Sample Disclaimer Verbiage

Here is some sample deal room disclaimer verbiage :

Data Room Terms & Conditions

The information contained in this data room workspace, including any attachments

(collectively, "Workspace Data") is confidential. By clicking "agree", you acknowledge

and agree to strictly maintain the confidentiality of all Workspace Data in accordance

with the Confidentiality Agreement previously signed and provided to XXXXXXXXXXX, and agree to take normal and reasonable precautions to maintain such confidentiality so that you do not divulge Workspace Data to any third party.

By clicking agree, you indicate your acceptance of and agreement to be bound by these



Conditions of Access

I am being granted access to the information contained on this site in order to review certain

information of XXXXXXXX or their affiliates. I understand that my access to this site is

subject to the following conditions:

1. All of the information contained on this site is considered confidential, and is subject to

the Confidentiality Agreement entered into between XXXXXXX and the

company that I represent.

2. I will not attempt to download, scan, copy, print or otherwise capture any of the

information contained on the site, except that I may print or download information for

which the print or download capability has been enabled as indicated by the site index. I

will not attempt to circumvent any of the security features of the site, and will not enable

or allow others to access the site using my authorization to the site.

3. The information on this site has been prepared to assist interested parties in making their

own evaluation of a prospective transaction with XXXXXXXXX, and XXXXXX does not represent the information as being all-inclusive or to contain all

information that may be desirable or required in order to properly evaluate a potential


4. I understand that XXXXXXXXXX is making no representations or warranties, express

or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, and that XXXXXXXX will have no liability with respect to any use or reliance upon any of the


By clicking on the "I Agree" button, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the

above conditions.



You are about to enter an electronic data room containing confidential


“Company”). By clicking the button granting you access to this electronic data room: (a) you

are acknowledging that access to this data room is conditioned upon your agreement to maintain

the confidentiality of such information in accordance with the Confidentiality Agreement that

has been executed by you, or your client, with XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(“XXXX”) on behalf of

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. and (b) you personally agree to abide by the terms of such

Confidentiality Agreement.

Without limiting the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement, excerpted below for

your reference are certain selected paragraphs from the Confidentiality Agreement:

As a condition to your being furnished with such information, including any

Confidential Information Memorandum relating to the Transaction that may be prepared by or on

behalf of XXX, you shall, and shall cause your directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates

and advisers, including, without limitation, your attorneys, accountants, consultants and

investment bankers (with respect to any person, the foregoing persons are hereinafter referred to

as such person’s “Representatives”) to, treat any information concerning the Company that is

furnished to you by or on behalf of the Company for the purpose of reviewing, assessing and,

potentially, negotiating the Transaction, whether furnished before or after the date of this letter

agreement (this “Agreement”), together with any analyses, compilations, studies or other

documents prepared by you or your Representatives that contain, reflect or are based, in whole or

in part, on, such information furnished to you or your Representatives (collectively referred to as

the “Evaluation Material”), in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term “Evaluation Material” does not include information that

(a) was or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by you

or your Representatives in violation of this Agreement or (b) was or becomes available to you on

a non-confidential basis from a source other than the Company or its Representatives, provided

that such source was not known by you or your Representatives, after reasonable inquiry, to be

bound by any agreement to keep such information confidential, or otherwise prohibited from

transmitting the information to you or your Representatives by a contractual, legal or fiduciary


You hereby agree that you shall, and shall cause your Representatives to, use the

Evaluation Material solely for the purpose of evaluating the Transaction, and that you shall, and

shall cause your Representatives to, keep all such Evaluation Material confidential and to not

disclose any Evaluation Material to any third party, except that disclosure of Evaluation Material

shall be permitted if such disclosure (a) has been consented to in writing by XXX (b) is required

by law, regulation, regulatory authority, stock exchange rule or other applicable judicial or

governmental order, in which case you shall, and shall cause your Representatives to, comply

with the terms set forth in the second immediately following paragraph, or (c) is made to your

