Class: Foods & Nutrition

Instructor: Mrs. Baker Email:

Location: Rainier High School – Room 236

Syllabus Checklist:

Check off each proposed objective as you master the skill described.

i.  Research a food of a different country. (expectations for assignment will be given at a later date)

ii. Participates in at least two Food Safety activities preparing for Test.

3. Consistently follows Food Safety Guidelines in lab and cooking work.

4. demonstrates sanitary dishwashing skills.

5. Uses hot pads correctly.

6. Consistently matches pan size to element and recipe requirements.

7. Manages, prepares and evaluates Amish Friendship Bread Unit.

8. Prepares Quick Breads well.

9. Can name at least three types of Quick Breads and their leaveners.

A. a.

B. b.

C. c.

10. Participates in at least two Quick Bread Labs and evaluations.

A. Muffin Lab


11. Demonstrates knowledge of cooking from the grain group.

12. Prepares food from the vegetable group.

13. Prepares food from the fruit group.

14. Prepares food from the dairy group.

15. Prepares food from the meat/bean group

16. Prepares pudding in instant and “cooked from scratch” varieties.

17. Prepares and evaluates at least two yeast bread preparations.



18. Demonstrates an understanding of how yeast works in bread.

19. Prepares dried pasta following package directions.

20. Prepares pasta from basic ingredients, i.e. “from scratch”.

21. Successfully prepares Eggs in at least three different ways.




22. Demonstrates knowledge of safe egg handling and cookery.

23. Demonstrates formal table setting procedures for a multi-course meal.

24. Demonstrates at least two cloth napkin folds.



25. Selects foods for a meal following Food Design Principles

(shows knowledge of color/texture/shape/temperature balance.)

26. Consistently Demonstrates correct use of basic food measurements tools.

(dry ingredients / liquid ingredients)

27. Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of basic food preparation techniques.

28. Research a food using library skills

a. computer/internet b. encyclopedia

c. reference books d. magazine/periodicals/National Geographic

29. Prepares an illustrated written report on that food.

30. Demonstrates a preparation of a dish usually that food as a major ingredient.

31. Is the sous chef for a demonstration preparation

32. Is an active listener for other demonstrations, including tasting.

33. Completes class Final with at least 60% accuracy.


Some assignments will be able to be redone for a better grade!! After a test or unit project homework from that unit will not be accepted. Only the unit we are in and have not taken a test or completed a project work will be accepted.

Grading will be made up of:
1. Weekly Assignments (30%):

2. Food Labs (50%):

3. Test/Quizzes (20%):

Late Work:

Late work will only be accepted during the unit we are in. After the project or test of a unit is completed, work from that unit can no longer be turned in.

Course Expectations:

Respect each other, yourself, and equipment.

Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn.

Class participation

Food and Drink: Food consumption (including gum) and drinks (other than water) are not permitted during class, unless you are involved in a food lab.

Behavior Plan:

Verbal Warning

Time out of class

Time with Mrs. Baker

Phone call home / parent conference

Office Referral


You will be given 1 free tardy a quarter. After the 2nd and 3rd tardy you will owe Mrs. Baker time before school, after school, during break or lunch. A phone call home will also happen after the 2nd and 3rd. The 4th tardy you will be referred to the office.

GLE’s/EALR’s: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.7

My signature below verifies that I have read and understand the grading procedures and participation requirements for this class.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Student Signature Date