Newsletter No 1 –16th September 2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome back and I hope you all had a lovely summer break! Wehave enjoyed welcoming all the children back to schoolas well asmeeting our new children who arestarting their school journey in our Reception classes.

We are now, officially part of the Pioneer Academy andhave started the Autumn termwith the pupilslooking at our new school vision and developing their own class vision. We have also been reinforcing the Pioneer Mantra – P-RACES and hope the children will be able to talk to you about it. Many classes have already been engaging in their learning and enjoying lessons from some of our new specialist teachers in ICT and PE. Wehave launcheda new, exciting curriculum for the children and we will shortly be sending out a letter to invite parents into school for a briefing delivered by each year groupwhich will hopefully give you an understanding of the topics and learning that will be delivered to the children and ways in which they can engage in their learning at home.

Yours sincerely

Miss Butcher

Head Teacher

Marks and Spencer

We acknowledge and apologise that the launch of the school uniform is not of the standard that we would have liked. Marks and Spencer have met with us in school this week and are aware of the issues that many of you have raised and they have taken back all of our feedback and samples for a full investigation. Their letter that you received this week hopefully re-assures you that steps will be taken to address your concerns and we will hear more from them shortly.

Packed Lunches and Healthy Schools

The school were very proud to be awarded the Gold Healthy schools award last term, a real milestoneand one of only a handful of Bromley schools to achieve this. Just one of many examples of teaching the children about healthy food and nutrition was led by MissStephens, who with the children, planted out vegetables last term and reaped the rewards when they returned to school, digging uptomatoes, huge pumpkins and other vegetableshelped by Paul, our Pabulum chef. The fresh items weredeliveredto the schoolkitchen where they were cooked and served and were extremely tasty!

With regard to packed lunches, wewould like to focus this year on askingparents to help maintain this healthy ethos(as many already do), avoiding chocolate lunch biscuits, crisps, high fat and salt laden snacks. Wehave seen a few instances ofsweets andfizzy drinks being consumed at lunchtimes and per school policy, these items are not allowed in school. Please encourage your child to bring in a named bottle of water if having a packed lunch option.

We are going to ask our newly elected school councilors to work across the school to promote and encourage healthy packed lunches.

Nut Free

We have a pupil in school with a severe nut allergy, therefore we must insist that no nuts or nut products are brought in to school for snacks or in lunch boxes.

Free School Meals

Parents who are entitled to claim for free school meals, who haven’t already applied MUST apply now for this academic year. Applications can be made online at: or a form can be collected from the school office.

Dinner Money – 7th September to 21stOctober 2016

School Meals are now £2.20 per day. School dinner money for this half term is£70.40. Please can you pay this amount on-line at

Medication in School

Please could parents of children requiring any prescribed medication or an asthma inhaler, ensure they have provided in-date medication / asthma pump which will be kept in the medical room / classroom. Please also complete a Medical Form detailing dosage, timings etc. The form can be collected from the school office or is available on our school website.


Please can we request parents and carers to book children’s medical and dental appointments outside of school hours wherever possible. We are aware that it may be necessary to take your child to an emergency appointment however these should be kept to a minimum. Thank you for your cooperation.


We still have a small supply of PE uniform, including PE t-shirts, sweatshirts and jogging trousers. Please contact the office to check availability of any items you would like to purchase.

Friend of Red Hill Updates

Quiz Night

SAVE THE DATE – FORH and the Governors are planning our annual quiz night scheduled for 7th October. Further details will follow in the Autumn term.

Annual General Meeting

Friends of Red Hill have scheduled their AGM for Tuesday 4th October 9.00 am to be held in the Studio Hall. All are welcome to join this meeting, scheduled just after school drop off so as many people as possible can attend and find out more about fundraising and how they can help the school.

Secondary Transfer

Just a reminder that the final day for applications for secondary transfer is 31st October. Please check the council’s website (where you pay your council tax) for details on how to make an application on-line.

Dates for your diary

Friday 16thSeptember5L Class Assembly

Friday 23rd September 5S Class Assembly

Monday 26th SeptemberYear 5 – Macbeth workshop

Monday 26th SeptemberYear 6 residential trip to Shropshire

Tuesday 27th SeptemberYear 6 trip to London Eye and Aquarium (for children not going to Shropshire)

Friday 30th SeptemberYr 2 Harvest Festival 9.15am and 2.00pm

Friday 7th October5K Class Assembly

Thursday 13th OctoberOpen Morning for new reception parents starting Sept 2017

Friday 14th OctoberINSET Day – school closed to pupils

Tuesday 18th OctoberParent Consultations 3.30 – 6.30pm

Wednesday 19th OctoberPupil individual photographs

Thursday 20th OctoberParent Consultations 4.30 – 7.00pm

Friday 21st October5P Class AssemblyLAST DAY of TERM

24th – 28th OctoberHalf Term Holiday