Earth Science Final Exam Study Guide Pt 1

(Ch 19)

____1.A large body of saline water that may be surrounded by land is a(n)

____2.How much of Earth’s total mass is the global ocean?

____3.The deepest and largest ocean on Earth is the

____4.The soft, fine material that covers about 40% of the ocean floor is

____5.The most common compounds in organic sediments are

(Ch 20)

____6.The third-largest ocean is the

____7.What is called the foundation of life in the ocean?

____8.Raising aquatic plants and animals for human consumption is

____9.The process of removing salt from ocean water is called

____10.What percentage of the ocean is made of salts?

____11.All organisms that swim actively in open water are called

(Ch 21)

____12.A vast area of calm, warm water in the North Atlantic is the

____13.Two consecutive wave crests pass a given point in one

____14.As water carried on to a beach by breaking waves is pulled back into deeper water, an irregular current is formed, called a(n)

____15.The major cause of tides is the

____16.The highest point of a wave is its

____17.The force that causes tides is

(Ch 22)

____18.Atmospheric pressure is measured with a(n)

____19.The two most abundant compounds in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide and

____20.Energy from the sun travels to Earth as

____21.The narrow bands of high-speed winds that blow in the upper atmosphere are called

____22.What kind of wind blows cool air from land to water?

____23.Interactions between solar radiation and the ionosphere cause

____24.Radiation whose wavelengths are among the shortest are

(Ch 23)

____25.Precipitation in the form of lumps of ice is

____26.What can form if rain falls through a layer of freezing air near the ground?

____27.The most common form of solid precipitation is

(Ch 24)

____28.An instrument that measures precipitation by bouncing radio waves off rain or snow is

____29.A large body of air throughout which temperature and moisture content are similar is a(n)

____30.Continental polar, maritime polar, continental tropical, and maritime tropical are types of

____31.What does radar use to determine the velocity and location of objects?

____32.Weather map symbols H and L indicate

____33.An instrument package that is carried high into the atmosphere by a helium-filled balloon to measure relative humidity, air pressure, and air temperature is called a(n)

(Ch 25)

____34.Two major factors used to identify climate are

____35.Which climate is characterized by dense, lush vegetation; broadleaf plants; and high biodiversity?

____36.The average weather conditions for an area over a long period of time is referred to as the area’s

____37.Clues about animal adaptations to climate change have been found in the study of

____38.Which polar climate has little or no life, temperatures below freezing year-round, and high winds?

____39.Which climate zone has an annual rainfall of less than 25 cm?

____40.Specific heat is the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of 1 g of substance by

____41.Over the last 100 years, global temperatures have increased approximately