vice-rector of educational work


"" 2008 year


of the study of discipline


on 2008-2009 educational year

A reference book for a students is made on the base of operating curriculum and program of the educational discipline " Human Anatomy " for the students of higher educational establishments of ІП-ІV levels of

accreditation (MPH of Ukraine, Kiev, 2005)

It is approved on the methodical conference of department of human anatomy

on 9 th of June, 2008 (protocol № 127)

Chief of department of human anatomy

professor B.G.Маkar

It is approved by a subject methodical commission of the medico-biological disciplines of morphological type on 12d of June, 2008 ( protocol № 9)

Chief of the subject-methodical

commission, professor B.G.Маkar

Сhernivtsi, 2008


Normative discipline

1. Entry

amount of educational hours - 435 (14,5 credits of ЕСТ8), amount them:

Lectures -50 hours

Practical lessons - 230 hours

Independent work - 155 hours

The contents of discipline is structured on 5 modules and 17 profound modules.

2. Structure of discipline “Human anatomy" and account of points for current educational activity (convertation traditional marks into points; estimation in marks for the fulfillment individual tasks, if it is foreseen by working educational program.


Number of the module, amount of the educational hours / Amount of the profound modules, their numbers / Amount of the practical lessons, hours / Convertation into grades the traditional marks / Minimal amount of the grades
Traditional marks / Grades for the fulfillment of the individual task as type ISW
5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Module 1
105/3,5 / 4 / 70 / 8 / 70,5
Practical lessons 1-13 / 3,5 / 3 / 2,5 / 0
Practical lessons
14-32 / 3,533 / 3 / 2 / 0
Module 2
90/3,0- / 5 / 44 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 0 / 6 / 76
Module 3
75/2,5 / 3 / 40
Practical lessons 58-69 / 6,5 / 5 / 4,5 / 0 / 12 / 74
Practical lessons 70-74 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 0
Module 4
60/2, / 2 / 26 / 11 / 9 / 7 / 0 / 10 / 70
Module 5
105/3,5 / 3 / 50 / 5 / 4 / 3,5 / 0 / 10 / 77

* The minimum quantity of marks, which student must collect for current educational activity in study of present module, to be admitted to compose of the final module control.

3. Final aim of study of "Human Anatomy ", according to the Educationally-professional program (EPP):

- To analyze information about structure of the human body, systems, that it contains, organs and tissues;

- To define the topography-anatomical relations of organs and systems of the human body;

- To interpret the conformities of the prenatal and early postnatal development of organs of the human being, variants of changeability of organs, defects of development;

- To interpret sexual, age-old and individual features of structure of organism of the human body;

- To foresee the correlation and unity of structures and functions of organs of the human body, their changeability under influence ecological factors;

- To define influence of social terms and labour on development and structure of human organism ;

- To demonstrate the domain of the moral-ethical principles of attitude to living human being and its body as object of anatomical and clinical research.

Description of the modules of discipline " Human Anatomy "

4.1. MODULE 1

4.1.1. Thematic plan of lectures

№ / Themes of lectures / Amount of hours
1. / Object and tasks of anatomy. Research methods in an anatomy. Basic modern directions of development of anatomy. Bukovinian anatomical school. The basic stages of the human embryogenesis. Studies about embryonic sheets. / 2
2. / General osteology. Bone as an organ. Classification of bones. The basic stages stages of development of bones in embryogenesis. / 2
3. / General arthrology. Anatomy of discontinuous ( synovial) and continuous connections between bones. Development of connections between bones in ontogenesis. / 2
4. / General mycology. Muscle as an organ. Classification of muscles. Development of skeletal muscles.Muscles of the girdle and free upper and lower limps. / 2
5. / The muscles and fasciae of head and trunk. / 2
All / 10

