Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart Church

Mass Intentions This Weekend

Saturday In celebration of Dorathy Devoe’s birthday

5:30pm req: Jerry & Marcy Devoe

Sunday Douglas Salvatore req: Mom & Dad

8:00am William McDonough req: John & Sally Taibe

Paul Kennedy req: Peter Thomas

Sunday Anna Matthews req: Stephen & Kathy Burns

10:00am Donald Matoon req: Mr. & Mrs. Mahar

Rose Kiehn req: Mr. & Mrs. J. Sayer

Week ofAugust 1stMass Intentions

Monday Margaret Norman

8:00am req: John & Kathy Salvador

Wednesday Richard LeBlanc req: Janet White & Ann Kahle

8:00am Mary Patricia Dwyer req: Jim & Mary FitzPatrick

Friday Parishioners of Sacred Heart


Saturday Frederick Bialas req: Sue Cocurrollo

5:30pm Margaret Norman req: John & Teri Case

Gail Groneimeier req: Mary LaFountain

Sunday George Marquardt req: Bob & Holly Marquardt

8:00am Ken Mundweiler req: Frank & Karen Buehler

Shirley Buehler req: Frank & Karen Buehler

Sunday Marion L. Cechnicki req: Deacon Frank & Maggie

10:00amDonald Matoon req: John & Donna Acker

Ron Gaschler req: Burns Family

Liturgical Ministers – August 6 & 7

Saturday: 5:30pm

Lector: L. & D. Burrows

EM: D. Viola, P. Hurley, P. Synnott, G Butto, M. LaFountain

Sunday: 8:00am

Lector: Knights of Columbus

EM: J. Taibe, T Arnold, C. Beneszewski, B. Beneszewski,

C. Scrivo, K. Smith, S. Taibe

Sunday: 10:00am

Lector: H. & T. Montville

EM: A. Verlezza, K. Brewer, J. West, J. Fowler

A warm and beautiful Summer welcome to all who worship in our Sacred Heart Catholic Church! May the Word of God bring you peace and joy. If you are visiting, please consider us your parish away from home. We welcome all visitors coming to Lake George in joining us for Eucharist during your stay. May you have an enjoyable visit and vacation.

Please pray for the sick and homebound

as well as the men and women in service, and Pray for all priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, lay ministers and seminarians of our Albany diocese. Please check our online prayer list for the sick of our parish at:

Your Stewardship of Treasure:

Regular Offertory Collection:

Last Week:$5,309 Last Year: $7,501

Mailed donations: $35

Thank you for generous support!

THIS weekend… Peter’s Pence collection. Your generosity helps the Holy Father continue his pastoral care of the Church, share the gospel message throughout the world and assist victims of disaster. Thank you!

Check out our Prayer Tree, in the back of church. Hang your prayer requests on the tree, they will be sent to the Red Cloud Indian School in South Dakota. They will be sending their own prayer requests to us in the near future. The tree will be hanging for the next couple of weeks, so don’t miss your chance to Twin with our new friends in So. Dakota.

Stop in our Cloister…Parish Gift Shop is Open…We have beautiful religious articles, Christmas cards featuring the beautiful stained glass windows in the 1874 Chapel, gift baskets and much more. You can also pick up a form for Electronic Giving, Restoration of the Chapel Bell and Bricks for the Kateri Shrine. AND before you leave pick up one of our delicious items from the Bake Sale.

Crafters…Mark your Calendars!!!! Sacred Heart’s Annual Craft Fair…Saturday, October 8th…Stop by the office for an application or go to our web site. The Download tab .

We are looking for local crafters who would be interested in purchasing a space in our Parish Center for the day. We are also looking for volunteers to help organize, plan and work this event. We would also like to offer a used book sale (in one of the classrooms), sell food out of the kitchen, raffle? and sell pumpkins and fall mums. Looking for helpers and ideas, call Kathy in the Parish Office. 668-2046.

