February 9, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Patty Barker, Kathryn Daly, Rochelle Farkas, Dawn Flakne, Vazul Gabor, Debbie Griffin, Freeman Harris, Marshall Hilton, Cindy Jackson, Sharon Keast, Grethe Larson, Linda Lawson, Liz and Richard Marantz, Hugh McGavick, Jim Mullins, Julie Rall, Sue Randall, Irene Rodegerdts, Mary Temple.
Guest: Officer Andrew Caspar
Meeting called to order by meeting facilitator, Jim Mullins, at 7:04.
Portland Police Bureau Report:
Officer Caspar provided report.PPB computer system continues to be problematic with integration of current crimes statistics, but no major recent crime issues/problems have been reported.(Currently investigating Lancaster Rd hit and run). Summer may bring increase in burglaries. Reviewed methods of securing valuables in homes. Encouraged citizens to call if any suspicious activity observed. Discussed school zone speeders – report issues to school zone traffic: “823-SAFE” number. (Can also email concerns to:) The more reports to this number/email address, the greater likelihood of action.
Any other questions/concerns: email Officer Caspar:
Introductions: All attendees introduced.
Meeting agenda approvedunanimously without changes. Motion made by K Daly with 2nd by R Farkas.
Jan 12, 2016 draft ACNA meeting minutes approved unanimously without corrections. Motion made by K Daly with 2nd by R Farkas.
Annual Elections:
JMullins provided voting process explanation. Introduced Ballots Committee (C Jackson, J Rall) and Elections Committee (R Marantz, S Keast).
Voting for officers:
J Mullins listed current slate of officer candidates:
President: Grethe Larson/Debbie Griffin - Co-presidents
Vice president: Sue Strater
Secretary: Cindy Jackson
Treasurer: Sue Randall
E-communications Coordinator: no candidates
J Mullins asked for nominations from the floor for each individual position. No nominations were brought forward for any officer position. Motion made by K Daly with 2nd by R Farkasto close ballot slate of officers. Motion passed without objection. Each active member present (verified upon entrance to meeting), using pre-printed numbered ballot, voted for slate of officers. Elections Committee tabulated votes. Results announced: all officer candidates on ballot elected. It was noted, per bylaws, that at least 2 districts are represented by the newly elected officers.
Voting for District and “At-large” Delegates:
J Mullins listed current slate of candidates:
North district: Hans Steuch
South district: Liz Marantz, Irene Rodegerdts
East district: Marshall Hilton
West district: Linda Lawson, Jessica Schimkowitsch
At-large delegates: Patty Barker (south), Julie Rall (east)
J Mullins asked for nominations from the floor for each individual district position as well as at-large position. Kathryn Daly (south) nominated herself from floor for at-large delegate position. Motion made by S Randall, 2nd by J Rall to close slate of district/at-large delegates on preprinted ballot with the addition of K Daly. Motion passed without opposition. Vote taken using preprinted ballot. Results tabulated by Elections Committee. All listed candidates and the self-nominated candidate were elected.
Thanks were provided to participants of election committees as well as great work done by Bylaws Committee.
Committee Reports: (no written reports provided prior to meeting)
ACNALand Use Committee: L Marantz
1.Discussed newly proposed property (off Orchard Hill /Sequoia/Merritt) development. Access to development will be from Sequoia Dr. F Harris had questions answered as to notification and ACNA involvement during planning phase. Liz will attempt to find contact person for further information.
2.Liz would like to continue as rep for committee.
NET (Neighborhood Emergency Team) – L Marantz
NET meetings are scheduled the Wednesday after each monthly ACNA meeting 6:30-8:00pm, Stephenson Elem.
P Barker requested that NET provide future presentations related toemergency/disaster preparedness.
1. Swales Project: (per ACNA January 12th meeting minutes) Joseph Annett (City of Portland) to be invited by S Strater to provide update at March meeting.
2.L Marantz reported that Boones Ferry Culvert Replacement Project becoming active (Bureau of Environ. Services project at confluence of Tryon Creek and Arnold Creek at Arnold and Boones Ferry).
3.L Marantz provided explanation/history of city-maintained versus unmaintained roads in neighborhood. When city annexed property, if street(s) were not up to city code, city chose to not maintain. (34th St an example of unmaintained road-thus resolution of current water problems challenging). Many local streets are in this category.
Future Board Meetings:
G Larson announced proposed March board meeting (March 2nd, time and location TBA).
Next ACNA Meeting:
March 8th, 7pm, Stephenson Elementary.
Meeting adjourned: 8:04pm
Meeting minutes prepared by Cindy Jackson