4.1.2. Thematic plan of practical lessons.

№ / Theme / Amount of hours
Module 1. Locomotory apparatus. / 2
General plan of structure of human organism. Anatomical terminology. Planes, axis of human body. Shape, structure, chemical composition of bones and their age peculiarities. General structure of vertebrae. / 2
Spine, its bends. Change in shape spine in human being conditioned by straight walking. Cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. / 2
Sacral bone. Coccygeal bone. Change in form and structure, the sections of spine which depends on function and age. Ribs and sternum. The thorax in whole. / 2
Skeleton of upper limb – general plan of structure. Bones of shoulder girdle. Humerus. / 2
Bones of forearm and hand. / 2
Skeleton of lower limb – general plan of structure. Hip bone. Pelvis in whole. Femur bone. Patella / 2
Bones of leg and foot. X-rays image of skeleton. / 2
General data about structure of bones. Occipital and parietal bones. / 2
Frontal and ethmoidal bones. / 2
Sphenoidal bone. / 2
Temporal bone. Maxilla. / 2
Palatine bone. Mandible and small bones of viscerocranium. / 2
Skull as a whole. Nasal cavity. Orbit. Temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossa. X-ray image of cranium. / 2
Arthrology. Kinds of connections present in joints. Connections of vertebrae. Atlantooccipital joint. Connections of ribs / 2
Temporomandibular joint. Connections of bones of the shoulder girdle. Shoulder joint. / 2
Elbow joint. Connections of bones of the forearm. Radiocarpal joint. Joints of hand. / 2
Connections of hip bone. Hip joint. / 2
Knee joint / 2
Connections of bones of the leg.Tibiofibular articulations. The Ankle Joint. Archs of the Foot. / 2
Myology. Anatomical structure of muscles. Muscles and fasciae of back. / 2
Muscles and fasciae of chest. Diaphragm. / 2
Abdominal muscles and fasciae / 2
Sheath of the rectus abdominal muscle, inguinal canal. / 2
Superficial muscles of neck. Triangles of neck. Deep muscles of neck.Fasciae of neck. / 2
Muscles of mastication and facial muscles. Fasciae of head. / 2
Muscles and fasciae of the shoulder girdle and shoulder. Axillary cavity / 2
Muscles of forearm. Fasciae of forearm. / 2
Muscles of hand. Fasciae and synovial sheathes of tendons of muscles of the upper limb. / 2
External and internal muscles of pelvis. Supra- and infrapiriforme openings. Fasciae of pelvis. / 2
Muscles and fasciae of femur. Femoral and adductor canals. / 2
Muscles of leg. Popliteal fossa. Cruro-popliteal canal. / 2
Muscles of foot, fasciae and synovial sheathes of lower limb. / 2
Final control for the first module "Locomotory apparatus". / 2
Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of the bones and their connections. / 2
Test tasks and practical skills in mycology. / 2
All / 70

4.1.3. Types of individual work of students

№ / Theme / Amount of hours
  1. 1.
/ To describe the basic stages of development of anatomy:
history of development of anatomy in ancient times
history of development of anatomy in Renaissance age
history of development of Ukrainian anatomical schools until XX century
history of development of Ukrainian anatomical schools in the XX - XXI centuries. / 2
  1. 2.
/ Master of ability:
to apply planes and axis in relation to description of anatomical objects. / 1
  1. 3.
/ Master of basic of anthropometric description of skull:
to describe the sexual and individual features of structure of skull; to describe the age-old features of structure of skull / 3
  1. 4.
/ Master of ability to draw:
charts of connections between bones. / 1
  1. 5.
/ Master of ability:
to demonstrate on preparations structure of bones. / 2
  1. 6.
/ Master of ability:
to demonstrate on preparations connections between bones. / 2
  1. 7.
/ Master of ability:
to demonstrate on preparations: muscles of trunk;
muscles of head;
muscles of neck;
muscles of limbs. / 8
  1. 8.
/ Preparation of review of scientific literature or spending of scientific research
-Development of skull in ontogenesis
-Development of connections of bones in phylo-and ontogenesis
- Variants and anomalies of development of upper and lower limps / 2
  1. 9.
/ Preparation to the final control of learning of the module 1 / 3
All / 25