Bishop’s Appeal…has begun throughout the Diocese. This year, our assessment is: $53,795

The spiritual works of mercy are to:instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, admonish sinners, all of which come under the auspice of faith formation, to bear wrongs patiently, to forgive all injuries, to comfort the sorrowful, and to pray for the living and the dead. The Corporal Works of Mercy:are to feed the hungry, quench the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit prisoners, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, and bury the dead. So you could say that, in general, the works of mercy involve providing the poor with material needs, providing pastoral care to the suffering, educating God’s people in the faith, and forgiving others as we have been forgiven in Christ Jesus. Although we have a responsibility as faithful Christian people to care for those in need around the world, I think it’s important for you to know how the Bishop’s Appeal cares for people right here in our own local communities. Hundreds of dedicated people…religious education teachers, Catholic school teachers, care providers, hospital chaplains, campus ministers, and the staff s of various offices minister to bring Christ’s word, healing presence and love to all with whom they interact.

You may make your gift by filling out the provided pledge envelope and dropping it in the collection basket or mailing it to us. You can make a pledge which is payable in eight monthly installments, or you can go online and make your gift at: Thank you for your support.

To date, Sacred Heart has received 83 gifts and pledges in the amount of: $23,072

This year our Annual Assessment is: $53,795

Summer Mass Schedule:

Saturday Vigil 5:30pm ~ Sunday 8am and 10am

Tell your friends who may not know!

Through Labor Day

Knights of Columbus Corner….Bulletin Sponsorof the Week….Tell them you saw their ad in our weekly bulletin!

Mead’s Nursery and Garden Center

Landscaping, Lawn Sprinklers Systems, Trees & Shrubs,

Annuals, Perennials

361 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804



Mario’s Restaurant

Italian Specialties – Fine Food & Wine Since 1954 – Open All Year

Veal, Chicken, Eggplant, Steaks Chops, Seafood, Osso Bucco

Children’s Menu – Major Credit Cards Accepted

429 Canada Street – 668-2665

Knights of Columbus are holding a fundraiser…. Sunday, August 14…ALLproceeds go towards a wheelchair van for Carson Caleb Smith…Sausage, peppers and onions, on a bun with a slice of watermelon for $5.00! Stop by after the10:00am Mass.” Eat here or take out!

Electronic Giving Program… You can go to our web site, () and click the link on the left side of page (On Line Giving) and follow that link to set up your own contributions.

New Incentive Program Contest… we have instituted the electronic giving program, starting…. And we have 23 parishioners enrolled so far.

We are accelerating our campaign… June 25 to August 27/28. All those who are presently registered in Electronic Giving and all new registrants name will be enrolled in a special contest for 2 chances to win: Dinner Cruise for two on the Lac Du St. Sacrament! (Dinner and boat ride!) Thank you to the Dow Family and the Lake George Steamboat Company for their generous donation to our church. Pick up a special flyer after Mass today with all the details.

North Country Ministry’s Summer Jackpot Raffle is underway! 1st Prize is $5,000; 2nd Prize is $2,000; 3rd Prize is $1,000. Only 200 tickets will be sold! Tickets are $100 and may be purchased by individuals or groups. Drawing will be held at the Ministry’s Golf Tournament (see below). North Country Ministry’s 8th Annual Fall Classic Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, September 18th at the beautiful Cronin’s Golf Resort. $95 per player includes golf with cart, lunch, Steak Bake Dinner, prizes and a great opportunity to support the important work of the Ministry. $30 for Steak Bake (for non-golfers). REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, September 14. Please call 623-2829 or visit for more info or to register for the above events! Thank you!

Marian Devotion…Sunday, August 14th at 1pm at (newly air-conditioned!) St. Mary’s Church , 62 Warren Street, Glens Falls. Devotions begin with a Procession with a Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, followed by Mass and Rosary, Hymns and Scriptural Readings. Celebrant: Rev. Joseph Manerowski. Sponsored by the Msgr. Daniel F. Curtin Assembly & the GF Knights of Columbus. Collection will be taken for the benefit of Community Maternity. Everyone Welcome!

Parish Gift Shop is OPEN! Stop in the Cloister and see all of the new and wonderful items, especially our beautiful Christmas Card Series, featuring pictures of our stained glass windows.Our annual Bake Sale is going on each weekend too…see the delicious goodies our wonderful bakers supply each week. And… if you like to bake and would like to help us out…baked items are needed to sell after all Masses this summer….

