Minutes of the meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7:30pm

on 18th May 2015, in the Millennium Hall.

Present: Cllrs Alcock, Beattie, Blackwell, Booth, Bridgwood, Brylewski, Houghton, Mellor, Moore, Palmer (arrived at 7.52pm), Robinson, Trevor, Welburn, C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr Darcel, Mrs M Vail (clerk), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO), PCSO Parker and three residents.

One resident, in respect of the Council going into closed session at its March 2015 meeting to discuss the proposed land purchase, asked if the Council was being open and democratic in its business in doing so. Several Members affirmed that the Council had conducted its business properly, and the resident was also advised the meeting had been recorded and that several consultations on the proposed land purchase had been undertaken with the villagers. The resident also asked if the written report on the land purchase as produced by Cllr Welburn could be obtained: she was advised that the report was both available to view on the Council’s website, and obtainable from the clerk.

Meeting started at 7.35pm

2015/1 To elect a Chairman and complete an Acceptance of Office form:

Cllr Trevor was nominated by Cllr Brylewski, with the seconder being Cllr Houghton. In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Trevor was elected, with one abstention, and he duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.

2015/2 To elect a Vice-Chairman:

Cllr Welburn was nominated by Cllr Houghton, with the seconder being Cllr Blackwell. In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Welburn was elected.

2015/3 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given:

Cllr Bloomfield (unwell), and Cllr Palmer. It was noted that both had not yet retuned their ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor’ forms following the elections, therefore were not yet officially in post as councillors. It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons for absence where given. Introductions around the table were then given.

2015/4 Members’ disclosure of pecuniary interests: None

2015/5 Chairman’s remarks:

Members confirmed that they had completed and returned WLDC’s ‘Receipt of CWPC’s Adopted Code of Conduct’ form, and CWPC’s ‘Acceptance of CWPC’s Standing Orders’ form. Due to the absence of two Members, it was RESOLVED that they be given until the start of the June full council meeting to return their completed ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor’ forms.

The Chairman then reported that he had attended the pre-inquiry bypass meeting at the Epic Centre, with approximately 250 people present in total. Cllr Booth noted that the Planning Inspector was open, exceptionally thorough and would allow everybody to have their say. Cllr Welburn then thanked the Hawthorn Road Action Group for their excellent contribution to the pre-inquiry meeting.

Cllr Trevor concluded by congratulating the three District Councillors on being elected to office.

2015/6 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 13th April 2015, and agree for them to be signed as a true record:

The Chairman reminded Members to read the draft minutes before the meetings in order to expedite meetings. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

2015/7 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required:

D/Cllr Darcel and D/Cllr Bridgwood had nothing to report.

D/Cllr Welburn reported that one focus of WLDC would be to discuss unitaries ie coming together to work as one with 7 other authorities. Another focus would be on creating a combined waste collecting system, working with 8 authorities to have one overall agreement with LCC. She concluded by talking about a hearing loop or portable microphone for the Millennium Hall. Action: clerk to make a future agenda item

PCSO Parker reported that, from 1st April to the present there had been no major crimes, with most reports being for ASB incidents. She noted that a lawnmower had been stolen and that there had been some thefts of expensive cycles.

C/Cllr Fleetwood reported as follows: that the recent LCC full council meeting had discussed unitaries; that he had been re-appointed Chair of the Planning Committee; that Cllr Richard Davies had told the LCC meeting both that county roads were not crumbling and were getting better, and that Broadband was working excellently; and that LCC maintained that they were ahead of schedule on the Canwick Road improvements.

PCSO Parker and D/Cllr Darcel then left the meeting at 7.48pm.

2015/8 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments since the last meeting:

The RFO thanked WLDC for the precept which had been received on 1st April 2015. It was then RESOLVED to accept the schedule of receipts and payments.
The meeting was then suspended at 7.52pm due to the arrival of Cllr Palmer to allow her to hand over her signed copy of the ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor’ form. Cllr Palmer was welcomed and introductions given. Cllr Trevor then gave a reminder that Members must read draft minutes and bring up any issues with the Chairs of Committees before each full council meeting.
The meeting restarted at 7.54pm.