4.2. MODULE 2

4. 2.1. Thematic plan of lectures

1. / Introduction into a splanchnology. Classification of internal organs. General conformities of structure of tubular organs. General conformities of structure of parenchymatous organs. General anatomy of the digestive system. Embryogenesis of organs of the digestive system. Anatomy and variants of development of organs of the digestive system. / 2
2. / Peritoneum. Large digestive glands. / 2
3. / General anatomy of the respiratory system. Embryogenesis of organs of the
respiratory system. / 2
4. / General anatomy of organs of the urinary system. Embryogenesis of organs of
the urinary system. Anomalies and variants of development of organs of the urinary system. / 2
5. / General anatomy of the male genital system. Embryogenesis of organs of the
male genital system. Anomalies and variants of development of organs. / 2
6. / General anatomy of the female genital system. Embryogenesis of organs of the
female genital system. Anomalies and variants of development of organs. / 2
7. / General anatomy of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system. / 2
8. / General anatomy of the endocrine system. / 2
All / 16

4.2.2.Thematic plan of the practical lessons.

36. / Anatomy of mouth cavity, sections. Teeth, tongue. / 2
37. / Palate: hard and soft. Salivary glands. Isthmus. Pharynx. / 2
38. / Esophagus. Anatomy of stomach. Regions of the anterior abdominal wall. / 2
39. / Anatomy of small intestine. Pancreas. / 2
40. / Anatomy of large intestine. / 2
41. / Anatomy of liver. Gall bladder. / 2
42. / Peritoneum and topography of organs of the digestive system in abdominal cavity (I). / 2
43. / Peritoneum and topography of organs of the digestive system in abdominal cavity (II). / 2
44. / Anatomy of external nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses. / 2
45. / Anatomy of larynx, muscles of larynx. / 2
46. / Anatomy of tracheae, principal bronchi, lungs. / 2
47. / Pleura. Mediastinum. / 2
48. / Anatomy of organs of urinary system: kidney. / 2
49. / Ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. Gender peculiarities.
50. / Anatomy of male genital organs. / 2
51. / Anatomy of female genital organs. / 2
52. / Muscles and fasciae of perineum.
53. / Anatomy of the immune system. Structure of central and peripheral organs. / 2
54. / Anatomy of organs of the endocrine system. / 2
55 / Final control of the learning of the second module " Splanchnology" / 2
56 / Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of digestive system. / 2
57 / Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of respiratory, urinary, genital, immune and endocrine systems.
All / 44

4.2.3. Types of the individual work of students

№ / Theme / Amount of hours
1. / Master of abilities to demonstrate on preparations structure:
organs of the digestive system;
organs of the respiratory system;
-organs of the urinary system;
organs of the male and female genital systems;
organs of the endocrine system;
organs of the immune system; / 12
2. / Master of ability:
to draw motion of peritoneum in the abdominal region and cavity of pelvis.1 / 1
3. / Master of basic of anthropometric description:
external structure of organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and genital systems. / 4
4. / Master on ability:
to read the roentgenogram of organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and genital systems. / 4
5. / Preparation of review of scientific literature or spending of scientific research / 5
6. / Preparation to the final test control of mastering to the module 2 / 3
All / 30
All”Splanchnology” / 74

4.3. MODULE 3.

4.3.1. Thematic plan of lectures

1. /
Module 3. Central nervous system and sense-organs
Entry into CNS. Grey and white matters of CNS. Development of CNS in ontogenesis and phylogenies. Development of cerebrum in embryogenesis. Anatomy of derivative of hindbrain and midbrain.. / 2
2. / Anatomy of derivative of forebrain. / 2
3. / Common data about sense-organs. Anatomy of organ of sight. / 2
4. / Anatomy of organ of ear and equilibrium. / 2
5. / General principles of structure of reflex arch. Pathways. / 2
All / 10

