Zhou Fan
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Institute: Xing Long Optical Astronomy Observational Site / Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC)
Address: A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, P.R.China
Office: A441, NAOC main building
TEL: +86 (10) 6480 6011
FAX: +86 (10) 6484 2571
Research Interests:
1. The South Galactic Cap u-band Sky Survey
2. Extragalactic star clusters
3. Photometric SSP models: GALAXEV (BC03); GALEV; BS-SSP
4. Spectroscopic Lick absorption lines (EZ_Ages) SSP models: TMJ; GALAXEV (BC03); GALEV
5. Low Mass X-ray Binaries
6. Structure parameters: King, Wilson & Sersic models
Educations and Working Experiences:
2000.9-2004.6 B.Sc. in Astrophysics, Department of Astronomy, Peking University (PKU), Beijing
2004.9-2009.5 Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut Group (BATC), NAOC
2009.7-2011.12 Assistant Professor (NAOC)
2012.1-today Associate Professor (NAOC)
Professional Affiliations and Awards:
Chinese Astronomy Society, Member (since 2011)
Beijing Astronomy Society, Member (since 2010)
2010 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
2009 Excellent Award of the President of CAS
2009 Excellent Tri-A Student Scholarship of CAS
2008 Excellent Tri-A Student Cadre Scholarship of CAS
2007 Excellent Tri-A Student Scholarship of CAS
2006 Excellent Tri-A Student Scholarship of CAS
Supported Funds:
PI Projects:
2011-2013 National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No.11003021 "Obervational Study on Formation and Evolution of Andromeda Galaxy"
2011-2013 Initial Funding of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009-2011 Young Researcher Grant of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ended)
Co-I Projects:
National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants Nos. 11073027 (PI: Jinzeng Li), 11073032 (PI: Xu Zhou), 11043006 (PI: de Grijs), 10873016 (PI: Jun Ma, ended), 10803007 (PI: Zhenyu Wu, ended), 10778720 (PI: Cuihua Du, ended), 10633020 (NSFC Key fund, ended), National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under grant 2007CB815403 (ended) and SCUSS Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (PI: Xu Zhou).
Professional Experience:
2011 April, 9-th Sino-German Workshop on Galaxy Formation and Cosmology, Hangzhou
2011 February, East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting 2011, Jeju, Korea
2010 September to December, observations with Bok in Kitt Peak and visiting the Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
2010 August, Mdeling Dense Stellar System (MODEST-10), Beijing
2010 January, observations with Bok in Kitt Peak and visiting the Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
2009 February, spectroscopic observations with MMT, Tucson, Arizona
2008 October, New Vision 400 Conference, Beijing
2008 July, East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting, Jiayuguan
- Systematic differences in simple stellar population model results: Application to the M31 globular-like cluster system, Fan, Z.; de Grijs, R., MNRAS in press, 2012arXiv1205.4310F
- Spectroscopic Study of Globular Clusters in the Halo of M31 with Xinglong 2.16m Telescope II: Dynamics, Metallicity and Age, Fan, Zhou; Huang, Ya-Fang; Li, Jin-Zeng; Zhou, Xu; Ma, Jun; Zhao, Yong-Heng, RAA in press, 2012arXiv1203.1684F
- Spectroscopic study of globular clusters in the halo of M31 with the Xinglong 2.16 m telescope, Fan, Zhou; Huang, Ya-Fang; Li, Jin-Zeng; Zhou, Xu; Ma, Jun; Wu, Hong; Zhang, Tian-Meng; Zhao, Yong-Heng, 2011, RAA, 11, 1298
- An Updated Catalog of M31 Globular-like Clusters: UBVRI Photometry, Ages, and Masses, Fan, Zhou; de Grijs, Richard; Zhou, Xu, 2010, ApJ, 725, 200
- Correlations between the Intrinsic Colors and Spectroscopic Metallicities of M31 Globular Clusters, Fan, Zhou; Ma, Jun; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Zhaoji, 2010, PASP, 122, 636
- Dissertation Summary: The Multicolor Photometric Study of M31 Globular Cluster System, Fan, Zhou, 2009, PASP, 121, 1042
- Multicolor photometric study of M31 globular clusters, Fan, Zhou; Ma, Jun; Zhou, Xu, 2009, RAA, 9, 993
- Reddening, colour and metallicity of the M31 globular cluster system, Fan, Z.; Ma, J.; deGrijs, R.; Zhou, X., 2008, MNRAS, 385, 1973
- New age estimates of M31 globular clusters from multicolour photometry, Fan, Z.; Ma, J.; deGrijs, R.; Yang, Y.; Zhou, X., 2006, MNRAS, 371, 1648
- Identification of X-Ray Point Sources and a Study of the Nature of 62 X-Ray Globular Cluster Candidates in M31, Fan, Zhou; Ma, Jun; Zhou, Xu; Chen, Jiansheng; Jiang, Zhaoji; Wu, Zhenyu, 2005, PASP, 117, 1236.
