Allegheny One PTO Meeting

December 7, 2009; 6:30 p.m.

In attendance: Pam Schobel, Lori Adams, Diana Smith, Alicia Redinger, Barbara Gillooly, Pam Schobel, Linda, Mrs. McMahon, Erica Longstreth, Marie Gallagher, Amy Dell, Debbie Ferris, Heidi Snyder, Mary Foor, Lori McCoy, and Leslie Rupp


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.


Amy Dell motioned to approve the minutes of November 2009. Barb Galloey seconded the motion. The minutes of November were unanimously approved.


·  Ms. Endler was unable to attend the meeting; however, she left her notes with Diana Smith.

·  There have been updates made to the Take Home Thursday.

·  The tree decorated with donated hats, gloves and mittens looks good. The donations will be given to a charity.

·  The Barnes Noble night was successful with a very good turnout from A1 students and families.

·  A flyer for the art club will be available soon.

·  The 5th and 6th grade concert will be held Monday, Dec 14. There will be refreshments available after the concert. Coffee and the popcorn machine along with popcorn are in the PTO room. If you purchase refreshments to sell, please turn in your receipts to Pam Schobel for reimbursement. Also, it was agreed that coupon books would be sold the night of the concert and the donation box will be out. There is a money box in the PTO room that can be used. Students can help sell the coupon books at the door.

·  The holiday parties will be held Friday, December 18 beginning at 2:30. Homeroom parents will receive the money for the parties.

·  The first snow make-up day is December 23rd if needed.


·  Ms. McMahon announced that Ms. Kramer has purchased books for the students in her class with $30 of her personal funds. She has requested that the funds set aside for her class field trip instead be used to purchase indoor playroom equipment. This will be discussed with Ms. Endler at a future meeting. Everyone agreed that it would be okay to use the money for equipment rather than a field trip as long as it is a class decision and not just the decision of the teacher. Everyone was also aware that this could be requested by other teachers as well. It was decided that Ms. McMahon would talk with the teachers and request wish lists for their classrooms that may be filled by parents donating used toys rather than using the field trip money.

·  Ms. McMahon reported that the school nurse has requested donations of sweat pants and socks in all sizes. This will also be included on the website. The nurse will be notified that she has a $50 budget.

·  Ms. McMahon reported that a parent has requested that the school cover the cost of volunteer clearances. There may be a chance that PTO could cover half the cost, however, no decision was reached. This will be tabled for discussion when Ms. Endler is present.


·  There was a member of student council at the meeting. She reported that the students are planning new activities. They would like to participate in a talent show again and they would also like to create a wall mural.


·  Pam Schobel reported on the budget.

General Account $1,976.32

Special Account $1,592.24

·  Pam Schobel reported that the coupon book fundraiser has raised $740.

·  There is still $6,339 owed to Wolfgang.

·  Keepsake studios paid A1 $627.74


·  Diana Smith said that Ms. Endler requested yearbook order forms be senthome before the Christmasbreak.

·  After the holiday Amy Dell will need the CD from the last yearbook. If she is unable to reach April, someone from PTO will get it for her.

·  The ads from 6th grade parents will cost $5.


·  Deb Ferris reported that future fundraisers include selling MTOs and a walk-a-thon. Volunteers are needed for this springevent. Mr. Moore has agreed to help with coordinating a wellness initiative. A request for volunteers will be put on the website. The event will be held in early May.

·  Deb Ferris said that there are still some candy orders that have not been picked up. Next year if you are not able to pick up your order on the designated night, PTO will not be responsible for the orders.

·  Mrs. Stroh's class won the $30 in class cash for participation in the candy sale. Mrs. Hipp, Mrs. Cramer and Mrs. Smith’s classes all had 53% participation and will split the class cash and will get a party.

·  Teachers will be asked to encourage the selling of coupon books.


·  Friday, June 4 is Field Day. Erica Longstreth asked that a motion be made to change the name. Diana Smith seconded the motion and it was agreed to let the students select a new name.


·  Amy Dell reminded everyone that the Holiday Shop will be open December 9, 10, and 11.

·  She also reported that the holiday shop willnow be charged6% sales tax and only a 5% profit margin was allotted for. Diana Smith made a motion and Lori McCoy seconded the motion and it was agreed that the PTO would cover the cost of the additional 1%.

·  Volunteers are needed forWednesday and Thursday at the shop.


·  Another box tops contest will be held in January. There will be one winner who will receive four Galactic Ice passes.


·  Leslie Rupp said that she is looking for students in grades 1-3 to sing chorus for Jr. High how March 5-6.


·  There will be a 6th grade committee meeting Monday night at 6:00.

·  Lori McCoy announced that A1 received a $9,000 grant to purchase books. There will be three distributions and she needs volunteers to help. The tagline for the books is RED (Read Every Day). Students will make bookmarks with RED. She requested funds for RED and the request was approved.

·  An invitation was made to attend the President Council Meeting. The Council has granted those photographers who were not selected this year time to give presentations. Any input/feedback you have on the student photos should be emailed to prior to the meeting.

·  There will be no meeting in January.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

The next PTO meeting will be held Monday, February 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Allegheny 1.

Notes submitted by Lori Adams