Admissions Policy and Entry Procedure at

Waterfield Primary School

Admission to this school is co-ordinated by a team based in Horsham. Application should be made to the Pupil Admissions Team (Area C), Adults and Children, Learning, County Hall North, Chartway, Horsham, RH12 1XA. Tel: 08450 751007.e-mail: . Please keep the admissions office and the school office advised of any changes to your children's circumstances during their education (change of name, address, school etc.) to assist in the forward planning of school provision for West Sussex. Further details relating to admissions can be found on the West Sussex Grid for Learning website: .

Children in West Sussex can be admitted to school at the beginning of the academic year of their fifth birthday. It will be at the parents’ discretion, in consultation with the class teacher and headteacher, as to whether Autumn entry into school is appropriate for children born in Spring or Summer, although it is unusual for parents to elect to delay. If the decision is made to delay entry until the Spring or Summer Term, a child’s place will not be put in jeopardy. There is a long period of liaison, prior to a child entering school, during which parents may consult with staff. If parents of the third group of children (Summer born) feel it is inappropriate for their child to enter school early, and choose to send their child after his/her fifth birthday, which is the statutory age for school attendance, the child would enter school in Year 1 and not into Reception class. Pupils with special needs including those with disabilities are admitted in the same way as other pupils. Special transition arrangements will be set up if required.

Induction For Pupils

In the preceding Summer term, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) teachers will visit the main pre-school groups which have children joining Waterfield Primary School the following September. Children will also be invited to join the EYFS classes for an afternoon and during that time.Miss Gilzene and Mr Moss will hold a parent’s meeting to discuss general school routines and to answer any queries parents may have.You will have the opportunity to order school uniform and book bags. EYFS children will also be invited to join part of ‘moving up morning’ when the whole school spends a morning in their ‘new class’. At the end of the session, parents will collect their children from the main entrance.


Children under eight years of age, whose homes are more than two miles from school and who have been placed at Waterfield School by the admissions team because places are not available at their nearest school, are eligible to use a school taxi service or to claim a mileage allowance. This service is extended to children over eight years who live more than three miles away. All issues relating to transport matters for children attending this school are dealt with by the Transport Office based in County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RF. They can be contacted on 01243-753530.