Curriculum Map for Life Science & the Stars
Units / Content / Skills for student AchievementStudents will be able to… / Assessment / Performance Standards Addressed / Essential Questions
1 / History of Astronomy /
- Understand the way new scientific knowledge is gained
- Discover some of the main people behind some important contributions in astronomy
- Debunk Astrology
- Our Place in the Universe
- Ancient Astronomy
- Fakebook Page
- Timeline Activity
- Timeline Poster
- Planetarium Visit
- Astronomer Timeline
- Science is about understanding the natural world. Characterized by empirical criteria, logical argument, & skeptical review.
- Historical contributions.
- What is Astronomy? Astrology?
- Who helped us to discover what we know about the cosmos today?
- How did they determine what they knew?
- When were some of the important astronomical events?
- Where do we live in the universe?
2 / Measurements & Units /
- Use conversions
- Determine the difference between some astronomical units
- Convert things into & from scientific notation
- Use metric conversions
- Space Math
- Conversions Practice
- Math Quiz
- Describe how values & constraints affect science & engineering.
- Why do we use the metric system in science?
- How do you measure precisely?
3 / Moon /
- Identify the phases of the moon
- Explain what the various types of eclipses are & how they are formed
- Describe the role the moon plays in tides
- Provide an explanation to lunar landing hoax ideas
- Describe the best theory for how/when the moon formed.
- Phases Animation
- Eclipse Worksheet
- Tides Packet
- Lunar Landing Hoax Research
- Interactive Moon Map
- Moon Quiz
- Use the predictable motions of the Earth around its own axis and around the sun, and of the moon around the Earth, to explain the length of a day, phases of the moon, tides & eclipses.
- What are the phases of the moon?
- Why do phases occur?
- How do tides occur? How do they change?
- What creates an eclipse?
- Why do people think we have not landed on the moon?
- What are some of the features of the moon?
- How as the moon formed?
4 / Planets & Moons /
- Explain the location of the 8 planets in our solar system.
- Provide some background information about each planet.
- Describe the formation of our solar system.
- Estimate how many planets we have discovered outside our solar system.
- Name a few moons orbiting planets in our solar system
- Solar System Wiki
- Solar Walk App
- Terrestrial & Jovian Planets WS
- Scale Solar System Model
- Solar System Scale Activity
- Solar System Formation Video
- Solar System Quiz
- The solar system formed from a nebular cloud of dust & gas 4.6 billion years ago.
- Magnetic Fields interacting with electromagnetic waves.
- 9P.
- How did our star & planets form?
- What are the 8 planets in order?
- What are some of the moons in our solar system?
- What makes each planet different from the rest?
- How do we detect planets outside our solar system?
- How many planets have we discovered?
- What is the difference between a planet & a moon?
5 / Stars /
- List the various star types & describe the differences between them.
- Discuss the differences in star life cycles.
- Understand the layers of the sun.
- Use an H-R diagram to plot stars.
- Recognize some star constellations & where they are located.
- Explain the various types of strange stars
- The Sun Diagram
- H-R diagram WS
- Constellation Observation Guide
- Constellation Review
- Star Brochure
- Star Life Cycle WS
- The Universe Episode
- Classroom Observation App
- Constellation I.D.
- Gravitational clumping leads to nuclear fusion, producing energy & chemical elements of a star.
- What is a star?
- How are star life cycles different? Similar?
- What is an H-R diagram used for?
- What is a constellation?
- Where are the constellations?
- What do they look like?
- What are some strange star types?
- How does a black hole form?
6 / Galaxies & Beyond /
- Understand the universe has a finite lifespan & beginning
- Describe the key shapes & sub shapes to galaxies.
- Discuss the possible futures of the universe.
- Understand the dark matter & energy effects.
- Understand the evolution of galaxies
- Galaxy Type I.D.
- Big Bang Activity
- The Universe Episode
- Galaxy WebQuest
- Active Galaxies WS
- Black Hole Formation WS
- Galaxy evolution Poster
- The big bang theory states that the universe expanded from a hot, dense chaotic mass, after which chemical elements formed & clumped together to form stars & galaxies.
- What is a galaxy?
- How did galaxies form?
- What is an active galactic nucleus?
- How did the universe begin?
- When?
- How do we know?
- How do we measure cosmic distances?
- What are the various shapes galaxies come in?
7 / Astrobiology /
- Define the characteristics of life.
- Apply the char. Of life to other planets & possible species.
- Determine what habitability is & how we define its boundaries.
- Explain how life could’ve originated here & other planets.
- Describe the extreme environments that life can thrive here on Earth.
- Explain what the Drake Equation is & a few of the variables it considers
- Astrobiology Research
- The Universe Episode
- Extremophiles Packet
- Habitability WS
- Life in the Universe Debate
- Astrobiology Quiz
- Compare & contrast the environmental conditions that make life possible on Earth with conditions found on other planets.
- Compare how life developed on Earth.
- What is life?
- What is habitability?
- What is an alternative biochemistry?
- How does life begin?
- How likely is other life in the universe?
- What type of life could we find?
- How are we looking for ETs?
8 / Rockets /
- Safely launch a rocket.
- Understand the physics behind rockets.
- Create a rocket from a pre-designed kit.
- Measure & calculate the altitude of a rocket.
- Measure & calc. the velocity of a rocket.
- Assembly of the rockets
- Rocket Safety
- Safety Quiz
- Launching rockets
- Taking the data from the rocket launches
- Analysis of Data
- Rocket Quiz
- Forces & inertia determine the motion of objects.
- 9P.
- How do you make a rocket?
- How high does a rocket fly? How fast?
- How do you know?
- What are the parts to a rocket?
- What laws are associated with rocketry?
- What role does physics & math play in rocketry?