Named: Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb Abdel-Hafiz

Date and Place of birth: 30-10-1947. Dirout-Assiut-Egypt

Nationality: Egyptian

Last job: Vice-Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy-Assiut university

Marital status: Married and have two children

Home address and telephone number: 14 Kassem amin street ,Assiut.

Tel Home: 0020882326612


Academic and professional qualifications with dates obtained:

1-B.Pharm.Faculty of Pharmcy,Assiut University with grade very good,June 1972.

2-M.Sc. in Pharmacognosy,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University May 1976.

3-Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University September 1980


1-Demonstrator in Phramacognosy Dept.,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University,from June 1973 to May 1976

2-Assistant lecturer in Phramacognosy Dept.,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University,from May 1976 to December 1980

3-Lecturer in Phramacognosy Dept.,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University,from December 1980 to April 1985

4-Associate Prof. in Phramacognosy Dept.,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University,from April 1985 to December 1990

5-Professor in Phramacognosy Dept.,Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University.from December 1990 till now

6-Vice-Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy ,Assiut University,Assiut from September 1994 to August 2000


1-Postdoctoral Peace followship,Pharmacognosy of Pharmacy, Pittsburg University,Pennsylvania,U.S.A from 15-9-1981 to 30-7-1982

2-Pharmacognosy Dept,Faculty of Pharmacy,Louis paster University,Illkirch,Strasbourg-france from20-6-1988 to 20-8-1990

3-Leave to 7th April University,Zawia,Libyia from 1-10-2005 to 14-9-2009


1-Member of American Pharmacognosy society

2-Member of Egyptian Pharmacognosy society

3-Member of the Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy,Assiut University


1-Teaching the instrumental analysis of certain products to post graduate students (

2-Teaching Phramacognosy of natural drugs to under graduate students in Egypt & Libyia

3-External Examiner for the following Universities:Tanta,Cairo,Zakazik,El-Azhar,Ein Shams,El Minia,EL Fateh University(Libyia),7th October University

4-supervisor of MS.C & Ph.D. Thesis in Pharmacognosy Dept,Faculty of Pharmacy,Assiut University

5-Teaching for post gradute students in El Fateh University,Libiya

Last Employer

-Vice Dean for students affairs,Faculty of Pharmacy,Assiut University

List Of Publications

In separate pages.

List Of Publications

1-Investigation of the Lipoid Matter of sugar cane cultivated in Egypt.

A.A.Ali,A.M.El moghazi and M.A.Abd El hafiz

Egypt.S.Pharm.Sci. Vol.18. No.1 p 93(1977)

2-Erythrina Alkaloids 1. The alkaloids of flowers and seeds of Erythrina variegata.

M.M. El olemy,A.A.Ali,and M.A.Abd El hafiz

The journal of natural products (Lioydia).VOL.41,No 4 P.342-47(1979)

3-Flavonoids of Pimpinella anisum L.growing in Egypt.

A.M. El moghazi,A.A.Ali,S.A.Roos,and M.A.Abd El hafiz

Fitoterapia,Vol.L. No.6 P.267-68(1979)

4-Investigation of press cake of sugar cane cultivated in Egypt.

A.A.Ali,M.A.El moghazi,M.A.Abd El hafiz,and M.S.Mansour

Bull. Pharm.SCI.Assiut University.VOL. 5 P.106-116(1982)

5-Investigation of Pet. Ether Extract Of Leaves and Bulbs of crinum Bulbispermum Milne Redhead.

Part 1 fatty acids,Alkanes,stigmasterol,and dihydrositosterol.

A.A. Ali,and M.A.Abd El hafiz

Egypt.J.Pharm.SCI.VOL. 24 No.1-4 P.117(1983)

6-Investigation ofFlavonoids of Flowers and amino acids of seeds of Erythrina variegata.

A.A.Ali, M.A.Abd El hafiz,and S.A.Roos

Egypt.J.Pharm.SCI, VOL.24,No.1-4.P.125(1983)

7-Constituents of Jasminum azoricum L.

M.A.Abd El hafiz,and S.A.Roos

Journal of natural products(lioydia)VOL.47,No. 4,P.736-37(1984)

8-Pharmacognostical study of khaya senegalensis A.juss Growing in Egypt

Part 1-Botanical and chemical study of the Leaf.