Representatives who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the

Transaction (it being understood that such Representatives shall have been advised of this

Agreement and shall have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of the Evaluation Material in

accordance with the terms set forth herein). In any event, you shall be responsible for any breach

of this Agreement by any of your Representatives. You further agree that the Evaluation

Material that is in written form shall not be copied or reproduced at any time without the prior

written consent of XXX except in connection with the evaluation of the Transaction.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, you hereby agree that,

without the prior written consent of XXX you shall not, and shall cause your Representatives not

to, disclose or provide any Evaluation Material to any potential equity financing source, and that

any potential equity financing sources shall not constitute “Representatives” hereunder unless

XXX has consented thereto in writing. Notwithstanding that you may disclose and provide

Evaluation Material to potential debt financing sources without the consent of XXX you agree

that you shall not request or require that any such potential debt financing source agree to

provide such financing to you on an exclusive basis in respect of a Transaction.

In addition, without the prior written consent of XXX you shall not (other than to

your Representatives), and will cause your Representatives not to, disclose, directly or indirectly,

to any person (a) that the Evaluation Material has been made available to you or your

Representatives, (b) that discussions or negotiations are taking place concerning the Transaction

or (c) any terms, conditions or other facts with respect to the Transaction, including the status


In the event that you or your Representatives are requested or required by law,

regulation, regulatory authority, stock exchange rule or other applicable judicial or governmental

order to disclose any Evaluation Material, you will, and will cause your Representatives to,

provide XXX with prompt written notice of such request or requirement so that XXX or an

affiliate thereof may seek an appropriate protective order. If, failing the entry of a protective

order, you or your Representatives are compelled to disclose Evaluation Material, you or your

Representatives, as applicable, may only disclose that portion of the Evaluation Material that you

or they are compelled to disclose and you will, and will cause your Representatives to, exercise

commercially reasonable efforts to obtain assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded

to that portion of the Evaluation Material that is being disclosed. In any event, you will not, and

will cause your Representatives not to, oppose action by XXX or any affiliate thereof to obtain an

appropriate protective order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be

accorded the Evaluation Material, and you will, and will cause your Representatives to, provide

such assistance and cooperation in connection therewith as XXX may reasonably request.

All Evaluation Material disclosed to you or your Representatives by or on behalf

of the Company (excluding any analyses, compilations, studies or other documents prepared by

you or your Representatives that contain, reflect or are based, in whole or in part, on, information

furnished to you or your Representatives by or on behalf of the Company (collectively,

“Internal Material”)) shall be and shall remain the property of the Company. Within five (5)

days after being so requested by XXX or XXX you shall, and shall cause your Representatives

to, return all documents and other materials furnished to you by or on behalf of the Company,

and you shall, and shall cause your Representatives to, destroy all Internal Material, provided

that you and your Representatives shall be entitled to retain one copy of any Internal Material if

required in order to comply with applicable law, regulation or stock exchange-related document

retention policies, provided in all cases you shall remain bound by the terms and conditions set

forth in this Agreement. Any destruction of materials shall be promptly confirmed by you in

writing. Notwithstanding the return or destruction of the Evaluation Material, you and your

Representatives will continue to be bound by your obligations of confidentiality and other

obligations hereunder.

You understand and acknowledge that any and all information contained in the

Evaluation Material is being provided without any representation or warranty, express or

implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the Evaluation Material, on the part of the

Company, XXX or any of their respective Representatives, stockholders, members, partners or

owners. You agree that none of the Company, XXX any of the other persons referred to in the

immediately preceding sentence or any other person shall have any liability to you or any of your

Representatives in respect thereof. It is understood that the scope of any representations and

warranties to be given by XXX or any other person will be negotiated along with other terms and

conditions in arriving at a mutually acceptable form of definitive agreement with respect to the

Transaction should discussions between you and XXX (or other applicable parties) progress to

such a point.