Last Name 1

Template for Experimental Design Diagram and Methods section of Science Fair Paper

Instructions to use this template:

For this deadline, you must submit two items in the same document and provide a hard copy print out to the teacher.

  1. Experimental Design Diagram – This part of the document will identify the variables, title, and hypothesis of the experiment.
  2. Methods section of Science Fair paper – This part of the document should clearly list out safety concerns of the experiment, materials needed for the experiment, and procedure to be used for the experiment.

Formatting instructions for this document submission are as follows:

  • Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced
  • 1 inch margins (right, left, top, and bottom)
  • Left justified text
  • Last name and page number should be right aligned in the header. Replace where it states Last Name with your last name.
  • Remove all bold, italicized text because they are instructions to help you fill in this document correctly and are not meant to be submitted as part of the final document that will be submitted.
  • Heading included on first page: name; instructor name; course; date

Heading Here: Name

Instructor Name



Experimental Design Diagram

Independent Variable (IV):Identify the variable that is being tested in the experiment. If units of measurements are being used, make sure to identify them and make sure they are metric (SI) units.

Dependent Variable (DV):Identify the variable that is being measured in the experiment. For the purposes of science fair, all dependent variables should be using measurements and should be measured in metric (SI) units.

Controlled Variables (CVs): List all controlled variables in the experiment

Title of Experiment:

Hypothesis of Experiment:There are several ways to write an appropriate hypothesis. Included below are some options for you to use. Make sure to fill in the information correctly.

Trials being performed and justification:Using complete sentences, identify how many trials are being done in the experiment and discuss 3 reasons why multiple trials are needed.


(No Personal Pronouns should be included in this section. All measurements should be in metric units.)

Safety: List safety guideline. Use safety symbols from your textbook for reference. List each one separately.

Materials: List materials. Remember to give quantity or measurement (metric) for each item. Do not list pencil and lab book as part of your materials.

Procedure: Number each step. Remember step by step instructions on what you will do. You may need to change steps as you progress through your experiment. Ultimately, you will have steps of what you actually did recorded in your science journal and write the final version of the procedures in your final draft of your science fair paper. Make sure the procedure is easily followed and can be repeated by someone else. Ask a friend or family member to read your procedure and see if they can follow it. Do not start your procedures with “Gather all materials” rather assume that that all materials have been gathered and start from there.