ES Cell/ Neural Differentiation Protocol


1.  Remove vial of ES cells from liquid nitrogen container, and defrost in TC 37o water bath. This takes 1-2 minutes.

2.  Clean tube with 70% ethanol, dry, and place in TC hood.

3.  Using a plugged pasteur pipet, plate on a feeder layer (irradiated MEFs) in a 60mm dish containing 4.5 ml of ES medium.

4.  Next day, look at cells. If grown to 60% confluency, or more, go on to freezing and splitting (passaging) cells. If not, change the medium.


1.  Aspirate medium from dish, and rinse dish with 1ml trypsin or PBS, removing immediately.

2.  Add 1ml 0.25% trypsin and incubate at 37o C. Check cells for dissociation after 2-3 minutes. (Gently rotate/shake dish and observe under inverted microscope).

3.  Using a 5ml pipet, add 1ml ES cell medium and gently pipette up and down to break up aggregates. Check with scope.

4.  Transfer a portion of the cell suspension into a 15ml Falcon tube. Spin tube @1000 rpm (200-250g), for 5 minutes. (In general, we freeze 7-10 cm2/ cryovial. A 60mm dish = 20 cm2.)

5.  Remove medium and resuspend pellet in freeze medium , 0.8ml/vial.

6.  Transfer cell suspension into cryovial(s) and label with cell type, passage number, date, and surface area cm2.

7.  Place vial(s) into a Nalgene isopropanol freezing container or a styrofoam box, and place in –80oc freezer. IMPORTANT: CELLS MUST FREEZE SLOWLY!

8.  Plate remaining cell suspension on a 60mm gelatinized TC dish containing 5ml ES cell medium, total volume.

9.  Next day, check cells. If not 60% confluent, change medium. If 60% or more confluent, aspirate medium and trypsinize using 1ml of 0.25% trypsin.

10.  Add 1ml of ES cell medium and pipette up and down gently to break up aggregates.

11.  Transfer cells to a 100mm gelatinized TC dish containing 8-10ml ES cell medium.

12.  Next day, check cells and change medium. Split if required.


1.  Check cells. If 60% (or more) confluent, aspirate medium and add 2.5ml 0.25% trypsin.

2.  Incubate at 37o C . Check cells for dissociation after 2-3 minutes.

3.  Add 5.5ml differentiation media and gently pipette up and down to break up aggregates. Do NOT dissociate to single-cell suspension – leave small clumps.

4.  Dispense 1ml of cell suspension (about 5 X 106 cells) into each of 8 Fisher petri dishes, 100mm(non-gelatinized) containing 9ml of differentiation medium.

5.  Incubate at 37oC. This is day 0

6.  Day 1-, check cells for aggregate formation.

7.  Day 2-, change medium. (See section D below).

8.  Day 3-, check as on day1-.

9.  Day 4-, change to medium containing 5x10-7 M retinoic acid (RA).

10.  Day 4-/1+, check cultures.

11.  Day 4-/2+, change to fresh RA containing medium.

12.  Day 4-/3+, check cultures.

13.  Day 4-/4+, collect embroid bodies and remove medium as in section D, below.

14.  Add 1 ml 0.25% trypsin, and incubate in 37oC TC H2O bath for 10-15 minutes, gently agitating periodically.

15.  Remove some of the trypsin and add differentiation medium (with no RA) to a total of 5ml. Gently pipette up and down for 5-10 minutes. Do not dissociate completely to single cells.

16.  Aliquot varying amounts of cell suspension into 3 ->12 wells on (gelatinized) 6-well plates, 2ml differentiation medium/well.

17.  Check for differentiation each day for 5 days. Neurons are apparent by day 3, and peak at day 5. To culture beyond five days, use Neurobasal Medium with B27 supplement.


1.  Gently transfer cells to a 15 ml tube, using 10ml pipet. (You reuse the same plates, so you may want to add 2-3ml of medium to each dish so that they do not dry out while pelleting the Embroid Bodies . . . a few EBs are left on the dish. This is optional.)

2.  Allow EBs to settle for 10-15 minutes.

3.  Remove as much medium as possible using a 10 ml pipet.

4.  Resuspend in differentiation medium to a total volume of 10 ml/dish, and return to a Fisher 100mm petri dish.

5.  When adding medium with RA, it is easier to prepare the supplemented medium in a tube/ sterile bottle as the EBs are settling out. Use 5ml of 1mM stock RA /10ml of medium. (1mM stock RA is kept in dark at 4oC)