Minutes, Staff Employees Council

Wednesday, December 16, 1998

Melton Media Center - Journalism Building


Representatives present: Nicole Aguilera, Robert Boyd, Shirley Boyd, Robin Collins, Neileen Dashiell, Dave Delporto, Chris Archer (proxy for Joyce Duncan), Stephanie Flatt, Kristi Forbes, Billye French, Elizabeth Gadsden, Lorrie Gaffney, Leon Garrett, Terri Garside, Gary Grant, Jim Henley (also proxy for Ann Ettinger) Larry Hillerman, Samantha Hoole, Gary Kramer, Evelyn Martin, Betty Osborne, Jewell Radcliffe, Sharon Smith, Teena Tuttle, Diane Wagar

Visitors: None

Representatives absent: Debi Dearman, Joyce Duncan (excused with a proxy), Ann Ettinger (excused with a proxy), Bob Martin, Barbara Trainor (resigned on December 15, 1998)

I.  Call to Order:

Chair Neileen Dashiell called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM

II.  Approval of November 18, 1998 Council Minutes:

The minutes were approved with two changes. Under Representatives absent, Shirley Boyd was absent and excused. Under Guest Speakers, Ann Graham, the following needs to be added, “People need to have the address for the agency if it is not listed. Checks will be distributed in March.

III. Holiday Thank You’s:

Chair Dashiell thanked everyone and wished everyone a great holiday.

IV. Guest Speakers:

Russell F. Meyer, University of Nevada, Reno, Director of Dining and Residential Conference Services, spoke on the Food Services Contract which expires on June 30, 1999. Food Services is accepting Retail Food Proposals from four companies. Russell was requesting from the council feedback regarding evaluation criteria for those Retail Food Proposals. The Council added that “cost and pricing” is a major criterion. Russell added that 90% of the employees (people preparing the food) will remain the same and Management will remain the same. The contract will last for 5 years and they will contribute financially to facilities, etc. Russell also informed the council that staff will be trained and every employee will be able to communicate effectively. The council had concerns regarding the vending which is not Russell’s area. Please forward any comments to Russell Meyer at 784-4671 or e-mail him at . The deadline for comments is January 7, 1999.

Gary Bishop, University of Nevada, Reno, Facilities Management and John Hancock, Design Concepts, spoke on the UNR Master Plan. This master plan is updated regularly and review processes occur every year. The following is a list of things that are included and/or discussed in the master plan:

1.  Routing Virginia Street traffic over to Sierra

2.  Closing 9th Street frontage of I-80

3.  Talking to the Highway Dept. to take over landscaping on I-80 Sculpturing corners to reflect “UNR”

4.  Concept: parking on edges – designating pedestrian walkways and having a trolley system

5.  Parking garage: Dormitory on top of it

6.  Jot Travis will remain but there will be a new Student Services

7.  Women’s gym – Possible new one built south of Lawlor Events Center

8.  Commercial area by I-80. Medical Center in that area.

9.  Looking at variety of ways to serve food preferences i.e. professors like gourmet and students like fast food.

10.  Old library will be converted to computer labs.

11.  Consultant looking at food services on campus

12.  Cultural Center next to Channel 5

13.  Business community and UNR to tie together

14.  Bridge – Covered walkway

15.  New home for library. 5 years out. Part of the funding has been raised

16.  Taking a serious look at students crossing Virginia Street. Wanting to make Virginia Street as a destination street not a thoroughfare. Working with NDOT. NDOT needs to approve overall concept. Plan includes speed bumps, planters, etc., take 4-lane road to 2 lanes, more stop lights. Any concerns are to be directed to Brian Whalen, Bob Stewart (Chair of the Safety Committee), and Lyle Woodward (Project Supervisor).

17.  Sierra Street. They are encouraging private commercial use. Would like to see happen within 5-10 year timeframe.

18.  Property on Evans Avenue. The University has acquired 13 – 14 properties. East side will not be affected. Private development for coffee shops, shops, etc. is being encouraged.

19.  Day care facilities will stay. The new daycare will open as soon as possible. If the Children’s Services Center up by the Chancellor’s office is moving they will try to acquire that facility.

Robin Freestone, University of Nevada, Reno, BCN Personnel, Personnel Analyst, spoke on the Clerical Occupational Study conducted primarily by the State. This is a collaborative effort by UNR and State Personnel. They will be reviewing 800 positions at UNR with a total of 1100 positions at Business Center North Personnel. Desk audits will happen with 10% in the clerical occupational category. Class specifications and position definition will be looked at. The council was asked to think about what changes to be made to those specifications. Some positions included are Administrative Aids, Management Assistants, Legal Secretaries, and Program Assistants. The Study will begin next month and be implemented in July of 2001. A comprehensive survey will go out to everyone in the clerical occupational category to fill out regarding his or her position. They will also be looking at the tests and class specifications that are given for employment and upgrades. Any questions, comments or concerns are to be directed to Robin Freestone at 784-1494 or e-mail her at .

Stephanie Flatt, University of Nevada, Reno, BCN Personnel, spoke on

her involvement with the State of Nevada, Personnel Commission. A meeting took place on December 17, 1998. The agenda included Regulation Changes, Report on Whistleblower Complaint Procedure, Occupational Group Studies (Appeals), Classification (Employee) Appeal, DMV Services Technician/Supervisor Classification Study (Appeals), Uncontested Classification Action Report, and Comments by the General Public. These are open meetings to the public. If any agency has questions or wishes to discuss, in further detail, any of the items scheduled please contact Carol Thomas, Chief of Technical Services, State Personnel, at 687-3708.