4.3.2. Thematic plan of the practical lessons.

58. / Spinal cord, its meninges, the external and internal structure. Formation of the spinal nerves and their branches. / 2
59. / Parts of the brain. Topography of the cranial nerves on the base of the brain. / 2
60 / Hemisphere of cerebrum. The grooves and gyri of the hemisphere’s cortex. Olfactory brain. Location of the functions in the hemisphere’s cortex. / 2
61. / The internal structure of hemisphere. Lateral ventricles. Corpus callosum, fornix and the anterior comissure. Basal nuclei and the internal capsule. / 2
62. / The internal structure of hemisphere. Lateral ventricles. Corpus callosum, fornix and the anterior comissure. Basal nuclei and the internal capsule. / 2
63. / Diencephalon and third ventricle. / 2
64. / Midbrain. / 2
65. / Hindbrain. / 2
66. / Brainstem. The fourth ventricle. / 2
67. / Rhomboid fossa. Topography of nuclei of the cranial nerves. / 2
68. / Meninges of brain. / 2
69. / The pathways of brain and spinal cord. / 2
70. / Organ of sight. Structure of eyeball. / 2
71. / The additional organs of sight. Optic nerve. / 2
72 / Vestibulocochlear organ. External and the middle ear. / 2
73. / Internal ear. Vestibulocochlear nerve. / 2
74. / Skin. Organ of smell and taste. / 2
75. / Final control for the third module "Central nervous system and the organs of senses". / 2
76. / Test tasks and practical skills in CNS. / 2
77. / Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of sense organs. / 2
All / 40

4.3.3. Types of the individual work

№ / Theme / Amount of hours / Amount of grades
1. / Master of ability:
to draw the chart of simple and difficult reflex arches / 1
2. / Master of ability:
to draw the chart of internal structure of spinal cord;
structure of the grey matter of spinal cord;
structures of white matter of spinal cord. / 1
3. / Master of ability:
to draw the chart of structure of spinal nerves. / 1
4. / Master of ability:
to draw the chart of structure of derivative of the midbrain and hindbrain;
chart of structure of grey and white matter of the midbrain;
chart of structure of grey and white matter of the brain;
chart of structure of grey and white matter of cerebellum;
chart of the structure of the grey and white matter of the brainstem. / 3
5. / Master of ability:
to draw a chart of topography of nuclei CN under the floor of the rhomboid fossa. / 1
6. / Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the topography of the pathways of the internal capsule. / 1
7. / Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the ascending pathways of the cortical direction; the ascending pathways of the cerebellar direction.
8. / Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the descending pathways of the pyramid system; the descending pathways of the extra pyramid system.
9. / Master of ability:
to draw a chart intermembranous spaces of the brain and spinal cord.
10 / Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the pathways of the visual analyzer; the descending pathways of the ear and equilibrium.
11. / Master of ability:
to demonstrate on the preparations the structure of the sense organs. / 2
12. / Master of ability:
to demonstrate on the preparations the external and internal structure of spinal cord and brain. / 2
13. / Preparation of review of the scientific literature or spending of Scientific research / 6 / 12
14. / Preparation to the final test control of the learning module #3 / 3
All / 25 / 12
All ” Central nervous system and sense organs “ / 65 / 200

4.4.1. Thematic plan of lectures.

1. / Classification of the cranial nerves. General anatomy of the vegetative nodes of the head. / 2
2. / Blood supply of head and neck.. / 2

4.4. 2. Thematic plan of the practical lessons.

78. / Oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves ( III, IV, VI ). The first branch of the trigeminal nerve (V pair of CN). / 2
79. / The second and the third branches of the trigeminal nerve ( V pair of CN). / 2
80 / Intermediate -facial nerve ( VII of CN). / 2
81 / Vagus nerve ( X pair of CN). / 2
82. / Glossopharyngeal nerve ( IX pair of CN). / 2
83. / Accessorу and hypoglossal nerves ( XI, XII pairs of CN). Cervical plexus. / 2
84. / Aorta. The branches of the aortic arch. Common and the external carotid arteries. / 2
85. / Internal carotid artery. The branches of the internal carotid artery, areas of the blood supply. / 2
86. / Subclavian artery: its parts, their topography, its branches, areas of blood supply. / 2
87. / Veins of head and neck. System of the internal, external and the anterior jugular veins. Anatomy of lymphatic nodes and vessels of head and neck. / 2
88. / Final control for the fourth module " The vessels and nerves of head and neck". / 2
89. / Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of the cranial nerves. / 2
90. / Test task and practical skills in anatomy of vessels of head and neck. / 2
All / 26