H.A.R.K. Program will benefit from the proceeds from the Gift Shop and Bake Sale, for the remainder of the month of June and the whole month of July. Stop in and check out the beautiful Raffle Baskets they have!Tickets are only $2 each and the drawing will be on July 31st. The HARK Ministry wishes to thank Kathleen McDonnell, Josephine DeSanno, Steve & Mary Fiato and all members for a job well done in manning the Cloister for June & July. Thank you to the parishioners who baked for us, and to Nina’s Sweet Shoppe for donating delicious fudge. HARK couldn’t have had such great success without everyone coming together. God Bless you all.

Host a Musician…The Lake George Music Festival is in serious need of Musician Host Families for their August 15-25 season. Visit

Sacred Heart will be hosting three evening performances here in our church. Wednesday, August 17 @ 7pm, Thursday, August 18 @7pm and Tuesday, August 23 @7pm. Thank you Phyllis Meader for offering to host our refreshments after the 3 evening performances here at Sacred Heart. If you would like to help Phyllis, please call the office at 668-2046 and leave your name and number…

VBS… ‘Cave Quest – following Jesus, The Light of The World’ … at Caldwell Presbyterian Church – an Ecumenical Week of Fun! August 8-12, 9am- noon. For more info, call Caldwell Church at 668-2613.

The Shrines of Canada…you are invited to visit the Shrines of Canada from August 15-19, 2016. Overnight stops for 3 nights at St. Anne and 1 night at Cape de la Madeleine. Side trip to Quebec City to visit the Cathedral of Notre Dame is included. Cost is $510 for a single; $281 per person for double occupancy and $225 per person for triple occupancy. For more information, please call Mary Gebo at 480-4965 or e-mail at

Restoration of the Chapel Bell… a summer appeal to get our bell ringing again! Our beautiful bell needs repair, to the ‘tune’ of $10,000. Can you help? Pick up a flyer at back of church or in the Cloister. Thank you.

Back to School Supplies needed… for the students in our local area…distributed through North Country Ministry.

Supply list requests include:

New backpacks, Spiral notebooks, #2 Ticonderoga pencils, crayons (24 count), large glue sticks, colored folders, children’s scissors, small pencil sharper w/ cover, highlighters, 3” binders, pencil erasers, washable markers, (please, no Trapper Keepers), pencil case, Composition notebooks, 3x5 index cards, colored pencils 1” ring binders.

Your donations can be left in the marked, wrapped box in the Narthex of the church or can be brought to the Parish Center.

Thank you! Your wonderful support with this annual collection means so much, to the kids, to the parents, and to the teachers (bless you!) who many times purchase their students school supplies out-of-pocket.

Renew with a Staycation…Begin your day with Mass! We celebrate weekday Mass in the Chapel Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00am, followed by the Rosary. On Wednesday, sit with our Lord in silence at Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30am until 9:00pm. And the Chapel is open daily, 9am – 4pm, have you ever taken the self-guided window tour? It’s beautiful… It’s amazing…. It’s gratifiying…

Celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy with the “Second Greatest Story”Pilgrimage to Poland with Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC Sept. 30-October 9. Contact Kim Harmon at 413-944-8500x1 or email:

The Sisters of Life…Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion? There is help available and the pain and sorrow need not endure for a lifetime.

For women: There are “Days of Prayer and Healing” and “Hope and Healing Retreats” available through the Sisters Of Life. For dates, locations and confidential registration call the Sisters of Life at 866-575-0075 or email . For Men: call 877-586-4621 or email .

Celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy with the “Second Greatest Story”Pilgrimage to Poland with Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC Sept. 30-October 9. Contact Kim Harmon at 413-944-8500x1 or email:

We are now accepting any donations of used books, magazines, movies, music or dvd’s that you have. Also…prizes for our Raffle Room, a game of chance for prizes. We are hoping that you can help with the prizes! We are looking for smallish items, new, un-used, (or very gently used!) that you would like to donate (think: re-gifting!) item’s can be brought to Parish Center. It’s a fun room and we had so many beautiful items to offer!