SPTRA General Meeting Saturday 6 October
Guests – Stuart Honey Southfield SNT & Cllr Andrew Steed

  1. SPTRA forward into 2013 – We`re asking for your help NOW!!
    We would really welcome some more helping hands – come and contribute and help take SPTRA forward!
    Meetings take only 4 hours per year + the gatherings in the Scout Hut
    So, how about some help and also lend a hand with our social activities? Lets continue to run the events you love to attend – just reply to this mail and say !”Yes!”!!
  2. Famous SPTRA inhabitantscompetition
    The plaque to commemorate Major-General Stanisław Sosabowski was recently unveiled at No. 2 St Georges Road, where the General lived with his wife between 1950 to 1960.
    This event was featured on the W4 site,
    Has anyone else famous lived in our area – if they have and you can prove it then a magnum of champagne will be presented at one of our meetings! We don’t have rules for who is deemed famous but obviously someone pretty important in some way shape or form (we don’t want too many debates through – it’s all good fun!). We also don’t want to upset anyone in any way just in case so please dont discover a local murderer!
  1. Lighting in the Park
    Phase one is delivered – go and see the new park lighting.
    We expect a follow up consultation where your views on the lighting will be sought and we hope new funding for additional lighting may be authorised on other paths in the park
  1. Stuart Honey – our new SNT officer
    We introduced Stuart and he introduced himself sharing with us a whole range of handy security tips to help prevent crime and protect ourselves, our houses cars and bikes.
    All his tips are attached and non our website. Thank you Stuart! Andrew, on behalf of the Councillors, confirmed that the recent petition for more local policing, was recently presented to the local police commander
    Thank you Andrew and fingers crossed!
  2. Thames Tunnel
    The entire scheme is with the “Inspectorate” now (similar to a national Planning Department).
    Once it passes through that phase – if successful – responsibility will pass to local councils and that`s when we can begin to have a say – watch this space!
    Andrew will come back to us on the old s106 funding opportunities. See all the detail here.
  3. Parking zone “R” changes
    It has been approved to make changes to zone “R” to a one hour per morning and afternoon set up.
    We await details of the implementation timing – Andrew may be able to confirm details soon and see the small print below
  4. Security Gating update
    New gates are now up in Hatfield and St Georges – one has no lock and we will check this with the council
    Another scheme has still to complete, after some time, we will discuss with the neighbours in that area