relationships and the forgiveness of all wounds:

and for all who are facing difficulties, loneliness or darkness.

Come, Lord, and heal us.

5. Deacon:Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:

Reader:For the strengthening of our witness to Jesus;

for those who have died recently,

and for all the departed who await the resurrection of the body.

Come, Lord, and heal us.