The Wizard of Oz

Trip to Curraghchase

Juniors and Seniors Hurling Match

Juniors School Tour

Junior,Seniors and First Class went on their school tour to Bunratty Folk Park on Monday 20th June. The First Class got to try their hand at archery and were shown how to make bows and arrows. The Junior Infants went on the brand new and exciting Fairy Door Trail and Seniors were shown animal husbandry and did pond activities. After all the action the boys were given a fairy door to decorate and to bring home to their mums and dads. After a picnic in the barn, everyone got to play in the lovely playground before the buses arrived to return all to the school, tired but happy after all the adventures.

ArdScoilRis blitz

Early on in the year our hurling team attended the ArdscoilRis hurling blitz. It was a sunny Saturday, a fine day for hurling. Before the blitz started all the teams had to meet up in the hall, AKA, the dressing room. When we arrived Stephen handed out the jerseys and gave us the team talk

Our first match was a tight one. A great goal from Finlay Parbat put us in the lead early on. The other team were putting over points and kept applying pressure on our back line and eventually scored a goal. The final score was 1-5 to 1-1. Unfortunately we lost Sean O’ Mahony to injury who was like our Richie McCarthy.

The second match was a tight affair with back and forth scoring, with Aaron Flynn scoring the first goal in the match. There were brilliant points being scored leftright and centre. But the opposition scored a last second goal putting them ahead by 2 points. The final score was 2-4 to 1-5 with scores coming from Aaron Flynn, Sam Hickey, Mark o’ Brien and Luke Armstrong.

Overall it was a great day for the team. We may not have qualified for the next round but we learned a lot from these two defeats. It was a fun and well organised event that we will remember for a long time.

By Sam Hickey and Mark O’Brien


We went bowling in Supermac’s before Christmas. We needed to get to sixty Class Dojo marks to be allowed to go. Stephen Paid for the enjoyable trip and the parents brought us in their cars to bowling. We played in the arcade afterwards and we won sweets and prizes. We were broken into groups of five and six. We had twelve goes each. The barriers were up to stop the bowling ball from falling to the side. Lots of people got strikes and spares and we had great fun. The hard work to get to sixty marks was definitely worth it in the end.

Authors: Seán and Kevin

Clements hurling blitz

In March we participated in a ground hurling match in Clements. After our warm up of running up and down lanes we played our opening match to Ballybrown. After the final whistle we won three goals to two goals. There was a two minute break between every match and after the two minute break we played against Sixmilebridgefor our second match and for finish we won four goals to two goals.

In our third match we played against Shauntrade. It was coming to an end but we didn’t give up and we made it seven goals to six goals to Shauntrade. Our last match was against Módhscoiland it didn’t end out a happy story because we lost four goals to two goals. Afterwards we went inside to the hall to get dinks and food for our journey home to Adare. It was a great day!!

By Ian and Finlay

DarraghLannigan Tournament

Later on in the school year a few boys from 4th, 5th, 6th went to a football tournament in Tarbert, Kerry. Twenty-two boys attended the tournament from our school and everyone gave it their all.

There were four teams invited, two from Limerick and two from Kerry. These teams were invited because, DarraghLannigan, who taught in each of these schools, sadly passed away.

This is the order in which place everyone came:

  • In first place came Corbelly who won the Cup final.
  • In second came Tarbert, the runner-ups.
  • In third place came us who won the Shield final.
  • In last came Moyvane who didn’t win anything

Overall it was a great day and everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Stephen for training us and being an amazing coach

P.S. Finlay Parbat was the top goal scorer in the tournament with 5 goals

By ÓranHanrahanand Thomas Byrne


Earlier this year the entire school participated in gymnastics. Every Monday for eight week we did gymnastics.

We would start by exercising our muscles. Our coach, Mark, would instruct us on things to do such as: the Elephant stand, Hand stand and cart-wheel. He would also give us fun activities and challenges to try. Mark was not strict and always made everything fun. There was never a boring day because Mark would do something new every day.

By Paul and Dara

Juniors and Seniors match

On Friday the 17th of June, ScoilNaomhIosaf held its annual juniors and seniors match. There were four pitches and eight teams. There was a lot of talent shown by the infants in the matches.

After a match each team would rotate to play another team. There was a huge attendance of proud parents who supported their children in the games. The sun was shining and the parent’s council organized ice-cream and refreshment drinks and raised money for Down syndrome Ireland.

Each child received a medal for their participation in the matches.

ScoilNaomhIosaf will have some talented players in the coming years!

