Romans 6: 8-9
"Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live
with him: Knowing that Christ
being raised from the dead dieth
no more; death hath no more
dominion over him."
I COR. 10:31
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Romans 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5: 1-2
Examine -
1. How are you justified?
2. How does being justified affect our relationship to God?
3. Through whom do we receive justification?
4. In what do we have access through Jesus Christ?
5. To what "grace" is Romans 5:1 referring?
6. How does one receive "this grace"?
7. In what can we rejoice having received "this grace"?
8. How can you expect (hope for) the glory of God?
Apply -
If you were to evaluate your relationship to God, would you have peace with Him?
How are you rejoicing in expectation of the Glory of God?
Praise -
Pray -
Date: Time:
Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5: 3-5
Examine -
1. In what are we to glory?
2. What are the final results of our trials?
3. Does this word "hope" have the same meaning then as now?
4. What makes "hope" so special?
5. How is the result of hope accomplished?
6. What should be characteristic of our general attitude (heart) according to
verse 5?
7. What makes this attitude (heart condition) possible?
Bonus: When is the Holy Ghost given to us?
Apply -
List the trials you are facing or have faced recently.
How have you “gloried” in them?
Do you see the "fruits" (patience, experience, hope) of these trials in your life?
Do you recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life because of your loving spirit?
Praise -
Pray -
Date: Time:
Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5: 6-8
Examine -
1. How is a Christian described before salvation?
2. For whom did Christ die according to verse 6?
3. When did Christ die for these people according to verse 6?
4. How often would one die for a righteous person?
5. What other kind of person would one dare to die?
6. How did Christ demonstrate his love for us?
7. What was our condition when he demonstrated his love?
8. Do we really deserve His love?
Apply -
Examine your life for pride. Pride is having a higher opinion of oneself than deserved. According to this passage, we have nothing in which we can boast. God deserves all the credit; praise Him today for His unspeakable love demonstrated for you!!
Praise -
Pray -
Date: Time:
Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5: 9-11
Examine -
1. From what does justification save us?
2. How are we justified?
3. When is justification applied?
4. When were we reconciled (saved from God's wrath)?
5. How shall we be saved? (Vs. 10b)
6. In what can we rejoice?
7. By whom did we receive justification (the atonement)?
Apply -
Do you really live in such a way as to demonstrate your appreciation to God for your undeserved justification?
List some ways you can demonstrate this appreciation today, and do them!!
Praise -
Pray -
Date: Time:
Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5:12-14
Examine -
1. How did sin enter into the world?
2. What is the result of sin?
3. Who is this "one man"?
4. Why has death passed upon all men?
5. Why do we need the law?
6. Define "sinning after the similitude of Adam's transgression"?
Apply -
List some things the law has done for you and how you can be thankful for it.
The law is not to be despised!
Praise -
Pray -
Date: Time:
Weekly Memory Verse - Rom. 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5: 15-19
Examine -
1. What is the overall theme of these verses?
2. What two things are contrasted in these verses?
3. What is this "free gift" that is mentioned in these verses?
4. Why do you think Paul seems to be repeating himself in these verses?
5. When Paul says it has abounded to many does this mean that it has not abounded to all?
Apply -
List how these verses defend the truth against the common misconception . . . all people will go to Heaven.
Use these verses regularly to defend such errors!
Praise -
Pray -
Date: Time:
Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 8-9
Read - Romans 5: 20-21
Examine -
1. Why was the law given?
2. What does this mean?
3. Contrasted to the abundance of sin, what abounded more?
4. What are the results of this grace?
5. By whom does one receive this grace?
6. What is the final conclusion of this chapter?
7. How could this chapter be outlined as a whole?
Apply -
Use your chapter conclusion and outline to make a list of how this justification affects you, and how you can demonstrate your imputed righteousness every day! NOW DO IT!!!
Review your Memory Verse for tonight!
Praise -
Pray -