Westminster Homecare believes that the caring industry is involved in the protection of the individual and society from substances and practices that endanger personal and community health; and pro-active prevention of negative health decisions and practices.
Westminster Homecare will educate and train employees in all positive environmental health procedures and audit practices to ensure the environment is not endangered in the pursuit of client care.
To specify and monitor those aspects of environmental conditions which may be involved in the conduct of the care industry.
The Company will
- Refrain from the use of products containing ozone depleting chemicals.
- Use products which do not deplete the tropical forests.
- Work within environmental legislation as it emerges.
- Monitor the work of the Company and employees to ensure best practice is maintained.
The Company.
Use of sustainably managed resources.
Education of staff in resource management.
Control of energy and water resources.
The Carer.
Education and training in the efficient use of resources.
Deployment to reduce vehicle use as much as possible.
Encouragement to use energy efficient transport.
Recycling of materials used in care.
The Client.
Preserving energy and water.
Disposal of waste in a safe prescribed manner.
Promotion of health and preventive strategies.
Awareness of environmental friendly legislation.
Implementation of environmental friendly legislation.
Monitoring day to day practices.
Audit facilities to check outcomes.
Environmental practices established.
Level of awareness and best practice maintained.
Audit Checklist
1.Prevention of the use of:
- Chloroflourocarbons (CFC’s)eg. Aerosol deodorants
- Hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFC’s)eg. Refrigeration units
- Hydrobromoflourocarbons (HBFC’s)eg.
- Organic solvents containing carbonseg.
2.Use of products from managed sources
- Woodeg. Desks
- Hardwoodseg. Furniture
- Maintain a system of regular review of environment legislation as it effects the Care Industry.
- Checks on transport, at interview
- Number of vehicles using unleaded petrol
- Number of vehicles using leaded petrol
- Ratio of car to non-car users
- Managed deployment of staff to reduce mileage
- Waste Management
Items used
- Latex gloves
- Plastic aprons
- Domestic gloves
Ratio of items to care hours
- Latex gloves
- Plastic aprons
- Domestic gloves
Disposal of
- Latex gloves
- Plastic aprons
- Domestic gloves
- Incontinence pads
- Energy Management
- Type of energy used in offices
- Type of energy used in equipment
fax machines
heat seal machines
video recorders
mobile telephones
- Water Management
amounts used in:
- Bed bathing
- Strip washing
- Bathing
- Showering
- Method of heating water
- Resource Management
- Staff members
- Carers
- Supplies
- Stationery