By Aaron and James


On the 15th of June, during sports week, 5th and 6th class went to Curraghchase Park to do orienteering. At school the classes were split into groups of three and four. After that the parents brought us to Curraghchase. When we got there, Stephen gave us maps of Curraghchase, and scattered around on the maps were the numbers 1 to 8. When we found one of the numbers on the map there was a three or four digit code there. So in our groups with an adult to supervise us, we set off looking for the codes. Most of the 8 groups started at number 1, but it turned out that numbers 1,2and 3 were missing. Once we realised this, we went searching for the other numbers. The first number most groups went looking for after that was number four, which the groups found on the side of a small building. With that complete, the groups took off and managed to find the other four codes. The first group to return with the most codes, was the group with Oliver Corbett, Louis Morrissey and Mark O’Brien. Soon after, two groups returned and gained a win of joint second and after that a group returned and came 3rd( That’s my group : > ). After that, when all the groups had returned, we had a barbeque in the sitting area and ate hot dogs. Then after eating the hot dogs the entire classes of 5th and 6th played tag in the woods and then returned, it was a great day! A huge thank you to our teachers and parents who organised this!!!!!

By Eoin Ward

Our Quiz Triumph

Greetings, I am Ronan Griffin and this is my story about our recent quiz win!

On Friday May 17th, Oisin McCarthy, Louis Morrissey, Sean O’Mahony and I, Ronan Griffin attended a highly competitive quiz competition in Rathkeale House Hotel. There we faced other schools including Shountrade, St. Nicholas and, our arch rivals, Our Lady’s Abbey. The questions varied in difficulty and in the end the winner was to be decided in a tense tiebreak…….. BETWEEN US AND THE GIRLS SCHOOL!! Three questions made up the tiebreak which was eventually won by us! HOORAY!! We got a shield and each of us got a sealed, white envelope containing €35. Even Sadie, our wonderful quiz coach, got an envelope with money for the school in it. Overall it was a very enjoyable evening and everyone was very proud of us.

By Ronan. S .G. Griffin

Our Winning Quiz Team

Pitch and Putt

On the 17th of June fifth and sixth class from ScoilNaomhIósaf went to Adare Pitch and Putt. When we got there we were split into groups of three and four.

We were all sent to different holes, but before we set off some people needed to get clubs, and Stephen generously paid for at least two thirds of us. He put us in groups and told us to start on a specific hole. Most of us played fast enough to get all eighteen holes done while some people were taking their time and got fifteen holes done! If you only played fifteen holes finished your score was added up without taking off any shots (if you played all eighteen your three highest scores were subtracted from your score)

After we finished playing we all came back to where we purchased our clubs. This is where we added up our scores, it took around twenty to twenty five minutes to add up all our scores and to see who got the least amount of shots. Soon enough we found out that Aaron, Séan and Luke were the winners!

After all it was a great day out! 

Prezi Project

During the year 5th and 6th class were separated into groups of six, mine included: Michael Keating,Sam Hickey, Kevin Daily, Mark O Brien, and Thomas O’Donoghue and me. The project was assigned to us by ParaicAherne who works at the Woodlands hotel. Our aim was to find a new attraction for the hotel. There were many ideas: canoeing in the Maigue, a mini cinema and an arcade. We did our projects on a website called Prezi. It is quite similar to Power Point you can add themes, pictures, videos, pictures and text bubbles. After three weeks with Paraic we went to the Woodlands and presented our projects to the parents and to Connor and Mary Fitzgerald. All the groups had six different parts: the manager, intro man, product designer, marketer, researcher and conclusion man. We had a great time and I’d love to do it again.

By Jake Hogan

Rathkeale Tournament Report

Towards the end of the year, 5th and 6th class went to the Rathkeale Hurling Blitz. Six teams accompanied Adare in this tournament

In the first game we played Rathkeale. Adare dominated Rathkeale in the first half but due to the short time, it was scoreless at half time. At the end of the game it was two points to one to Adare.

The second game was a clash between Kilfinny and Adare. Adare completely outplayed Kilfinny in this short amount of time and won 1-4 to no score. Due to these two wins Adare got into the cup final.

Adare faced Ballingarry in the final but unfortunately Adare lost by one point in this rough and physical game. After the first half there was no score but in the end it was two points to one to Ballingarry

At the end of the day, although we lost in the final, we had a great day. We even got burgers at the end!

By Michael Keating and Luke Armstrong

School tour

This year second to sixth went to the Glen in Cork. There were two buses so the teachers spilt the classes; fourth to sixth went together while second and third stayed together.

