Fundraising Opportunities for Summer Camp!!!

At Young Life we believe that money should not be a reason a student can’t come to camp! This economy has been tough on many and we want to do all we can to help students earn the money they might need toward camp fees. We’ve planned some great opportunities for your student to participate and help raise his/her camp money. In order to plan ahead we need to know if your student will take part in a fundraiser so please email or call the contact listed to ensure your student can participate. Happy Fundraising!

Sell Palio Coffee to family, teachers & friends! Young Life has partnered with Palio Coffee, a local, organic coffee that is comparable to Peet’s and Starbucks. Each lb is freshly roasted and will become a favorite for your friends. For non-coffee drinkers this is also a great gift. Coffee is $14/lb of which $5 goes toward student camp fee. Coffee can be purchased ground or bean, regular or decaf. Sales sheet enclosed.

Saturday, April 9th- CampKnapping!! This is an EASY and fun way to raise money for camp! How does it work? Between 9a-12noon a group of students will pair up with a leader and “CampKnap” unsuspecting, but supportive , YL adults around Marin. The kids/leaders will drive the campknappee to Young Life Jail (aka the YL office) where they will receive a ransom note instructing them to call friends/family to raise money for bail (aka camp donations!). Kids can cheer on campknappees as they raise bail. Students who participate will receive a percentage of the bail raised that day- Easy and fun!!

Saturday, May 7th- Marin Human Race!! This is a fun 5k race/walk that YL Marin will participate in as a group. We will have a booth, group costume and opportunity for you to get sponsors for your walk/run. The race theme this year is Family Fitness so get out those tube socks and 70’s fitness outfits and join the Young Life team! You can raise LOTS of money by getting our sponsor form and asking people to sponsor you.

Saturdays, May 21st & June 4th- Camp Car Wash!! Sun, Suds and Fun! Our car wash will probably be at the Paradise Foods lot in Corte Madera, but we will confirm closer to the date. Timing will be 9a-1pm. Spread the word to family and friends to come get their car washed and support summer camp! This will be a FREE car wash, but tips are usually received toward camp.

Another fun way to support Young Life and camp!

Help send kids to camp and look great doing it! One of our amazing volunteer leaders, Hillary Scheblein, is a hair stylist at Peace, Love & Grilled Cheeses Salon in San Anselmo & has offered to donate 20% of all hair services in March/April to Yl Marin Camp! Contact Hillary at 415-686-0518 or

Hillary Scheblein is also our new administrator and will be keeping track of student fundraising for camp. Please contact Hillary to sign your student up for any of these fundraising opportunities at our office 415-492-2239 or
