Prof: Jennifer Icaza-Gast


Office: GB 217 G

Office phone: 986-4915

Office hours:______

Communication Dep’t. phone: 651-2241


Home phone:------(emergency only)

*The University discourages faculty from returning long-distance calls, due to the expense. Please use e-mail.


The fundamental assumption of this course is that our theories and research about relationships and communication have an impact on what we know about interpersonal communication. This course will help you become more aware of the intricate processes involved in communication and relational processes. Given that objective, one purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to theories and research in interpersonal communication. One possible outcome of this process is that you may learn to apply these theories/concepts to various interpersonal contexts in your life. By the end of the semester you should be able to; 1) identify key communicative concepts/constructs both for yourself and your classmates; 2) understand certain communicative influences on various social and personal relationships you may encounter; and 3) read and evaluate research and theory reports, plus be able to relate them to your interpersonal communication.


Beebe, S., Beebe, S., and Redmond, M. (2008). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others,5th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.


Final course grades are based on the following components:

Participation in classroom discussion/activities 150 points

Two papers 100 points

Exam 1 100 pointExam 2 100 points

Outside assignments 100 points

Quizzes 50 points

Total pts. possible = 600 points

Final grades are calculated on an absolute scale:

90% = A

80% = B

70% = C

60% = D

Below 60% = F


I will uphold University policies regarding academic dishonesty, attendance, incompletes, withdrawals, etc. Consult the following sources for more information: Undergraduate Bulletin and the Spring Semester Schedule, 2009.

Attendance: Because we do a lot of in-class activities, attendance is essential! I expect students to be in class and on time. I do, however, recognize that events may arise that require you to be absent. If this is the case, please notify me before class of your absence. This is simply common courtesy. If you miss class for any reason, it is YOUR

responsibility to catch up on the reading and any work missed.

Note: Attendance can influence my decision if you are border-line with regard to the final grade. Also, I will encourage anyone who misses more than five days to withdraw from the class as nothing will make up for lost experience.

Assignments: All assignments must be turned in on time in order to receive full credit. If you are absent on a day that an assignment is due, you can make up that assignment for partial credit if you have an excused absence. In order to receive an excused absence, you must provide written documentation that will demonstrate that the circumstance was beyond your control.

All assignments to be turned in must be typed in order to receive credit. All papers must be turned in to me in hard copy form. I will not accept papers via computer!

Have a backup copy of all submitted work.

No quizzes may be made up, unless your absence qualifies as excused.

All quizzes must remain under my supervision. Any student who leaves the classroom with a quiz will receive a zero on the quiz and face possible disciplinary action for academic dishonesty.


You will be evaluated on being able to demonstrate the following behaviors:

attend class

thoroughly be prepared

participate in discussion of readings

learn about interpersonal communication

share knowledge/expertise/experiences beyond course readings

turn in all assignments on time

cooperate with classmates

seek my help whenever you want/need it

show enthusiasm for course material and the class process

I have responsibilities as well. You can evaluate me on these criteria on the evaluations given at the end of the semester. My responsibilities are to:

provide guidance for discussions

present material in a meaningful way

evaluate your work in a constructive manner

encourage initiative and independent thinking

return work in a punctual manner

be available for help when you need/want it