There was lots to do. There was Zorbing, which is a plastic ball with layers that you and your friend can crawl into and roll over obstacles. There was a crate game which you have a wire attached to you and you and two friends have to work together to try not to fall off or knock over the crates. There was also a game of tick tack toe.

After all that we went to one euro shop and bought ‘useful’ stuff. Finally, after that we travelled back to the school and we went home.

This would not be possible without the Teachers so thank you all. ;)

From Matthew and Andrew.

Swimming Lessons

At the end of April our school, ScoilNaomhIósafbegan weekly swimming lessons at Askeaton leisure centre every Tuesday for eight weeks.

Every class from 1th to 6thattended these lessons.At twenty minutes to eleven in the morning classes second, third and sixthgot on the bus for a forty minute drive to Askeaton. The bus drive was always really fun because we go to play games and we had no work to do. The second bus left a bit after twelve o’clockwith the other three classes.

On the first lesson, the swimming instructors got to know and how experienced we were in the pool. We split into 4 groups: group one in the baby pool, group two in the shallow end of the big pool, group 3 in the middle and group 4 in the deep end and the swimming lanes.

I got into the last group where we swam front crawl, back crawl, breast stroke, inverted breast stroke and the most difficult stroke called butterfly.

Overall, swimming lessons were great fun and were a great way for the students to get exercise.

By Louis Morrissey and Thomas Fitzpatrick

The street hand ball blitz

The street handball blitz was a collection of boys and girls working together as a team. Street handball contains the rules of three steps per person, five passes to be able to get a goal andafter a boy gets a goal, a girl has to get a goal and etc. After numerous matches it came to a final: this led to the Western Falcon’s v the Bulls. In this match the Falcons werevictorious. In second there was the Bulls, in third the Chiefs, and in fourth, the Reds. After the games we ate sweets and drank dilutedorange and we were given our medals in the hall. Specialthanks to the Parent’s Council and to the teachers for making this memorableday possible.

By Adam Dillon and SohaybEssefiani !!

The School Show

The school show was an amazing event during the school year. The school play this year was The Wizard of Oz. The auditions and the rehearsals began in January. Only the sixth class students and some of the staff had the main rolls. Mark O’ Brien and Paul Costello played Daniel, the main character. Luke Armstrong and Sean O’Mahonyplayed the Lion. Oliver Corbett and Ronan Griffin played the Tin man. Adam Dillon and Louis Morrissey starred as the Scarecrow. Kevin Daly starred as the Witch. And finally Patrick O’Donnell and Oisín McCarthy as the Wizard of Oz himself and Uncle Henry. The fifth class students were the flying monkeys, the fourth class students were the cowboys, the third class students and James Neylon from sixth class were the Ozmen, the second class students were the Munchkins, the first class students were the little tin men, the seniors were the little scarecrows and the juniors were the poppies.

The school play was on in the village hall in March on Wednesday 9thand Thursday 10th. It was directed by GerdieMcGlynn and was supported by the Parent’s Council. Overall, we had an unbelievable time and loved every minute of it !

By Patrick O Donnell and Oisín McCarthy.

Sixth Class Graduation

The graduation of our 12 sixth class boys took place on Wednesday 22ndJune. There was a mass in Holy Trinity Abbey for all of the school in the morning. Then the graduation ceremony took place in the school hall and refreshments were provided afterwards in the school for the boys and their guests. This year the boys presented their mothers with a red rose in appreciation of everything they have done for them. There was hardly a dry eye in the hall! We would like to wish Mark, Paul, Kevin, Seán, Louis, James, Oisín, Patrick, Adam, Luke, Ronan and Oliver all the best in their new schools. They will be missed and will always be welcome to drop in and see us any time.

Sports Week

Our Sports Week took place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th June and we were fairly lucky with the weather. There were lots of different activities organised, including River Walks, Teddy Bear Picnics, cricket, rounders, tennis, street handball, pitch and putt, soccer and orienteering in Curraghchase. As you can see it was a very busy week in the school and a welcome break after all the hard work during the year. Thanks to all of the teachers for organising and leading the activities.

First Holy Communion

The Communion took place on 21st May and once again the Parent’s Council hosted the communion breakfast for the three schools in the school hall and marquee. The marquee was erected by Party Time and we would like to thank them for providing it. The hall and the marquee were beautifully decorated and the catering was first class thanks to the Trojan work of the Parent’s Council.

Fun Pub Quiz

The quiz was held in Pat Collins Bar in February and once again was a great success. The money raised on the night was used to offset some of the expenses of staging the school show. Thanks to everyone who came on the night, donated spot prizes or helped out in any other way.