Icelandic Sheepdog Association of America

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2011


Spike Williamson, Terry Warnock, Shellie Greyhavens, Peg Johnson,

Maggy Pease, and Kathy Birnie

Absent: Judi Vittetoe

Spike called the meeting to order at 7:00pm ET.

Committee Reports


Minutes from the 01/09/11 meeting were sent out via email and were approved as written.

Presidents Report

See attached report

Treasurer’s Report

The balance in the General checking account is $3,791.92, which includes the JEC account balance of $316.01, and the National account balance is $1,856.22, all as of 03/31/2011.

Membership Report

See attached report.

BRCC Report

See attached report.

Website Report

See attached report.

Advertising Report

See attached report

All committee reports were voted on and approved.

Unfinished Business

Spike sent out the 2011 National budget it was voted on and approved by the BOD.

Shellie, Judi and Spike are working on Form 1023 for 501C3 status. The form is almost completed. It was voted and approved to get the form completed and sent off to the IRS.

The 2011 National plans continue to be finalized. Judi is almost finished with the form for catalog advertising and trophy donations.

It was decided that Titles and Events would be put on hold, then Kathy agreed to help with the Titles and Events webpage; a discussion followed that since we are now getting the AKC electronic record of titles should we continue updating the web page. Members are getting titles from other registries then Peg made the suggestion of creating a gmail account for Titles and Events reporting.

The wording at the bottom of the ISAA member group has been updated.

New Business

Deadline for submitting articles for the 2nd qtr. Newsletter is May 30th; due to the holiday this may change.

Donation options for the ISIC raffle were discussed, then Spike mentioned he thought it would be in 2012 not 2011. The ISIC raffle is every other year.

In the ISIC Newsletter Kathy noted that it mentions video tapping the herding events for our breed. Does Iceland have a herding standard for the Icelandic Sheepdog? Something to consider given that the Icelandic Sheepdog has a different style of herding from the other herding breeds. All agreed this would be a useful tool for those judging our breed at the herding events.

Next meeting will be in July the date has not been set.

Action Items:

1. Titles and Events page, open gmail account for T & E (KB)

2. Form 1023 for 501C3 status (SG)

3. Newsletter deadline for the 2nd Qtr.. (SW)

4. Questions with regards to a Herding Standard (KB)

5. Contact Iceland with Herding Standard questions (MP)

Respectfully submitted,

Shellie Greyhavens

Recording Secretary

President Report to the Board of Directors

Period 01-01-11 to 03-31-11


The Annual Meeting has been set to begin at 6:30pm on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at the Skagit Playfield Sheltered Picnic area in Mt. Vernon, Washington. At least 30 days prior to the date of the annual meeting a written notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed or emailed to each member and a notice will be posted on the news page of the ISAA web site.


Next required action is the naming of a Nominating Committee for the 2012 election by no later than July 1, 2012.


The first edition (Volume 12, # 1) with Jorgen Metzdorff as our new editor was issued.


A new raffle is forthcoming and additional information has been requested from the ISIC.


The 2011 ISIC conference will be held on October 28-30 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. I am planning on attending.


2011 calendars are available through Lulu. No action has been taken regarding 2012 calendars.


Judge Education Committee issued an additional request for donations during the first quarter of 2011. Donations have been received.


Nothing to report.

Respectfully submitted,

B. M. “Spike” Williamson, Jr.

President – ISAA

Titles and Events

National Show

The National Show is schedule to be held June 30, 2011 to July 30, 2011 in Mount Vernon, Washington during the Bell Vernon Kennel Club event. Registration forms have been sent to the membership. Due to the low numbers of registrations received thus far, the committee has urged members to register as early as possible. Deadline for registration is June 10.

June Herding Event

In conjunction with the National Show, a herdingevent is scheduled to be held on June 30th at On the Lamb Farm in Arlington, Washington. Marti Parrish from Marysville, Washington has agreed to judge the event. Herding tests will be offered. An application for licensure of the event was submitted in March to AKC. Once approval is received, a premium list and registration will be sent out to the membership and posted on the ISAA website.

Spring Herding Event

A herding event in May/June was proposed earlier in the year. However the event has been postponed to the fall due to the current halt in operations at the hosting facility. One of the owners is currently undergoing radiation and a bone marrow transplant for cancer of the spine and brain. Updates will be given when the facility has resumed normal operations.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Birnie

BRCC Report 01.01.11 - 03.31.11

We have 1 current litter, with 3 puppies available, 2 planned litters and 3 future litters listed on the website.

To date we have 27 US approved breeders, also 3 breeders in Iceland, 2 in Sweden, 1 in Switzerland and 3 in Denmark.

There are 27 approved studs, that list currently includes 3 in Denmark, 1 in Iceland, and 1 in Sweden.

Most of the breeders/stud owners have agreed to follow ISIC guidelines and that is noted on their kennel listing.

Knox continues to update the Pedigree Generator the database currently has 10862 files.

Health and Genetics Report 01.01.11 - 03.31.11

The BRCC continues to receive health information regarding new/updated CERF, PennHIP and OFA results from breeders as well as litter information.

A total 94 dogs have donated DNA and 75 of those dogs have CHIC status.

Website Report

Jan. – March 2011

Updates have been made to the following pages:

Index page

Main page

2011 National page

Litters/Puppies page

Future Litter page

News page

AKC Titles of Record

Approved Breeder and Stud pages

A new button for the AKC Breed Column has been added to the Main page.

The Jan meeting minutes have been posted.

Also new JEC donors have been added to the AKC Judges Ed. Supporters page.

Respectfully submitted,

Shellie Greyhavens

Membership Report for January 1, 2011 – March 31, 2011

17 new members, 51 renewals, Total 2011 membership money received YTD 01/01/11 - 03/31/11 = $1944.40

Active members as of 12/31/10 = 204

Last ISAA Membership # assigned = ISAA #482

Paid Through December 31st of: / Number of Active Members
2011 / 159
2012 / 13
2013 / 6
2018 / 3
Life Time / 23

Advertising Report Jan 1 - March 31, 2011

Hobby Farms Magazine

New 20-word classified ad in Hobby Farms running March/April, July/August, November/December issues:

Icelandic Sheepdogs are loyal companions and great all-around farm dogs. For information, contact the Icelandic Sheepdog Association of America,

Sheep Magazine New b/w ad submitted to Sheep Magazine to start running March/April, July/August, November/December issues:

Google Ad Words

Trial period for Google Ad Words during the month of February. The following key words were included: Icelandic Sheepdogs, Iceland Dog. Two dollar limit per day (average cost charge per click was 13¢. The two days with the greatest amount of clicks were Feb 15th (the day after Westminster herding group was broadcast) with 20 clicks, and Feb 20th with 22 clicks.