Summer 2015 NDnano Undergraduate Research Fellowship (NURF) Opportunities


The NDnano Center has several undergraduate* research fellowships available for summer 2015. The fellowships offer motivated undergraduates the opportunity to learn more about a specific area of research, gain valuable skills, and be part of a cutting-edge research project in nanoscience or nanoengineering.

Fellowship recipients will conduct their research within an exciting team atmosphere, working with a faculty mentor, postdocs, and graduate students in the University’s science and engineering labs and cleanroom facilities.

Each NURF position is full time (40 hours/week) and provides a total stipend of $5,250 over a 10-week period to fall within the window of May 18 – August 7. Please note: The University allows students to work a maximum of 40 hours/week during the summer months (for all campus positions combined).This means that students cannot participate in the NURF program and at the same time hold any other paid on-campus position.

Students awarded a NURF fellowship are responsible for securing their own transportation to the University, housing, and food for the summer. The University offers summer housing, insurance and meal plans; detailed information is available at . Or students can opt to live off campus. For international students accepted into the program, NDnano will assist with the visa process.

Fellowship recipients will be part of Notre Dame’s summer research community and have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities. At the conclusion of their research, each NURF recipient is required to prepare a summary of their project accomplishments for posting on the NDnano website.

Application instructions

Students from any college or university are welcome to apply.

1) Review the summer 2015 NURF project descriptions and select a project of interest.

2)Complete the application (next page).

3) Email your completed application (delete this page first) to the project’s faculty mentor(s) for consideration, and cc: Heidi Deethardt .The application deadline is Friday, February 6, 2015.

ND faculty will follow-up with applicants as needed. Fellowship recipients will be notified by NDnano starting the first week of March.

Please note: Students are welcome to apply for more than one project. However, please list and prioritize on your application(s) all the projects for which you have applied.

Want to learn more? Project summaries submitted by last year’s NURF recipients can be viewed at

*For purposes of the NURF program, undergraduates are students who will not yet have completed their undergraduate studies at the start of their summer fellowship.

Thank you for your interest in NDnano!

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Summer 2015 NDnano Undergraduate Research Fellowship (NURF) Opportunities


Your name:

Name of college or university:

Planned graduation date(month and year):


Overall GPA:

Major GPA:

Campus address:

Mailing address (if different than above):



Have you participated in the NURF program previously? ___ Yes, in summer 20______No

Describe the undergraduate research you have undertaken in the past, in courses or with research mentors, including summer internships (use additional pages as necessary):

If applicable, please provide the name and contact information of a faculty reference you’ve conducted research for.

In order of priority (1st choice, 2nd choice, etc.), please list the title of 2015 NURF project(s) you’re applying for and the project’s faculty mentor(s) (from NDnano website):

Describe your interest in the 2015 NURF project you’re applying for (use additional pages as necessary):

Do you see yourself seeking a graduate or professional degree in the future? Highlight all that apply.

M.S. Ph.D. M.D M.D./Ph.Dother ______

Please provide any other information that will help determine your suitability and interest in participating in a summer research program (use additional pages as necessary):

Thank you for your interest in NDnano!

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