Andrea: motions to move into consideration of leg. Motions to move into SB 59
Voyce: Authors Comments
Here, to help outreach on campus and other clubs. School training program with ASUCD to help train people. Dpt of campus centers is very redundant, want to cut it. Studen Health and Safety will cover CAPS, etc. Hosting the Hiring Fair, new this year – good for the organization. Changing the language to be specific to the number of constituencies. Giving freshman other duties that are relevant.
Cano: We now move into questions in text. Moves commission into public discussion.
Jeysree: Lines 109 and 125, mention ASUCD units and commission. Maybe keep it general and inform them in general about ASUCD. If keep it the way it is, they might be excluding other units or commissions. Suggests striking “commissions and units” on lines 109.
Martin: Line 68, quarter is capitalized and not anywhere else. Question – Line 54, talks about Senate removing people from Outreach Assembly who miss meetings. Wants Voyce to expand on that. Is it consistent with other bylaws?
Voyce: Certain member that didn’t come and didn’t resign seat. Want bylaws to move people arbitrarily.
Cano: It is consistent with commissions. It’s not absolute.
Abergel: Line 39 changed to period not semicolon.
Webb: Line 125, think that it is fine as is because it is relevant to student government and student groups. Some circumstances the exec office is relevant, but the line is fine as it is.
Freeman: Want to know how training will go if hiring 13 people. And, how hard will hiring be? Interested in training these people?
Voyce: Problem is that they don’t work on the same things – all 13 are starting new by doing different jobs.
Deferment – Jeysree: Intern could fill in a position that is empty to help train new people.
Freeman: The background should be a complete sentence. And, opinion on 125 – could just add units and other commissions.
Cano: Concern about having all 13 members at once: 1. Going to have a lot of interview committees. 2. Worked fine before between Fall and Winter, esp when adding new positions. Could get people interested in job fairs.
Deferment to Martin: need to be choosy about what positions to hire in Fall and Spring.
Cano: Are the positions solidified?
Voyce: Usually student government clubs are sustained.
Cano: Why the change? Things have been fine.
Voyce: Hasn’t been fine – If hire more, less time training. And, during the Winter it is difficult to get started; Spring you are ready; Fall, starting from scratch again or do the min until you get out. Things should culminate to Spring quarter.
Jeysree: Do you think you will be able to get 13 positions filled by Spring quarter?
Voyce: First time it would be harder to hire; still hard to hire 6 twice.
Jeysree: thinks it is a good idea that all have them start Fall quarter.
Deferment to Auzy: Fall is a good idea; incentive for OA seeing as how it currently pays its members.
Jeysree: Changing hiring periods?
Voyce: Not opposed to changing the hiring periods; but, would prefer to keep the same.
Jeysree: Change the background: “The goals, duties, positions in the ASUCD need…”
Auzy: DO you know what the by law is with training? Is there a bylaw that allows it or not?
Cano: Have to have another hiring committee, have to have a hiring process.
Auzy: Do we need to hire 13 positions? If there isn’t a bylaw, then why can’t train and then be confirmed? Should be ready to go. Training in the Spring for the Fall so that they will be ready. Once a year is a good idea. Are all 13 necessary and can we train them?
Martin: How does the hiring for the speaker work? Does that take place at the same time as the others?
Voyce: Yes.
Martin: Biggest concern is hiring the speaker at the same time. Along with not training the 13 positions. Doesn’t have better ideas on that. Because there are 13 different positions; have to have 13 different hiring committees.
Cano: Have to have multiple posts. Have to ask them different questions.
Martin: Although could keep hiring committee, but have 13 different sets of questions.
Voyce: Confused because if all have the same requirements for the hiring committee, why not keep the same committee.
Cano: there is a chapter specifically for hiring. Can’t question the qualifications of OA members without separate sets of questions (depending on the positions).
Voyce: Can still have different sets of questions and do it at the same time and not violate any laws. Freshman outreach should be in the Winter because makes logical sense. Finding someone interested in ASUCD and specific OA area is difficult. And, agrees that it would be better to have speaker before positions are granted. Don’t want to hire anyone to start in Winter and Spring because Spring is the busiest time for OA and for clubs.