4.4.3. Types of the independent work

Theme / Amount of hours / Amount of grades
1. / Master of ability: to draw a chart of the simple common structure of the cranial nerves, of the derivates of the brain / 1 / Current control on practical lessons
2. / Master of ability: to draw a chart of the structure of mixed cranial nerves / 1
3. / Master of ability: to draw a chart of the structure of the III, IV, V, VI,VII, IX, XI ,XII of cranial nerves. / 5
4. / Master of ability: to draw a common chart of the structure of the vegetative node of the head. / 1
5. / Master of ability: to draw a chart to demonstrate on preparations the cranial nerves. / 4
6. / Master of ability: to demonstrate on preparations the vessels of the head and neck / 4
7. / Preparation of review of the scientific literature or spending of scientific research / 10
8. / Preparation to the final test control of the learning module3. / 4 / Final module control
All / 30

4.4.5. Thematic plan of lectures.

1. / General anatomy of heart. Development of heart in embryogenesis. Anomalies and defects of development of heart. Large and small circle of the blood circulation. / 2
2. / General anatomy of arterial and venous parts of the circulatory system. Microcirculatory system. Intrasystem and intersystem anastomoses. / 2
3. / General anatomy of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic vessels, trunk, channels. Lymphatic knots. / 2
4. / Anatomy of vegetative part of the nervous system. Central and peripheral structures of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts. Vegetative plexuses. / 2
5. / Peripheral formations of the nervous system. Spinal nerves. Somatic nervous plexus. / 2

4.5.2. Thematic plan of the practical lessons.

91. / General plan of structure of the cardio-vascular system. Circles of the blood circulation. Heart, topography, the external structure. / 2
92. / Heart: the internal structure of the heart's wall, the chambers of the heart.
93. / Conduction system. Blood supply and innervations of the heart. Pericardium, topography. / 2
94. / Aorta, its parts. The thoracic aorta: the parietal and visceral branches. The areas of blood supply. Somatic and vegetative innervations of walls and organs of the trunk. The thoracic spinal nerves. / 2
95. / Abdominal aorta, its topography, the parietal and visceral branches. Blood supply of organs of the abdominal cavity. / 2
96. / Abdominal aorta, its topography, the parietal and visceral branches. Blood supply of organs of the abdominal cavity.
97 / The common and the internal iliac arteries. Blood supply of the walls and the organs of the small pelvis.
98. / The veins of the thoracic, abdominal cavities and the cavity of the small pelvis. System of the superior and inferior cava veins. / 2
99. / Venous anastomoses. Circulation of fetus. / 2
100. / Lymphoid vessels and nodes of the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
101. / Vegetative nervous system: sympathetic part. The sympathetic trunk, the branches of the sympathetic trunk, topography, the areas of the innervations. Vegetative part of nervous system: the parasympathetic part. Vegetative nodes of head. The visceral plexuses. Craniocervical, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic parts. / 2
102. / System of the axillary and brachial arteries and veins. The areas of the blood supply. / 2
103. / System of the radial and ulnar arteries and veins. The arterial arches of the hand. The subcutaneal veins of the upper limb. / 2
104. / Brachial plexus, the formation of the parts, the short branches, areas of the innervations. The long branches of the posterior fasciculus. / 2
105. / Brachial plexus: the long branches of the middle and lateral fascicules, the areas of the innervation. / 2
106. / The vascularization and innervations of the upper limb. / 2
107. / The external iliac and femoral arteries and veins, branches, the areas of blood supply. / 2
108. / System of the popliteal anterior and posterior of the tibial arteries and veins. The areas of the blood supply. Arterial arches of the foot.. / 2
109. / Lumbar plexus: the formation, topography, the short branches, the areas of innervations.. / 2.
110. / Sacral plexus: the formation topography the areas of innervations.
111. / The long branches of the sacral plexus, topography, the areas of innervations. / 2
112. / The innervations of skin. / 2
113. / Final control of the learning of module 5. / 2
114. / Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of vessels and nerves of upper and lower limbs. / 2
115. / Test tasks and practical lessons in anatomy of heart, vessels and nerves of the trunk. / 2
All / 50

4.5.3. Types of the independent work