V. Chair's Report:

Chair Dashiell informed the council that there is a basement in the Artemesia Building where all past SEC records, information, etc. is kept. Chair Dashiell researched past files and found resourceful information for the council to use this year.

Chair Dashiell distributed a packet to the council which included the SEC Committee Information/Roster and the Warm Hands Warm Heart Flyer.

VI.  Committee reports:

Arboretum Board: This committee is working on the overall plan including the Japanese Charity Garden behind the Planetarium. Bulb sale was very successful.

Affirmative Action Advisory Board: This committee did not meet. No update.

Child Care Committee: No update.

Classified Employee Recognition Program: This committee did meet and did not select any recipients for January.

Classified Employee of the Year: This committee did not meet. No update.

Compensation Committee: This committee met on December 7, 1998 at the Jot Travis Student Union, Room 242 at 1:30 p.m. Members present were Joyce Duncan, Shirley Boyd and Sharon Smith. Agenda items included Merit Steps, Longevity and Health Insurance Benefits.

Classified Staff Development Fund: This committee did not meet. There have been no new applications.

Education Leave Stipend Committee: This committee did not meet. No update.

Classified Employee Recognition Committee: This committee did not meet. No update.

Facilities Planning and Management Board: Master Plan update: No official update.






LEGACY HALL: No update.


Faculty Staff Club: This committee did not meet. No update.

Food Services: The Campus Retail Sub Committee met on Friday, December 11, 1998, at Jot Travis Student Union. Gary Grant provided the council with a report. See below.

It was discussed extending hours for the Wolf’s Den. It was tried but most of the feeding takes place between 11 and 2 p.m., but may try again. An improvement of the feedback system is definitely needed. At times complaints are heard a week after an incident occurred. There is a need for more manager interaction with the customers. The auto-dial phone system for feedback was again discussed. I’m not sure customers would take the time to use the phone.

In the COE (College of Education) there is a need for improvement in better sandwich displaying and signs in the building. At one time a large sign (banner) was on display but had to be taken down due to complaints.

Other items discussed were a FAX system in the Cellar. A complaint came up that the Cellar was not completely set up when it opens at 7:00 a.m. One student told me that it was annoying to be in a hurry and find the food items not set up.

Advantage Cash being like a credit card that could be used for payroll deduction.

Extended service points that would include a Soda Fountain. What do you think about that?

We also reviewed evaluation criteria specific to retail for the RFP (Retail Food Proposal).

It is important to have consistent food quality, quantity and the necessary training in the specifications.

Bidding process: 8 or 9 large companies have been invited to bid. Criteria would be if they do a 100 millions dollars in business. Part of the contract could be broken up with local smaller companies or food services.

“Asked when the new Student Services Building would be ready”? It is still in the planning process but hopes would be to have the building ready by Spring of 2000.

As an observation I hear few complaints. If you do have a food complaint please let a Food Committee member know so it can be passed on to Russ Meyer, Manager of the UNR Food Service.

The Committee will meet again Friday, January 22, 1999 at 10:00 a.m.

-  Gary Grant

SEC Campus Retail Sub Committee Member

Gender Relations: This committee does not meet unless there is a problem, therefore has not met. The contact is Ann Ettinger.

Parking Committee: This committee met on December 2, 1998. Robert Boyd provided the council with a report. See below.

1.  The committee heard an appeal for a parking citation – the appeal was rejected.

2.  There are currently 746 permits sold in the parking garage so there is still space available.

3.  The parking garage is being dedicated as the Brian J. Whalen Parking Complex.

4.  A meeting is scheduled with Ashok Dhingra to address the operating hours of the parking garage.

5.  During winter break, Silver Lot 8 will be divided into two zones – Silver 8 and Silver 12.

Safety Committee: This committee met on December 15, 1998. Gary Grant missed the meeting but called and asked the Secretary of the Safety Committee, Katie Stickles what items were discussed during the meeting. Gary was told that approval is coming where new employees will be required to take safety classes during part of their orientation and the Mission Statement of the Safety Committee has been initialed and approved by President Crowley. – Gary Grant, SEC Safety Committee Member

SEC Bylaws: This committee did not meet. No update.

SEC Awards Luncheon: This committee did not meet. No update

SEC Open House: This committee did not meet. No update.

SEC Web Page: No update.

Special Interests: This committee did not meet. No update.

VII. Old Business:

Employee Survey: 1200 surveys were sent out and 72 responses were received. The following issues were mentioned: 3-credit benefit, parking issues, merit increases, longevity issues and benefit issues. The council will publish the results.

Contact with Constituents: Chair Dashiell asked the council how we get our constituents to pay attention and to get involved? One suggested a list serve to maintain contact with our constituents. If you have any additional ideas or comments please contact Chair Neileen Dashiell.

Warm Hands Warm Hearts: A flyer was given to council members to get the information out to campus.

VII.  New Business:

Recognition’s: Chair Dashiell asked the council if they were in favor of having the SEC Outstanding Award Recognition Committee to look into giving volunteer awards, i.e. SEC council member awards and faculty awards. These awards have been given in the past. The council was in favor of looking into this.

Newsletter: The SEC has not had a newsletter since 1997. Chair Dashiell asked the council if they thought a newsletter was necessary with the SEC Web site going on-line. The council did a motion in favor of both


a newsletter and the SEC Web site. Please let Shirley Boyd know if you have any issues for the newsletter.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Lorrie Gaffney, Secretary Neileen Dashiell, Chair