Bridgeport Fire District Board of Commissioners Meeting

April 13, 2010 **APPROVED**

Topics / Motion / 2nd / Vote Results / F/Up or
Meeting called to order 7:06pm.
Lisa Fitzgerald (10) –Present
Bob Skinner (11) – Present
Bill Sweeting(12) –Present (noted as BSw)
Marty Temple(13) – Excused
Chris Chase (14) –Present
Charlene Gaglianese, Treasurer–Present
Department Attendants:
Steve Farnsworth, Chief
Allen Larsen, 1stAssistant
Mike Pettingill, 2ndAssistant
Chris White, Fire fighter & EMT
Sue Sahler, EMS captain
Previous Meeting Minutes
Correction to minutes Bill Sweeting and Steve Farnsworth were in attendance
Motion to approve with correction / BSw / LF / All for
Financial Report
Financials currently reflect fire truck payout. Recommendations on how to reflect the adjustments more comprehensively will be available next month. / LF / CC / All for
Additional expenditures approved for subsequent spend replenish petty cash for $62.44 and the bill for the oil separator tank from Brewers $223.
Old Business
a)EMT refresher test planned for May
b)2010 expenditure plan – progressing well. Currently less than budgeted for items procured
c)Treasurer position –Need to determine if this position should be appointed or elected. The role could be appointed for the duration of this year and then go for election subsequent years. Planned consideration – bring volunteer treasurer on-board to oversee a deputy treasurer (potentially Chris White). An audit of all books would be needed at that point in time to assist the transition of responsibility from C. Gaglianese. Consult with Marty on the options and attempt a firm plan next month.
Safety Issues
a)A review of the gutters on the main firehall and boathouse done but repairs and cleaning are needed. C. Chase will continue to conclude that effort
Buildings and grounds
a)Generator specifications – tabled
b)Holding Tank – completed
c)Code enforcement upgrade – C. Chase to work with Steve Farnsworth and will come to May meeting with action plan and costs
d)Spring walk around – tabled.
  • One verbal landscaping quote at $50/instance which is in line with what was paid in 2009 from M. Pettingill. Motion to pay M.Pettingill $50/instance of mowing and weed eating
  • Request to M. Temple to come with the list of items identified in the walk-around so next meeting efforts can be prioritized and move forward.
CC /
BS /
All for
Equipment – truck committee status. Marty’s recommendation was to look at the long range for combined enlarged district. The department and Mr. Skinner recommend proceeding going forward for public vote. Tabled to next month when the strategy regarding funding is known. All commissioners recommended to attend. Recommend put truck on the agenda first.
a)Department inspection meeting – considered bringing caterer who has insurance and liquor license and allowing alcohol on premises. Need to have legal review on the position. C. Chase to provide a brief write up of the strategy to L. Fitzgerald who will forward it to legal. This is when the commissioners perform the annual inspection of the firehall.
b)Department uniforms –The department is lacking funds due to a delay in grant receipts. Request for a one-time purchase of 12 uniforms at $380.60 for total of $4,567.20. Per department by-laws all members qualify after 1 year of service and are required to participate in a number of events. Motion to proceed as it is appropriate the members are presentable and the commission pleased with the growth in members. Reminder that this is a one-time event with proceeds to come from equipment-maintenance and the department is to revalidate that all members in the queue do indeed need them and intend to use them and to attempt to negotiate a better price due to the fairly high quantity being ordered. /
LF /
CC /
all for
Dissolution of village –
  • Preliminary meeting was held with M. Temple, M. Pettingill and S. Farnsworth were at the first town district.
  • Fire department position - Chief Farnsworth, A. Larson are in favor of the initiative. Recommendation that there needs to be some give and take. Also, note that we need to maintain the foundation that the Bridgeport fire district was based on.
  • L. Fitzgerald is in favor of the initiative as well. Complimented the department on their progressive efforts. I will support the department but recognize the scope of the district is enlarging.
  • B. Skinner agrees with further development of the ties between the two departments.
  • Commending the officers in building that relationship and support the department in those efforts.

