4th SEPTEMBER 2009

BY MrsNC Tati

Moderator of the GA right Rev. Mkhandawire, GS Rev Dr Pillay, CAC Rev Obose, MCG President and your Executive, Ministers and their spouses, Fratenal Delegates, MCG Members and all Saints allow me to greet you all in the Most Wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

It is a great pleasure and honour for me to be invited to this 9thMCG denominational Conferenceto speak on behalf of IYZA members. 2009 is a year where we as UPCSA and the whole of the Reformed Churches celebrate 500 yrs of John Calvin Legacy (10.17.1509), the Africans are celebrating 180 yrs of Rev Tiyo Soga legacy (1829)and UPCSA 10 yrs in Union (09.1999)

IYZA today know how to read the Bible on their own because of the stand that was taken by theologians like John Calvin. Calvin was never ordained for the Word and Sacrament but sacrificed his life to serve God diligently and devotedly. As a man who feared God ONLY he explained that all Christian truth is to be found in the Bible alone (Scripture alone) (SOLA SCRIPTURA). IYZA fully agree with Calvin when he talks about total depravity that nothing is acceptable to God other than righteousness, innocence and purity. If Bible alone was being used as the only weapon without compromising we wouldn’t be talking about HIV/AIDS today, divorce, adultery, poverty etc.

We also agree with Calvin that the Church must be governed by council of presbyters (elders) as Presbyterians not by congregants like what is going on in UPCSA where congregations are responsible for the Ministers stipend and end up doing what ever they want to do with the Ministers claiming that we pay h/her.As IYZA we are not ashamed that in the UPCSA the integrity of our Ministers is being destroyed because of the system of governance. Ministers are resigning on a monthly basis because of being humiliated by congregants and we are worried because thishappens mostly to black congregations. Ministers are working for the government not because they want but because of unfair distribution of wealth inside the church. Eph 4. Paul talks about serving One God, One Christ, One baptism.

Our church UPCSA signed ACCRA Confession which speaks against economic injustices and as IYZA we experience that injustices being rife inside the UPCSA. This reminds us as IYZA what happened to Rev. Tiyo Soga in the 18th century who was humiliated by the missionaries because of his skin colour and was also humiliated by his fellow blacks because of accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour. We thank Godbecause of a man of such caliber, to day we are having congregations like Umgwali, Tutura, 31 hymns composed by him trying to voice out his agony and giving hope in hopeless situation.

As we talk about 10yrs in UNION, as IYZA we have taken a decision not to waste time and energy in seeing ourselves as ‘holy than thou’ self-justification attitude but to pray for God’s people who are being used by the evilone to destroy UNION. In Hebrews 4.16. we are urged by the Word of God to come boldly to the throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Letus promote the Union agenda, God is the Creator of this Union and God will carry us through even the foreseen negotiations with EPC, PSA and UCCSA in order to have United PresbyterianChurch IN SA.Lets join hands and stand firm and fight for Gods Church against the evil one, as MCG never be discouraged or disappointed (In those two words Discouragement and disappointment just remove dis and put HIS (God) by the people who are having their hidden agendas God is God one day all what is hidden will be exposed.Calvin knew how dangerous it was to challenge the Roman Empire and Roman Catholic Church .Rev. Tiyo Soga knew how stubborn Africans were when it comes to theirs beliefs, also knew how cruel they were the White Missionariesover blacks but denied himself to glorify God ALONE. JESUS the King of kings came down with the airport Mary knowing exactly the whole situation of Calvarybut denied Himself in order for us to day to be calledGods Heavenly heirs.

As IYZA we are looking forward to you as taking the lead in changing the situation we are facing as a church as you are the only Association in the UPCSA that is full of actively involved Ministers (Theologians). We wish you Gods blessings in your deliberations and resolutions in this conference in Jesus Mighty Name.