Martin: Idea is hiring the end of Fall to start in the Winter.
Voyce: Could hire the speaker at the end of this year and then waiting until fall to post the 13 members for Fall. And then the new speaker would be in charge of the new speakers and assembly and interviews. Open to ideas about training. Don’t want to start new assembly in the middle of the year because it hasn’t worked. Once a year is a little easier.
Freeman: Don’t know what you meant starting training in the middle of the year. If they already planned on hiring them.
Voyce: If not on the payroll, then training would work.
Deferment to Auzy: when hiring, make it a qualification to be trained so that they won’t be on the payroll. If they don’t show commitment to the position, then might not get confirmed by Senate.
Freeman: Strongly for training. Should be in the bylaws so OA can implement that year to year.
Cano: Disagrees with having training in bylaws because if former position is graduating, can’t force them to stay and train. Is for the interns. As for the speakers and 13 members, don’t like them being hired at the same time. The speaker could hire 13 horrible members. Sec. H is very confusing. Line 146, looks the same as Line 134 – It is the same and just moved it over. Treating freshman as a special position. More work can be done with this, don’t feel comfortable with passing this. So much confusion with this. More work can be done, change and clarify things better. From 20-35, whole section is very confusing striking everything out. Better worded. Should have something new, plan laid out rather than cutting things that haven’t worked out in OA.
Jeysree: Do think that training needs to happen in the Spring. But, training doesn’t necessarily need to happen from the member in the position before, ideally it would be nice. Does need to written in the bylaws. If you really want to start Fall quarter, training needs to happen in Spring. Speaker should be hired Fall quarter and start Winter quarter. The speaker who was there before could train the 13 members, but if new speaker, can’t train the new members. More comfortable if hired end of Fall and started Winter because they would be prepared to hire in the Spring. Is intern thing you are really considering?
Voyce: If they wouldn’t get paid. Would like a team to do all these duties (i.e., interns). Think it’s a good idea anyways, but depends if they will be paid.
Jeysree: with the positions, with the budget hearings would that decide on the decisions you would keep?
Voyce: Can make changes here regarding cutting positions.
Jeysree: spritiual and religious position have a lot to do?
Voyce: Have a lot of clubs on campus.
Jeysree: Could group that with culture and ethnicity position.
Webb: Solutions being proposed are to do more; the solution is to do more. Training shows the systemic problem with OA. Supposed to have ASUCD with OA. Don’t think need training. Requires a more far reaching position. Solution: Came up with 8-10 that are covered within the ASUCD commissions. Pick people from these commissions and serve as ex-officio under OA. The rest of the commissions should be hired not issue specific. Structure OA just like a commission.
Voyce: Lines 20-35, making it clear when they are being hired. Give grant money to clubs, if ASUCD gives money to organizations, should be someone representing those communities. Could talk about adding training, but no other commission has training outlined. And, it will be very difficult because it would mean hiring earlier in the Spring. Training could best be done in the Fall. Set up some training tool, by having certain areas meet with ASUCD. Hiring speaker during Fall term: would not take affect this year, would be in affect next year; hiring in the Winter would be in charge of a group of people that they didn’t hire and OA is very speaker directed.
Cano: Question for Voyce. How often do you get OA members to reapply for their position.
Voyce: Don’t know, only 3rd year. People reapply because they have picked up some small part from someone else’s term.
Cano: Then, training is important. How much money have you given for grants?
Voyce: Have given out about $540 (something).
Cano: Every commission is chair-driven. Speaker and members should not be hired at the same time because might not have the best people at that time and they might leave with a lot of events with untrained members. More can be done with this bylaw. Different areas esp with the hiring. Experience is the problem.
Martin: Commissions don’t need training as much as OA does because there is overlap. OA is no a commission nor is it set up as a commission, doesn’t need to be treated like a commission. Why can’t certain positions be overlapped? Still feel like speaker should be hired at a different time than the other 13 members. Does not feel comfortable passing this today.
