Follow these points to achieve the Gold Award for Behaviour!

Colour the stars to show you have understood.

  • Show respect for yourself by making choices that

will avoid you harming yourself or getting yourself into


Always try to behave sensibly.

  • Never take part in any form of bullying. If

you or anyone else is being bullied,

tell an adult.

Asking for advice is not telling tales.

You are as important as the next person.

Everyone matters. Your school years are

the best of your life. You have the right

to enjoy school and to be free from fear and feel

safe in school

  • Work hard, to be successful and receive

praise and encouragement from your teachers.

Show enthusiasm and commitment in all you do.

You are working for yourself so that you can

be proud of your own achievements.

  • Be proud to wear your correct school uniform.
  • Do not use any mobile phones in school between the

hours of 8.50am and 3.10pm

  • Have regard for school Health and SafetyGuidelines.

Remember to walk around school and avoid accidents.

  • Try to complete your Lifelong Learning activities

and hand them in on time.

Attitudes Towards Adults

  • Always show respect to all staff and other adults in

school at all times. Always call them by their name

(eg. Mr/Miss/Mrs)

Speak politely (say please, thank you, excuse me, pardon).

Open doors, offer to help. Say “hello” if you meet

someone as you walk around school.

  • Be careful about the pitch of your voice.

Speak quietly and respectfully and never swear

Follow instructions promptly, without argument. Apologise

whenyou are wrong.

Attitudes Towards Other Children

  • Show respect for those of different race, gender,

ability, religion or culture. Verbal abuse or

violence will not be tolerated.

  • Work co-operatively with all other children.

Behave in a friendly manner towards other


  • Show understanding towards all other children and

acceptance of different personalities, activities,

appearance and gender

Classroom Behaviour

  • Have good attendance.

Be punctual – arriving between 8.40 and 8.50am.

  • Arrive clean and tidy and ready for learning.

Enter the classroom sensibly and quietly.

  • Show respect for furniture, resources and other

peoples belongings

  • Never bring sweets, fizzy drinks or chewing gum into school.
  • Make sure that working with you is a pleasant

experience for other children and for the staff.

Behaviour In the Lunch Hour

  • Follow our lunchtime management plan.

Use good manners. Help make lunchtimes


  • Enter and leave the hall quietly, calmly and


  • Always queue quietly and sensibly.
  • Always pick up any litter or dropped food or


  • Speak quietly amongst your fellow diners and politely to

the lunchtimeorganisers and kitchen staff.

Do as you aretold, do not argue.

  • Use cutlery in an appropriate manner
  • Remain at your table whilst eating and always put your

hand up if you need an adult

  • Always clear your tray and push your chair under when

leaving the table


  • Playtimes are for fresh air and recreation, we

must make them enjoyable occasions.

  • Never fight or quarrel.
  • When using the field we must use only the

areas which the teachers or lunchtime

organisers permit.

  • During the winter months, only children in full football

kit are allowed to play football on the field on their

designated day

  • We must stand still when the whistle is blown and

Then walk promptly and quietly into our lines

  • We must put any litter in a bin.
  • Some Year 5 & 6 children are trained as

‘Playground Friends’. Always show them respect.

  • If you see anyone without a friend or sitting on

the Friendship Bench, try and be friendly towards

them and include them in your games


  • We must enter and leave the hall quietly,

Reflecting on what we have heard or seen.

  • We must try to make our teachers and parents

feel proud of us. We must listen attentively.

If we are part of the assembly we must give

our best performance.

  • We must remember that Thursday Family Assembly

is an act of worship and behave accordingly.

Behaviour Before and After School

  • We must not play football before the start of


  • We must enter the building quietly and calmly

without our parents (except for the first 2 weeks

in the Reception class).

  • We must leave our clothes and bags neatly in the

cloakroom on our allotted pegs.

  • We must walk quietly into class and sit down, engaging

in the morning task.

  • At the end of the day we must leave school quietly and calmly.
  • We must try and create a good impression of our school

to those who live close by and not upset our neighbours

inEvelyn Avenue, Greenwood Close, St James’ Road, or

The Beazer Estate in any way.

Finally, always remember our school rule –





This will ensure that you are “Going for Gold”.

Evelyn CP School

First publishedApril 1999

UpdatedApril 2001

UpdatedApril 2007

UpdatedFebruary 2010

UpdatedMay 2012

UpdatedMay 2016