University of Manitoba

Paramedical Practicum


The practice of Anesthesia itself incorporates knowledge and technical skills in the areas of physiology, pharmacology, medicine and critical care. Our intent in this period is not to teach students a great deal about the practice of Anesthesia per se This rotation has been designed to teach students those topics from the Anesthesia armamentarium that are, or should be, part of the knowledge base needed for the stabilization and support of critically ill patients. The exact topics can be found in the reference material provided.

Goals and Objectives:

The curriculum for the Paramedical practicum is divided into modules. Each of these (airway, monitoring, and fluid management) has its own goals and objectives, which are listed at the beginning of the module outline. These modules can be learned concurrently during one practicum or sequentially on different visits. The goals and objectives in the modules are described in terms of competencies. Once the trainee has demonstrated a mastery of the competencies contained within a particular module, s/he is considered to have passed that module.

Learning Resources:

·  OR Teaching: In general, trainees spend each day with a staffperson in the O.R. They will be exposed to the technical skills in actual cases. In addition, this will leave ample opportunity to discuss didactic topics one-on-one with the staff.

·  Manual: In addition to the clinical teaching with staff, the Department will provide a reference manual. Members of the Department have prepared this manual, to reflect the teaching goals above. This will allow you to be an active participant in discussion in the O.R. This will not only enhance your learning experience, but also make for much more enjoyable time in the O.R.

·  Airway Laboratory: Where applicable, trainees will be provided access to the airway laboratory. In the airway laboratory, trainees will have the opportunity to utilize airway models. This will allow for the learning and practice of basic techniques prior to practicing on actual patients, and for utilization of equipment and/or techniques that may otherwise not be available in the OR experience.

Educational Organizational Structure:

Dr. Eric Jacobsohn
Professor Head,

University of Manitoba

Medical Director WRHA Anesthesia Program

Dr. Rob Brown
Vice Chair, Educational Affairs
Dr. S. Sareen
Coordinator / S.O.G.H.
Dr. B. Ong
Dr. K. Baron
Coordinators / VGH
Dr. Subash Sethi
Dr. Shawn Young
Co-Site Medical Managers / GGH
Dr. V. Saadia
Coordinator / SBGH
Dr. C. Rajamohan
Dr. J. Ballen

University Paramedical Education Asst.:

Cindy Marykuca – Harry Medovy House, HSC 787-2261


Clinical Secretaries: Beatrice Kallu - HSC 787-3796

Joan Prodanuk - SBGH 237-2580

Orientation Information

·  Most of the information required to navigate successfully through the practicum can be found in this manual. It contains general information, the student log sheet, and the student manual.

·  Prior to attending the practicum the trainee will have been notified for which hospital the practicum has been scheduled.

·  On the first day of the practicum, the trainee must present at the time and place indicated in the table below for the hospital to which you have been assigned. The primary contact person is also indicated in the table below. The trainee will be shown around the Department, and receive the daily scheduling information. In the event that the primary contact person is not available, a list of alternative contacts and how to reach them is provided for each site.

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Orientation Information

First Day / §  0700 - Arrive in Anesthesia Departmental Offices (2nd Floor, Harry Medovy House, 671 William Avenue) to obtain OR access card
How to Find Contacts / §  Ask anyone in JJ274
§  Ask at OR Desk
§  Paging 72071
Contact Information / Name / Title / Role
Primary / Varies monthly / Senior Resident / Scheduling, resource and orientation for trainees
Alternatives / Varies Daily / In-House Anesthetist (IHA) / Coordinates all OR activities
Dr. Sanjay Sareen / Site Education Coordinator / Oversees senior resident, secondary resource
Dr. Leanne Docking / Site Education Coordinator / Oversees senior resident, secondary resource
Dr. Rob Brown / Vice Chair Education / Oversees all education
First Day / §  0700- Arrive at OR desk (if unable to enter, call from pt lounge)
§  Directions to Change room available at OR desk, change into greens
§  0715- Meet Senior resident in L2035
How to Find Contacts / §  Ask at L2035 Desk
§  Ask at OR Desk
§  Paging 72071
Contact Information / Name / Title / Role
Primary / Varies monthly / Senior Resident / Scheduling, resource and orientation for trainees
Alternatives / Joan Prodanuck
Primary Contact / Senior Resident / Senior Resident / Dr. Vivian. Saadia / Dr. Subash Sethi / Dr. Bill Ong
Contacts / Dr. Sanjay Sareen
Dr. Leanne Docking
In-House- Anesthetist
Beatrice Kallu* / Joan Prodanuk** / OR Desk / OR Desk / OR Desk
Orientation / 0700- Anesthesia Departmental Office (2nd Floor Harry Medovy) / 0715 - Dept. of Anesthesia – Room L2035 / 0715- Main OR Desk / 0715- Main OR Desk / 0715- Main OR Desk
OR Start / 0730 / 0745 / 0730 / 0745 / 0745
Lockers / Assigned by Anesthesia Office (Cindy Marykuca) / To be assigned on site. / Male – Door –2,4,1
Female Door – ask at OR Desk
Dept. Phone / 787-3796 / 237-2580 / 837-0120 / 477-3183 / 632-3176
OR Desk / 787-3524 / 237-2580 / 837-0120 / 477-3183 / 632-3176

*Secretary, HSC Department of Anesthesia

**Administrative Assistant SBGH Department of Anesthesia

Student Log Sheets:

1. It is the nature of the anesthesia rotations that students work with a new preceptor each day. It is essential, therefore, that daily evaluations be done. The modular design of the curriculum is predicated upon the demonstration of mastery of each of the competencies listed. The evaluation sheet included in each module must be filled out and handed back in to the anesthesia office in order to confirm a successful conclusion to the practicum.

Mandatory Requirements:

1.  Punctual attendance in the O.R. as scheduled is expected for the entire rotation. You must contact the Site Education Coordinator in the event of illness, and makeup time will be arranged, as appropriate. You should arrive at the slated O.R. 10 minutes prior to the slated start time, to allow time to meet the preceptor and discuss the first case.


January 2010

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