2015/9 To review the structure of committees and resolve on membership of committees and appointments:

It was noted that a new Burial Ground Sub-committee would be established. Cllr Welburn suggested that a Bowser Land Working Party be established. Cllr Robinson declared an interest (being a member along with Cllrs Bridgwood and Welburn of the Witham Valley Access Project Group (WVAPG) on whose agenda this was an item), before suggesting that the WVAPG be one member of the Bowser Land Working Party. It was noted that the Working Party should be open with the village and should seek village views for their wants and suggestions for the use of the land.

In a vote asking who would be prepared to take on the running of the Gala, there were no volunteers.

It was RESOLVED to approve the membership and structure of committees as follows:

Finance Committee: Chair - Chair of the Council; Vice-Chair - Vice-Chair of the Council;

Members: Cllrs Beattie, Bloomfield, Brylewski, Trevor, Welburn

Employment Committee: Members – Cllrs Blackwell, Bloomfield, Bridgwood, Palmer, vacancy

Village Improvement Committee: Members: Cllrs Beattie, Brylewski, Moore, Palmer, Trevor, Welburn

Highways and Byways Sub-Committee – as for VIC

Planning: Members - Cllrs Alcock, Booth, Bridgwood, Houghton, Moore

Leisure and Amenities Committee: Members - Cllrs Alcock, Beattie, Blackwell, Houghton, Mellor, Robinson, vacancy

Playing Field Sub-Committee: as for L&A

Summer event Task and Finish: Members: Cllrs Brylewski, Houghton, Mellor, Robinson

Christmas event Task and Finish: Members: Cllrs Alcock, Bridgwood, Moore, Trevor

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: Chair:

Members: Cllrs Beattie, Booth, Bridgwood plus co-opted members from the community

Burial Ground Sub-Committee: It was noted that this would be a new sub-committee.

Members: Cllrs Brylewski, Mellor

Bowser Land Working Party: Members: Cllrs Brylewski, Trevor, Welburn, at least 2 co-opted members to include residents with families and youth members. One resident’s name was put forward.

It was RESOLVED to approve the appointments as follows:


Clerk: Mrs Michelle Vail

Responsible Finance Officer: Mr Jon Tomlinson

Internal Auditor: Mr Andy Seymour

Registrar to the Burial Ground: Clerk

Cherry Willingham News correspondent: Clerk

Cherry Willingham Youth Club Representative: Cllr Brylewski

Community Partnership: Chairman and vice chairman

Village Hall Representative: vacancy

Cherry Willingham Web-site and Facebook Organiser: Cllr Welburn

Cheque signatories: Cllrs Robinson, Trevor, Welburn & Mr Jon Tomlinson (RFO)

Certifier of bank statements: Cllr Houghton

2015/10 To agree the dates of full council meetings for 2015/2016

It was noted that the deadline for submitting representations in respect of the bypass enquiry was 10th July and that sufficient time would be needed in the June meeting to discuss. Action: clerk.

It was then RESOLVED to approve the following full council meeting dates for 2015/16.

2015 / 2016
June 15th / January 18th
July 20th / February 15th
August NO MEETING / March 21st
September 21st / April 11th (2nd Monday)
October 12th (2nd Monday) / April 25th Annual Parish Meeting
October 19th Autumn Parish Meeting / May 16th AGM
November 16th

2015/11 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly:

a)  Finance & General Purposes:

i.  To receive the actual final accounts for the year 2014/2015:

The RFO noted that the internal auditor had signed off the final accounts. He then briefly explained the ‘net expenditure summary’ sheet (copies already circulated) noting a surplus of £1287 on the year. He also briefly explained the balance sheet as at 31/3/15 (copies already circulated) noting that he had moved some monies to the general fund to avoid a £10,000 deficit on the general fund. It was RESOLVED to accept the final accounts for 2014/15.

Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting at 8.22pm.

ii.  To consider the external audit return for the 2014/15 accounts:

Members were provided with a copy of the external audit return to be submitted by 1st June 2015. After due consideration it was RESOLVED that the return be signed by the Chairman, Clerk of the Council and RFO. Action: Cllr Trevor, Clerk & RFO

iii.  To review and approve the asset register:

Copies of the asset register had been circulated in advance of the meeting. The RFO then distributed an extract from the insurance schedule. He had been informed by the Insurers that £173.24 of the insurance premium covered the schedule of assets for the village. He noted that the Millennium Hall had an insurance value of £112,000 (inflated by 3% every year). The RFO then expressed concern about the playground equipment being underinsured at £17,000, when £68,000 worth of equipment (at cost value) had been purchased; and that street furniture was insured for £2225 when these assets totalled £17,500 (at cost value).

It was noted that the some of the more recently purchased play equipment needed relisting under the correct play areas. Action: RFO

Clerk to arrange a Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting as soon as possible to discuss the asset register, insurance cover and to note where the gazebo is held. Action: clerk

iv.  To resolve that all committees can spend their annual allocated budgets as required throughout the year

The RFO confirmed that budgets could be spent at any time during the financial year and whenever a committee decided; but full council would need to be approached for the approval of any further spending required beyond the budget. It was RESOLVED, with two abstentions, to approve this item.

v.  To note letter from Reepham Parish Council regarding inaccurate information in the February minutes:

Reepham Parish Council had written as follows:

‘Perusal of your minutes for your February show a misrepresentation of actuality in the finance section to the effect that:

i. To approve bypass related expenditure of £434.27 on banners and travel costs to Westminster:

It was noted that £ 353.18 would be reimbursed from Reepham Parish Council from their grant of £500 from LCC, with the remainder being Cllr Trevor’s travel expenses to be paid for by Cherry Willingham Parish Council. The Vice Chairman led the proposal and it was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to approve the expenditure.

The £353.18 reimbursement was taken from Reepham Parish Council’s resolve to grant this money under Section 137 of the Local Government Act. The £500 grant from LCC Big Society Fund is being used to further communications within the Reepham Parish and between neighbouring parishes – a different usage entirely.

Reepham Parish Council has asked me to write to invite you to correct this, please, at your next meeting.’

Members noted the letter and were happy to correct the information. It was noted that the information given at the February meeting was understood at that time to be accurate and correct; and was only discovered not to be so through CWPC being contacted by Reepham PC about this matter. (Clerk’s note: an addendum note has been attached to the February 2015 full council approved minutes to highlight Reepham Parish Council’s identification of inaccurate information, and to provide a cross reference trail to this set of minutes).

b)  Planning matters:

i.  To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals:


132904: Land adj. 4 Hawthorn Road: Replace plots 17 & 18 of previously approved application with 7no. two bedded dwellings. Objections: Action: clerk

132932 Land off St Augustine Road: Outline planning permission for up to 500 dwellings plus associated Highways and landscaping works. Objections. Action: clerk

ii. To approve the actions of the Planning Committee:

It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee.

iii.  To note receipt of letter from the National Transport Casework Team (DoT) regarding the Bypass Public Inquiry:

It was noted that the letter gave formal notice of the Inquiry, to commence on 11 August at 10am at Doubletree by Hilton Hotel on Brayford Wharf, Lincoln, and that written proofs of evidence had to be submitted by the 10th July 2015 deadline. It was noted that this time the parish council was not a statutory objector; and that two objections had already been submitted from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the Planning Committee. It was further noted that the Inspector did not want repetition but rather variety in the submissions so it would be beneficial to have several speakers each speaking on a different aspect. It was noted that the Hawthorn Road Action Group (HRAG) were offering seminars to help residents to present their cases at the inquiry. Action: Cllr Moore to circulate via HRAG website. It was noted that the council had not yet committed to speaking at the Inquiry, therefore a meeting of Planning Committee members would be required soon. Members informally agreed to HRAG having free use of the Millennium Hall, with formal agreement for this to be resolved upon at June full council. Action: clerk

iv.  To note receipt of letter from Personal Associates in respect of the Bypass Public Inquiry:

It was noted that the letter advised that the pre-inquiry meeting would be held on Monday 18th May at 2pm the Showground.