Making a Global Pitch

Chapters 13 and 14 - Unit 4: 1450 to 1750


Advertising is a message designed to promote a product, a service, or an idea. It is designed to inform, influence, or persuade. To be effective, an advertisement must first attract attention and gain a person’s interest. It may then provide reasons for buying a product and for believing the advertiser’s claims.

Advertisers use a variety of techniques to create effective advertisements. They start with a basic appeal, which is the main selling point, or theme, of an advertisement. They then use certain specific techniques. The most commonly used techniques include:

  1. attention-getting headlines/pictures of product
  2. slogans
  3. testimonials
  4. product characteristics(locations)
  5. comparison of products
  6. repetition


Your group, employees of the Big Picture Advertising Agency, has just been assigned to design a new advertising campaign promoting one of the products of the Columbian Exchange as being the most influential to world history, affecting the largest number of people. You will be pitching your product to company executives trying to gain the business oftwo major firms looking for new advertising ideas: the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company.

The products are



-Atlantic slave trade







Your group must present its advertising campaign, its pitch, for the product that your group is assigned, to company executives trying to decide which product to represent in an international advertising promotion for the British East India Company or the Dutch East India Company.

Your “global pitch” must include a poster-sized ad and arguments demonstrating the historical significance and influence of your product in world history and its effect on the largest number of people. Your group should display the “print” advertisement during the group presentation in which each member of the group must present one part of your argument.

You should use your textbook and also may use web sites, and articles as sources of information for the research portion of your campaign. (Small printed MLA bibliography should be included on the back of your poster)


  1. Each member of the group will conduct research into the global significance and impact of your product.
  2. The group will develop a one page brief to be distributed to class, which will outline the important background concerning the product and its significance and impact.
  3. The group will work together to determine the best way to “sell” the significance of your product…remember this is to be in the form of an advertising pitch, not a simple oral presentation of a research project
  4. The group will develop print ad in poster form, which “sells” the global impact of your product.
  5. The group will deliver this “pitch” in a 4 -7 minute oral presentation, which informs the audience and sells the importance of their product.
  6. Please pay attention to the provided rubric for all these requirements!


-Chairperson/Research coordinator (in charge of overseeing research) *

  • ______

-Written brief coordinator (in charge of overseeing the production of the written handout)

  • ______

-Advertisement coordinator (in charge of overseeing the “print ad” / poster)

  • ______

-Oral Pitch coordinator (in charge of organizing the oral presentation)

  • ______

The grade for this project will be given to the group as a group grade out of 100 points. If for any reason there is a student not participating fully, inform the teacher in advance.

We will work in groups in class in the media center January 25th-26th, 2016!

All other work will be done outside of class.

Students must be finished and be prepared for presentations on January 27th-28th, 2016!

All student briefs to be handed out to the class must be copied by the group in advance. You may ask me to make copies on January 25th or 26thonly!

Do not ask me to copy it for you the day of presentations.