Deferment to Voyce: Training shouldn’t be bylawedbecase not bylaw for other commissions. Don’t agree with hiring Speaker and members at different time. If we want to hire them at the same time, then have to pass something. But, if not, then 7 will be hired next year.
Martin: OA is not functioning as it was designed to, besides chaning the hiring process, this bill is just changing wording. Besides changing the hiring, doesn’t change how OA is functioning. Nothing really constructive in the bill in chaning the plans for OA. Speaker should be done now, not just ignored because you are graduating.
Freeman: Don’t feel comfortable passing this. If going to change OA, would rather do an overhaul. None of the suggestions given to OA tonight have been received well. Maybe work with someone more receptive.
Jeysree: If don’t pass it, then there would be a bigger overhaul for OA change. More comfortable with a bigger revision following this year. Changes still need to be made.
Webb: Timeline of OA, rushed and against it. Agrees that needs by major overhaul. Have been inspired by this conversation and will draft a constitutional amendment.
Voyce: Apologize for seeming unreceptive. Big flaw of association, when students ask for something, don’t give what they want. This bill is changing the allowance of interns.
Cano: Bill by Christy – Senators would be required to have interns, but because projects for interns are ambiguous. For OA, could technically be members of the public and have intern. If ex-officio, then breaking rules.
Voyce: Individual members are expected to do more than they are listed to do. The reason no one reapplies to positions because positions have no lives and ASUCD doesn’t respect it. Have major problem bylawing these members having the same duties and requirements. And, it isn’t matter that if this doesn’t get passed that 7 won’t be posted, but the other 6 won’t be posted.
Cano: Disagrees, OA will not be in trouble next year. Still time for reform. If changes are made, the people in their positions would be given extended offices to their positions. Performance can’t be written on paper. Sadly, Senate doesn’t want to have OA on payroll. Can change OA, can revive OA if put the effort into it. You’re over-legislating. So far have been working around the bylaws, not with the bylaws. Need more of a structural change; terms are debatable. Work the changes in pieces.
Voyce: Mix message; this doesn’t do enough, but needs more steps. But, this is the first step. This is what could be done before budget hearings, the middle ground.
Martin: Agree with Freeman, it should’ve been done earlier if in a rush before budget hearings. Motion to table this bill.
Cano: Senate Bill #59 has been properly tabled.
Freeman: Motions to go into Public Discussion. Has LRP meeting with KDVS.
Cano: Potluck; roommates didn’t agree with having the potluck at his place.
Martin: Proposes potluck on a Sunday.
Navarro: Can’t have it at his place on the 23rd, can’t do 16th. Could do it during a meeting. Like in two weeks.
Cano: Any requests for food? Submitted the requests for the shirts. Might get design by Friday and e-mail them out. Tim Weis is coming to Davis on Wed. at 7:30PM in Chem 194. Safe Zone training on Wed. from 11-1PM.
Webb: Serious with writing the Constitutional Amendment.
Cano: continue the orders of the day and move into reports and talk about LRP.
Webb: Going to have meeting on Monday and e-mail a time.
Martin: Subhan has had their LRP, don’t have copy of any updates.
Cano: Last Friday held office hours. Have office hours – M/T/W/F from 11-12PM. Monday, got Safe Zone trained. Had 3 midterms on Friday. Tuesday held office hours. Met with contractors for Tercero Housing, apparently there is black mold, hiring illegal workers, and projected to go over budget.
Jeysree: LRP should be introduced this week.
Melanie: LRP is done; and Thursday, used free Mondavi ticket, saw and met personal hero.
Fatima: New intern.
Navarro: Had LRP next week. Hopes to have it by 2 weeks. Went to St. Mary’s. Go a B+ on essay.
Cano: Continue orders of the day. Anyone have any other business.
Webb: Motions to adjourn.
Jeysree: Second.
Cano: Any objections to adjourning at 6:59PM? Seeing none, motion is adjourned.