- Multicolor Photometry of the Nearby Galaxy Cluster A119, Tian, Jin-Tao; Yuan, Qi-Rong; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Zhao-Ji; Ma, Jun; Wu, Jiang-Hua; Wu, Zhen-Yu; Fan, Zhou; Zhang, Tian-Meng; Zou, Hu, RAA in press, 2012arXiv1204.1842T
- Age and Structure Parameters of the Remote M31 Globular Cluster B514 Based on HST, 2MASS, GALEX, and BATC Observations, Ma, Jun; Wang, Song; Wu, Zhenyu; Fan, Zhou; Zhang, Tianmen; Wu, Jianghua; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Zhaoji; Chen, Jiansheng, 2012, AJ,143, 29
- Stellar Population Properties and Evolution Analysis of NGC 628 with Panchromatic Photometry, Zou, Hu; Zhang, Wei; Yang, Yanbin; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Zhaoji; Ma, Jun; Wu, Zhenyu; Wu, Jianghua; Zhang, Tianmeng; Fan, Zhou, 2011, AJ, 142, 16
- Age and Mass Constraints for a Young Massive Cluster in M31 Based on Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting, Ma, Jun; Wang, Song; Wu, Zhenyu; Fan, Zhou; Yang, Yanbin; Zhang, Tianmeng; Wu, Jianghua; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Zhaoji; Chen, Jiansheng, 2011, AJ, 141, 86
- Determination of Fundamental Properties of an M31 Globular Cluster from Main-Sequence Photometry, Ma, Jun; Wu, Zhenyu; Wang, Song; Fan, Zhou; Zhou, Xu; Wu, Jianghua; Jiang, Zhaoji; Chen, Jiansheng, 2010, PASP, 122, 1164
- The First Release of the CSTAR Point Source Catalog from Dome A, Antarctica, Zhou, Xu; Fan, Zhou; Jiang, Zhaoji; Ashley, M. C. B.; Cui, Xiangqun; Feng, Longlong; Gong, Xuefei; Hu, Jingyao; Kulesa, C. A.; Lawrence, J. S.;and 22 coauthors, 2010, PASP, 122, 347
- Spectral energy distributions and age estimates of 104 M31 globular clusters, Wang, Song; Fan, Zhou; Ma, Jun; de Grijs, Richard; Zhou, Xu, 2010, AJ, 139, 1438
- RESEARCH PAPER: Old stellar population synthesis: new age and mass estimates for Mayall II = G1, Ma, Jun; de Grijs, Richard; Fan, Zhou; Rey, Soo-Chang; Wu, Zhen-Yu; Zhou, Xu; Wu, Jiang-Hua; Jiang, Zhao-Ji; Chen, Jian-Sheng; Lee, Kyungsook; Sohn, Sangmo Tony, 2009, RAA, 9, 641
- Spectral Energy Distributions and Age Estimates of 39 Globular Clusters in M31, Ma, Jun; Fan, Zhou; de Grijs, Richard; Wu, Zhenyu; Zhou, Xu; Wu, Jianghua; Jiang, Zhaoji; Chen, Jiansheng, 2009, AJ, 137, 4884.
- Metal Abundance Properties of M81 Globular Cluster System, Ma, Jun;Burstein, David; Fan, Zhou; Zhou, Xu;Chen, Jiansheng; Jiang, Zhaoji; Wu, Zhenyu;Wu, Jianghua, 2007, PASP, 119. 1085
- Structural parameters of Mayall II = G1 in M31, Ma, J.;deGrijs, R.; Chen, D.;vandenBergh, S.; Fan, Z.; Wu, Z.;Wu, H.; Zhou, X.; Wu, J.; Jiang, Z.; Chen, J., 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1621
- Age Constraints for an M31 Globular Cluster from SEDs Fit, Ma, Jun;Yang, Yanbin; Burstein, David; Fan, Zhou;Wu, Zhenyu; Zhou, Xu; Wu, Jianghua; Jiang, Zhaoji;Chen, Jiansheng, 2007, ApJ, 659, 359
23. Age estimations of M 31 globular clusters from their spectral energy distributions, Ma, J.;Zhou, X.; Burstein, D.; Yang, Y.; Fan, Z.;Chen, J.; Jiang, Z.; Wu, Z.; Wu, J.; Zhang, T., 2006, A&A, 449, 143
------updated on June, 20, 2012------