Crane Creek I Homeowners Association (CCIHOA)
Newsletter: July – September 2006
Since our last newsletter, we have had some changes that I would like to share with you.
Most recently, effective 10/01/06, Fair/Way Management of Brevard, Inc. will take over as our new property manager.
The Board of Directors has changed slightly. Steve Schantz resigned as a Director of CCIHOA. We’d like to thank Steve for all the time and contributions he made to our community over the past years and wish him all the best. His position did not stay vacant very long as we were very lucky to have Jo Ann Daszuta join the Board to finish his term.
We would also like to welcome Mike Zocchi. Mike has volunteered to Chair the Entrance/Park Committee. When I speak of the park, I am referring to the Twin Creeks Park, which is located at the end of our north entrance (intersection of Old Glory and Crane Creek Boulevards). We share the park with Six Mile Creek. Woodside Park, which is located at our south entrance (intersection of Crane Creek Boulevard and Murrell Road) belongs to Viera East. All concerns for either park should be directed to Fair/Way Management at 777-7575.
Matt Reschke is our Nominations Committee Chairperson. If you are interested in a position on the Board, please get your information to Matt at as soon as possible as our Board elections will take place at our Annual Owners Meeting in November.
Lastly, numerous residents have expressed concerns regarding illegal parking, speeding, and blocking of the sidewalks. I spoke with the sheriff’s office and advised them to ticket anyone not in compliance with the posted parking signs and County ordinances. They will also patrol Crane Creek more often, at no expense to CCIHOA.
Let’s all get involved. Please mark your calendars to attend two very important meetings.
- Annual Budget Meeting, Tuesday, 10/24/06, 7:00 p.m., Perkins Restaurant, Zoo Room.
- Annual Owners Meeting, Friday, 11/17/06, 7:00 p.m., Viera Lutheran Church (go north on Murrell Road, turn right on Viera Boulevard, the church is on the left, about a block or so). NOTE: This meeting must have a quorum of our homeowners to be held. Let’s meet it the first time this year.
I got involved in the CCIHOA and subsequently became a Director because I care to protect my biggest investment, my home. As a local Realtor, I see the outcome first hand of neighborhoods that never had associations or those that had an association but it dissolved because of lack of interest, participation, and resolve. You’d be surprised how fast it can happen. Neighborhoods less than 10 years old with blighted houses. I often speak to home sellers who lament about how their neighborhood used to be. It can happen anywhere, even in our impervious Viera. Someone in Crane Creek will hold onto and save this very newsletter. My hope is, many years from now when they find and re-read it, they can say the homeowners of Crane Creek back in 2006 “got it”. They understood what was at stake. I am extremely grateful for the volunteerism and dedication of my fellow Board members and directors.
Although Summer is almost over, you still need to be aware of heat stroke for your pets. Dog owners, in particular, love to share all of their summer activities with their furry friends. Pets go along to the shopping mall, to parks, and on errands. Dogs love to be with their people; even if it puts their lives at risk. That happy, endearing, tongue-lolling grin may also be a warning of impending heat stroke, and just as with people, severe heat stroke will cause nausea, loss of consciousness, irreparable brain damage, and finally death.
On an 85 degree day, the temperature inside your vehicle, even with the windows open a bit, will climb to 102 degrees in 10 minutes! After half an hour, it will go up to 120 degrees or higher! On a 90 degree day, temperatures in that vehicle can top 160 degrees faster than you can walk around the block. If you really love your dog, leave it at home in a nice cool place with plenty of fresh water to drink.
Some people think animals handle the heat better than humans. A dog’s normal body temperature is 101.5 to 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. A body temperature of 107-108 degrees for a dog is equivalent to 104-105 degrees or so in a human. Not only that, but dogs don’t cool themselves by sweating, as their people do, but by evaporation through panting.
With the right combination of circumstances, your pet can suffer heat stroke even if you are careful. Short-nosed dogs, such as the bulldog breeds, are often more susceptible to the heat. Surprisingly, shorthaired dogs can be, too, as are very young or older animals and animals with health problems.
How do you recognize heat stroke in your pet? It will pant like crazy, become exhausted or agitated, and may start to vomit. At this point, you can usually cool it down by giving it ice cubes to lick (cold water can upset their stomach and hasten dehydration), sponging it down with a wet towel, and letting it lie in front of a fan. In extreme cases, after the previous symptoms manifest themselves, their gums will take on a grayish tinge, then their tongue will turn blue, and then they’ll lose consciousness. Take immediate action! Immerse your pet in cold water or hose it down with a gentle but soaking spray and direct that fan on them. Applying rubbing alcohol to their feet will also help cool them down. Basically, get their body temperature down first, then call your vet!
Just A Thought: Whether you think you can or you can't ... you're right.
After recent burglaries in a Viera subdivision, police are reminding residents to lock their vehicles, even when it is in the perceived safety of a front yard or garage. According to police reports, a Brevard County Sheriff’s deputy responded to several burglary calls at the Osprey subdivision off of Murrell Road. In one case, the victim’s vehicle was entered through the unlocked driver’s side door. The unknown suspect then used a garage door opener to access the garage and ransack a second vehicle. Responding to another burglary call in Osprey, the deputy learned an unlocked truck was taken from the driveway at the residence. It was recovered in nearby Mission Bay Apartments. Unfortunately, there were no suspects or witnesses to either event.
Crane Creek is a Neighborhood Watch Community. Let’s all try to be more alert to suspicious activities around us and help prevent them by securing our vehicles at all times!
The Board of Directors meet every other month with the option of having a special meeting during the off month. The meeting date, time, and place will be posted at both entrances at least 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting. If you have any concerns and/or would like to get involved, please mark your calendar and attend.
Additionally, please visit our web site, which is maintained by Fair/Way Management of Brevard, Inc., to view the association’s minutes, newsletters, budgets/financials, and much more. Simply go to then click on “Communities”, then “Crane Creek”; type in our user name (cranecreek) / password (crane) and you should be in.
Fair/Way Management is located at Baytree Corporate Park, 1331 Bedford Drive, Suite 103, Melbourne, FL 32940; phone 321-777-7575; fax 321-777-4646. If you would like to e-mail a concern to Fair/Way Management and/or the Board, please send it to with a courtesy copy to .
YARD-OF-THE-MONTH (Darryl & Janet Bachman)
In July, yard-of-the-month went to April Dodd and Stoney Jacobs of 1885 Blue Heron Drive. April says she never grew anything before, but the work she and Stoney have done shows at least one of them has a great big green thumb!
In August, we moved the sign to 910 Turtle Pond Way. Bob and Libby Venticinque have a nice blend of statuary, foliage, and fountains; creating a yard worthy of the honor.
Matt and Julie Reschke, with lots of help from their daughters, have transitioned 1282 Old Millpond Road from the eye-sore they purchased a couple of years ago, to September’s yard-of-the-month. Super job, guys!
We will be accepting advertisements for future newsletters (quarterly) to help defray the cost of producing them. Advertising is limited to the size of one business card and will be at a cost of:
1 Issue = $18.00
2 Issues = $30.00
4 Issues (1 Year) = $50.00
CCIHOA residents will receive a 50% discount. If you have an interest in advertising in the newsletter, please contact Dennis Gilroy at 253-1918 or .
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