New Business
Certified request for personnel records from Mr. Stapleton. Completed the request to the best of our available information. Subsequent request for additional information was received. L. Fitzgerald will respond to Mr. Stapleton that there is no further documentation available in the district or department. To the best of the district/department, the additional information is not available and the omission was not a denial but an absence of requested information. The courses from the county and state are available Charlie McCann of Seneca County Emergency Management Office at 1 DiPronio Drive, Waterloo, NY.
District laptop procurement strategy – Goulds has offered to donate a older model laptop. Lisa will continue this effort and tag up with the proposed treasurer for input.
Filing resource status –C. Chase will look to see if a donation may be available to secure a 1-2 file cabinets. L. Fitzgerald to look into getting a locking plan.
Meeting hall use request – none
Request to use the department parking for Saturday, June 5th for a gathering at Commissioner Skinner.
Upcoming events
Department is trying to schedule a golf tournament end of August as a fund raising activity to assist funding purchasing a Hovercraft. More details to follow.
Chief’s Report
21 calls in March – 9 EMS, 12 fire
New member – Edward Mitchell IV
Osha training completed by the membership with the exception of one fire fighter.
Scott Farnsworth with Duvall Safety and Supplies was on-site for annual air-pack inspection. A bill will be forthcoming.
Tyler was on-site last Thursday for the air compressor maintenance and a bill will follow not to exceed the approved $3000
Churchville will be here later this week for the annual maintenance of the trucks (excluding pump testing) and repairs for 1202.
Elections of officers held this week.
Chief – Steve Farnsworth
1st Asst Chief – Allen Larsen
2nd Asst Chief – Mike Pettingill
Motion to approve above officers / BS / CC / All for
Four participants (Steve Farnsworth, Allen Larsen, Gary French and Pat Kernan) working on updating the by-laws. Will go to the membership for reading 3 times followed by approval. The district will be provided a copy upon conclusion
Invited to a training at Fayette fire department on Monday, May 17. Mike Delisandro will be the speaker (FDIC speaker) who will be providing defensive driving for 90 minutes. Cost to bring the speaker in is $750 to be divided equally. Currently at least 4 departments are on-board. Request to participate no more than $200 so the department can go to the class out of the training account. / LF / CC / All for
Training report
Training summary – miscellaneous training going on with boat training already held 3 times. Upcoming joint with Seneca Falls EMS next Monday, on 26th joint with Seneca Falls at HP Neun.
Hall requests– None
Purchase Order Requests– None
All purchases provided at once for group vote as all items were in the 2010 budget
Preview of the purchase request provided. A summary of the status of the requests vs budget plans in 2010. Low bid provided in the minutes:
a)Finger Lakes Communications - $2,352 total for 6
b)CMS Rescue for 4 Throwline Bag Set for $279.40 total
c)Howell Rescue Systems for 4 Swiftwater Helmets valued at $219.80 total
d)Rescue Northwest for 4 SRT Harnesses for a total of $1,492.
e)S.T.A.R.T. Rescue Training Inc for 4 CMC ProSeries Harness Combo for total of $1,172.
f)The Gear Shop for 1 CMC USAR Team Kit for the amount of $2,886.58
g)W.S. Darley & Co for 2 Ranger Rigid Pak Brush Pumps and 2 Ranger Carrying brackets for a total of $401.89
h)All Safe Industries, Inc. for 4 Triage Tags for a total of $178.
Life Safety rope 420’ at $0.85/ft total of $357
Bay station radio repl at state bid through Finger Lakes Communications at $637.50 with 4 hours of programming for a total of $937.50
Underwater camera which was in the budget for $2,399 with LSS 1 structure sonar for $579.95 for total of $2,978.95
Medical Emergency Products for assorted supplies for a total of $1,047.19
Request to add contact name and phone number to future purchase orders in case there were any questions. A recent request was on delay due to a lack of contact information. / BS / LF / All for
Public Comment - none
Meeting adjournedat 9:36 PM. / BS / CC / All for