MINUTES of the monthly meeting held in the National Park Meeting Room

on Monday 27th January 2014at 6:30pm

Councillors Present Councillors C Parkin (Chairman), J Barker,J Duncombe, C Swift, D Paton and M Vander Weyer.

Also Present County Councillor V Arnold, District Councillor S Arnold, one member of the press, Mrs D Farley (Town Clerk) and Ms V Ellis (Assistant Clerk).

Mr Derry, Mr Pannett and PC Pomfret were present to address the council and left before the meeting formally started.

  • Mr Robin Derry, Environment Agency - Senior Community Engagement Officer - Flash Flood North Project addressed the council on Community Resilience planning and offered to help by providing templates and advice.
  • PC Pomfret, North Yorkshire Police,addressed the council. He will be covering the Helmsley area for the next 3 months.

Part One – opening business

1 / Apologies were received and approved from Councillor Pearce.
Code of Conduct
2 / Councillor J Duncombe declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 9.
3 / Public Comments
There were no comments.
4 / Minutes
The council resolved to agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th December 2013.

Part Two – For Information

5 / Exchange of Information and items for next agenda
a)Chairman’s Report
b)Councillor Vander Weyer - Magna Carta 800th Anniversary June 2015.(meeting minutes circulated). Councillor Vander Weyer gave a verbal report of the meeting.
c)Clerk’s Report
  1. Ryedale Special Families letter – annual report, summary of accounts and thanks for contribution.
  2. Superfast Broadband now available to some properties in Helmlsey.
  3. Town Council meeting date changed from 24th to 25th February.
  4. NYMNPA final consultation on Helmsley Plan.
  5. NYMNPA notification of work to 2 conifers at Cragstone House received on the 27th January.
  6. NYMNPA new Leader funding in the next financial year.
  7. Cemetery trees – some had to be cut down rather than trimmed as they were rotten.

6 / Planning
The council received the following decisions.
a)13/01179/HOUSE 37 Bridge Street Helmsley YO62 5DX. Erection of first floor extension to the rear and single storey side extension (revised details to approval 13/00462/HOUSE dated 30.07.2013) Applicant Ms J Burns. Decision: Partial Planning Permission.
b)13/01265/FUL 2-4 Bondgate, Helmsley YO62 5BR. Change of use and alteration of offices (Use Class B1) to retail use (Use Class A1) on the ground and first floors and to a one bedroom flat on the second floor to include retention of a first and second floor office suite, erection of single storey rear extension and external metal spiral fire escape to second floor with first floor balustraded platform. Applicant M B and J Goodwin Decision: Approval.
c)13/01266/LBC 2-4 Bondgate, Helmsley. Conversion and alteration of offices to retail use on the ground and first floors and to a one bedroom flat on the second floor to include retention of a first and second floor office suite, erection of single storey rear extension and external metal spiral fire escape to second floor with first floor balustrade platform and internal alteration to include new stair between first and second floor. Applicant M B and J Goodwin. Decision: Approval.
7 / Meetings
The council received reports on the following meetings
a)NYMNPA Western Area Parish Forum July 2013 (minutes circulated).
b)Ryedale Market Towns -Visitor Information Points at Helmsley and Malton 14th January 2014 at Helmsley. The Council was not informed by RDC about the meeting until the 15th January. (RDC pre meeting info and press release circulated)
c)Meeting with Mr G Ward, NYCC Highways 21st January 2014 at 11.30am. Councillors Parkin, Barker and Swift gave a verbal report.
8 / Finance and Governance
a)The council noted that Councillors Audit for September to November inclusive was undertaken on the 17th December 2013 and was satisfactory.
b)The council noted that the Asset Register and Insurance have been updated to include the Feversham monument and that the new play equipment was added and insured in 2013.
c)The council received the running budget to the 31 December 2013.
d)The council received the bank reconciliation to the 31 December 2013.

Part Three – for determination

9 / Planning
The council considered the following application.
Councillor J Duncombe declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item.
Application No NYM/2014/0003/FL Applicant Mr R F Otterburn.
Proposal Siting of a refrigeration storage unit (part retrospective).
Location Ryeburn Ice Cream, Church Farm, Cleveland Way, Helmsley.
Decision The council would like more complete screening.
10 / Community Resilience
The council resolved to do an Emergency Plan with the help of the Environment Agency.
11 / Winter Weather Agents
The council resolved to apply for a grant for £250 from Rural Action Yorkshire.
12 / Trees
The council discussed the request from a resident about planting trees on the verges and green of Elmslac Road. The council resolved to ask the resident to survey the residents for their opinions about planting trees on the green, not the verges.
13 / Meetings
To consider attendance or agenda items for the following meeting.
a)Western Area Parish Forum Wednesday 19 February 2014 at 7:15pm at the National Park. Councillor Paton to attend.
b)YLCA Tuesday 4th February at 7pm at RDC. Councillor Parkin and the assistant clerk to attend.
14 / Google Drive
It was agreed to load meeting and other documents to Google Drive for councillors and others to access as and when authorised.
15 / Finance
a)Grant application.This item was withdrawn.
b)War Memorial.The council resolved to add an additional inscription at a cost of £410 plus VAT.
c)The council resolved to apply for a grant for the additional War Memorial inscription from the War Memorials Trust – maximum if approved is £250.
d)Thecouncil agreed a revenue budget of £62,350 and a capital budget of £31,000 for 2014-2015.
The following reserves were earmarked:
Streetlighting £18,000
Winter maintenance£5,000
Magna Carta 2015£1,000
TOTAL £39,000
e)The council set a precept of £53,500 for 2014-2015and to accept the precept grant from Ryedale District Council.
f)The council resolved to agree the following payments and the cheques were signed.
101180 / SLCC / Membership D Farley / £116.00
101181 / Ryedale Printing / Ink / £59.25
101182 / Zurich Management / Seminar/training / £36.00
101183 / Vision ICT / Website hosting / £138.00
101184 / JRB Enterprise / Dog Bags / £237.60
101185 / North York Moors National Park Authority / Office rent, room hire, IT costs Qtr 3 / £686.74
101186 / MJ Young Trees / Tree work cemetery / £935.00
101187 / J R O'Neil & Son / Xmas tree lights fault / £43.20
101188 / Helmsley Estate / Fir Tree, delivery, erection / £320.00
101189 / Shaw & Sons Ltd / 2 vols Minutes bound / £241.20
101190 / D Farley / Salary + Expenses / £1,435.12
101191 / V Ellis / Salary + Expenses / £430.13
101192 / J Teasdale / Salary + Expenses / £256.00
101193 / HMRC / Tax and NI / £368.90
101194 / K Sanderson / H Archive / £27.71
101195 / Get Mapping / Parish Online sub 1yr / £24.00
101196 / W Gamble / Cemetery topsoil / £1,008.00
TOTAL / £6,362.85
The county and district councillors and member of the press left before this item.
16 / Staffing Matters
a)The council considered the contract for the town clerk from the 1 June 2014 and deferred finalising it until next meeting.
b)This item was deferred.
c)This item was deferred.

Chairman Date