Lorain County, Ohio

Transportation Improvement District

January 11, 2016

The Transportation Improvement District met on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Public Hearing Room B.

The following members attended:

Chairman Commissioner Ted Kalo

Commissioner Lori Kokoski

Commissioner Matt Lundy

Secretary/Treasurer, James R. Cordes

Vice-Chair County Engineer, Kenneth P. Carney

Ex-Officio Members State Representative & Senator waiting for appointments

Others in attendance were: Bob Klaiber, County Engineer’s Office

Pat Hastings, City of Sheffield Lake

Approval of minutes:

Lori Kokoski moved, seconded by Matt Lundy to approve the minutes of June 2, 2015 as submitted. Upon roll call the vote taken resulted: Ayes: All

Motion carried.

Report of the presiding officer(s), and/or acting director of staff: There were no issues for this day.

Other Reports and communications:

Bob Klaiber discussed the FY15 project summary. 5 project applications were submitted for funding in FY2016 and $100,000 was received for Oster Road improvement by Ford Plant, Sheffield Village. A follow up meeting with the Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Jobs and Commerce indicated that shovel ready projects with an economic development component were looked upon most favorably. The Lear Nagle Road project also scored well and the state recommended resubmitting this project in the next funding round. The other projects submitted by the Lorain County TID did not score well as they were seeking funding for planning and/or engineering.

James Cordes indicated he would like to see the airport road on the list; he has discussed this for many years. Mr. Klaiber said that scored poorly, because it is just in the planning phase. Mr. Cordes said he wants to see this project on some board, even if it is not with the TID, because without this road and being no access from SR20 from west/south to the industrial park it just sits. Lori Kokoski asked about District 9. Mr. Klaiber said it would be eligible for construction funding but was not sure if the district would entertain this project for engineering. Mr. Cordes said we have drawings, we just need land acquisitions. Mr. Klaiber said we have preliminary plans but if federal funds were utilized, more detail would be required including environmental studies. Mr. Klaiber said he will get in touch with Don Romancak, Community Development Director, and his staff to review the project and try to come up with a strategy to fund the project.

Mr. Klaiber stated that there are 21 other TID boards in the state and we are all competing for funding and have received over $1 million in the last 3-4 years.

Matt Lundy would like to see Lear Nagle/Detroit on the radar. He said Chester Road/Lear Nagle is busy and then going north to Detroit is like rural from 4 lanes down to 1 lane. Mr. Klaiber said the City of Avon is moving forward with the Detroit Road/Nagel Road improvement.

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Mr. Cordes said the traffic on Lear Nagle, N. Ridgeville is busy. Mr. Kalo said there are 66,000 cars/day that come through this intersection.

Mr. Kalo said Detroit Road cannot be expanded because of the historic district.

Old Business: There were no issues for this day.

New business:

a.  Appoint Officers




Members Ted Kalo

Lori Kokoski

Matt Lundy

Ken Carney

James R. Cordes

Ex-Officio Members Senator

State Representative

Staff Acting Director – James R. Cordes

Clerk Theresa Upton

Clerk stated that letters were sent to the Senate President and Speaker of the House for appointments of the ex-officio members, have not received anything as of today.


In the matter of electing the officers and)

Staff for Lorain County Transportation )

Improvement District for 2016 ) January 11, 2016

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Transportation District we hereby elect the officers and staff for Lorain County Transportation Improvement District for 2016.

Chair Matt Lundy

Vice-Chair Ken Carney

Secretary/Treasurer James R. Cordes

Members Ted Kalo

Lori Kokoski

Matt Lundy

Ken Carney

James R. Cordes

Ex-Officio Members Senator

State Representative

Staff Acting Director – James R. Cordes

Clerk Theresa Upton

Motion by James Cordes, seconded by Lori Kokoski to adopt the slate of officers. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted; Ayes: All.

Motion carried. ______

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FY17 proposed projects

1. Lear Nagle Road is staring construction this week, kick off meeting with contractor and residents, and this would meet qualifications. Mr. Cordes said Lear Nagle received about $250,000 TID funds already and have never seen a ribbon cutting or communication from N. Ridgeville in recognition.

2. ODOT has plans to reconstruct SR301 from SR6 to Ford Plant, it is a $1 2million project under design and there is a shortfall and they have verbally committed $350,000.

3. Mr. Lundy said from Chester to SR83 north to railroad tracks to Avon Lake, you cannot get into those business and Avon Lake, Avon is growing and this is an issue.

4. Mr. Cordes said SR57/Chestnut, Elyria. Eaton Township has rezoned, Lorain County is looking at getting the sewer, that area is getting congested, township has no money. Mr. Klaiber said this is under study now. Mr. Cordes said ODOT gave the City the light and there is a timing issue with the light.

5) Mr. Kalo said SR113 to Oberlin. Mr. Cordes said from Golden Acres to SR2 is congested. Mr. Klaiber believes this is a signal problem. Mr. Kalo said east of the county is filling up fast we need to do something west and southern. Mr. Cordes said SR511 to SR20 divert traffic. Mr. Cordes said SR113/SR58

6) Mr. Cordes asked about Center Ridge Road, N. Ridgeville to Case Road, Elyria all roads from Cuyahoga County are four lanes up until Lorain County dumping into 1 lane with some turn lanes. There is a lot of commercial/business on this road with sewer. Mr. Kalo said this is additional capacity versus maintaining what there is.

7) Mr. Kalo said SR82. Mr. Cordes said Columbia Township is working on their master plan and sewers. Mr. Cordes said sewers from Boone Road. Mr. Cordes said within the next 5-8 years there will be 1,500 additional homes and demand for services. We need to keep those resources here in the county rather than going into Cuyahoga County and the key to profitability is density and they have struggles.

Mr. Klaiber said in May, State will announce opening of applications for FY2017. Mr. Lundy asked if we notify the jurisdictions. Mr. Klaiber said traditionally we have not solicited project requests as this could result in a huge influx of projects. Looking forward, projects that are shovel ready and provide an economic development component should be considered by the TID.

8) Pat Hastings, City of Sheffield Lake Superintendent said they have been notified that ODOT would like to resurface SR301 (Abbe Road) from Lake Road to Sheffield Village line. This is a $1.2 million project for 2018 construction. The City will apply to OPWC as part of their local share. As part of the discussion of the lakefront initiative, this could have an impact on decision and more access to the lake. He said Sheffield Lake is coming off economic recovery and trying to get these bigger projects with a better position to funding them. He is here to see if the County TID can help with some funding; this will be curbs and concrete. Mr. Cordes asked if there has been a car count, because usually there is only a rush of traffic maybe 3 times a day.

Ken Carney asked about the widening with 3 lanes, workable solution with 6-7 feet on each side. Mr. Klaiber said this is ODOT’s design and it is a state route within a municipality and they have verbally committed to $3-400,000 for urban resurfacing program and OPWC from City, so it could be a shortfall

of $500,000. Mr. Klaiber said this is a competitive grant and will keep in contact with the City of Sheffield Lake.

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8. Other – there was nothing

9. Public Comment – there was no public comment for this day.

10. Adjourn:

With nothing further, James R. Cordes moved, seconded by Ted Kalo to adjourn at 11:40 a.m. Upon roll call the vote taken, resulted as: Ayes: All.

Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted; Theresa L. Upton - Clerk


James. R. Cordes, Secretary/Treasurer, LCTID