M.A.Mesbah, M.A.Abd El hafiz,and M.A.El shanawany

Bull. Pharm.SCI.Assiut University,Vol.7,No.1,P.207(1984)

9-Determination of Iridoids,Flavanoids,and Mannitol in jasmins growing in Egypt

M.A.Abd El hafiz,and S.A.Roos,and N.E.El keltawi

Bull. Pharm.SCI.Assiut University,Vol.7,No.2,P.338(1984)

10-Investigations of Mucilages and fatty acids of crinum augustum

Rox.and M.A. Mesbah


11-8,9-Dihydrojasminin from Jasminum sambac Ait.

M.A.Abd El hafiz,and S.A.Roos

Egypt.J.Pharm.SCI.Vol.1-4 P.163(1985)

12-Contribution to the investigation of the constituents of hippeastrum vittatum L.Her.growing in Egypt

M.A.Mesbah, M.A.Abd El hafiz,andA.A.Ali


13-Neolignans and Alkaloids from Licaria arminiaca(Nees) Kosterm.

M.A.Abd El hafiz,D.J.Slatkin,and Paul Schiff


14-Pharmacognostical study of Portulaca oleracea L. growing in Egypt.

Part 1 Botanical study of the stems,leaves and Investigation of lipid content

H.M.Sayed and M.A.Abd El hafiz

Bull. Pharm.SCI.Assiut University,VOL.8, No.1,P.41(1985)

15-A new secoiridoid from jasminum azoricum L.

M.A.Abd El hafiz,and S.A.Roo,andA.A.Ali


16-Minor phenolic constituents of crinum augustum

M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A.Ramadan,and R.Anton

Journal of natural products,VOL.53,P.1349(1990)

17-Microchemical indentification and Differentiation of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids

A.A.Ali, M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A.Ramadan,and O.M.Abdallah

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,Vol.11,part2,P.281(1988)

18-Phytochemical study of Murraya exotica L.(Rutaceae)

1-Methoxylated Flavonoids of the leaves

D.W.Bishay,S.M.Elsayed, M.A.Abd El hafiz,H.Achenbach,and E.K.Desoky

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,Vol.10,part 2,P.55(1987)

19-New alkaline Hydroxyketones from chiococca alba

M.A.Abd El hafiz,B.Weniger,and R.Anton

First international congress on Ethnopharmacology Strasbourg(France),June 1990

20-Phytochemical study of barleria cristata L.and Barleria prionitis L.cultivated in Egypt

N.A Elmary,M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A Makboul,A.S. Ahmed

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,VOL.13,part 1,P.65(1990)

21-New keto alcohols from crinum augustum rox

M.A.Abd El hafiz

Phytochemsitry Vol. 29,No.12,P.3936(1990)

22-Macro and Micromorphology of Euphorbia heterophylla L.Part 1:The stem and leaf

N.A Elmary,M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A Makboul,S.F. Farag.

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,Vol.12,part 3,P.422(1989)

23-Macro and Micromorphology ofbarleria cristata L.and Barleria prionitis L.cultivated in Egypt.

N.A Elmary,M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A Makboul,A.S. Ahmed

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,VOL.12,part 3,P.437(1989)

24-Phytochemical study of Murraya exotica L. cultivated in Egypt.

2-coumarins of leaves

D.W.Bishay,S.M.Elsayed, M.A.Abd El hafiz,H.Achenbach,and E.K.Desoky

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,VOL.11,part 1,P.88(1988)

25-Cytotoxic activity of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids from crinum augustum rox and crinum bulbispermum milne

M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A. Ramadan,M.L. Jung,J.B.Beck,and R.Anton

first international congress on Ethnopharmacology Strasbourg(France),June 1990

26-Phytochemical study ofEuphorbia heterophylla L. cultivated in Egypt.

N.A Elmary,M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A Makboul,S.F. Farag.

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,VOL.13,part 1,P.51(1990)

27-Phenolic Glycosides from Prunus Serulata.

A.A.Ali, M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A.Ramadan,and O.M.Abdallah

Die Pharmazie,44,H.10,P.734(1989)

28-Phytochemical study of Murraya exotica L. growing in Egypt.

3-coumarins and cycloartenols of the leaves

D.W.Bishay,S.M.Elsayed, M.A.Abd El hafiz,H.Achenbach,and E.K.Desoky

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,VOL.2,part 1,P.105(1988)

29-Prrolophenanthridone Alkaloids from crinum augustum Rox. Bulbs.

A.A.Ali, M.A.Abd El hafiz,M.A.Ramadan

Bull. Pharm.sci,Assiut university,VOL.2,part 2,p.273(1988)

30-Lignans and Coumarins from Chiococca alba.

M.A.Abd El hafiz,B.weniger,J.C.Quirion,and R.Anton

first international congress on Ethnopharmacology Strasbourg(France),June 1990.