Dear all,
This week saw a mix of good and no so good news for health and social care. There remains a positive decrease in the numbers of delayed transfers of care (DTOC) for December and local government continues to play a significant role in this. Yet at the same time, the numbers exceeding a four-hour wait in A&E in January has increased to an all-time high. It will be interesting to see how this impacts on January’s DTOC figures.
At the same time the National Audit Office published its report on the social care workforce. While local government only directly employs less than 10 per cent of the workforce, having the right local care workforce is essential to councils in delivering their duties. Residential nurses, high turnover and the lack of a national strategy are cited as key issues. The report is well worth a read.
DHSC single department plan
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has published a single department plan which sets out its objectives and how it will achieve them.
Data security and protection
DHSC has published itsplansfor implementing the 10 data security standards across health and social care. This report includes a section for local government as well as social care providers including plans to replace the existing IG Toolkit.
Managing transfers of care
We have just updated our web resource on managing transfers of care to include examples of work being undertaken across the country tomanage patient flow and hospital discharge. This resourcesupplements thehigh impact change model for managing transfers of care and can also be downloaded as a publication.
NHS and local government partnership working
Thisconversation, chaired by Professor Keith Willett, Director of Acute Care, NHS England; with Cllr Richard Kemp, Deputy Chair of the LGA Community Wellbeing Board; and Cllr Johnny McMahon, Chairman of the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee, Staffordshire County Council, explores how the NHS and local government can work more effectively in local partnerships.
LGA efficiency and sustainability
Following the recent publication of the latest LGA efficiency project report we have commissioned iMPOWER to undertake a scoping exercise to inform the focus of the work for 2018/19. This will involve scoping for the development of an evidence base of how councils are developing more sustainable approaches and informing support on a geographical as well as a thematic basis to develop new practice in services that are struggling. For further information email
The LGA is working on introducing a new CRM system across the organisation. The Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) is aiming to be an early adopter of the system with a view to incorporating current reporting such as the CHIP activity log, and the more detailed recording of Better Care Fund (BCF) bespoke support.
Surveys: a reminder
If you are planning on conducting a survey in connection with any aspect of CHIP’s work, please contact Philippa Lynch or Rose Pycock at the earliest opportunity. This is to ensure that we take a co-ordinated and consistent approach that can, where possible, contribute to wider evaluation across the programme. Any surveys conducted should make use of the LGA’s adopted survey software, ConfirmIT, which is compliant with requirements of GDPR which comes into effect in May.
Putting a stop to delayed transfers of care (DTOC)
Sector-led improvement for public health, prevention and early intervention
Prevention Matters: how elected members can improve the health of their communities
Using digital technology to improve the public’s health: a guide for local authorities
Meeting the health and wellbeing needs of young carers
Don't be left in the dark: children and young people's mental health
Tackling loneliness and isolation: the role of commissioners
If you are planning on running an event, please remember to check with the LGA Events to ensure there are no clashes.All events should be added to theCorporate Calendaron the Wire. The LGA Events Team should organise all corporate conferences and events, unless agreed otherwise.For more information, please speak to a member of the Events Team, who will be more than happy to help.
LGA/ADPH Annual Public Health Conference and Exhibition 2018
1 March 2018 | London
Annual HWB chairs and vice chairs summit
14 March 2018 | London
Using behavioural insights in local government
15 March 2018 | London
LGA and NHS Clinical Commissioners Conference – Delivering Health and Care in a Digital Age
27 March 2018 | Birmingham
Place-based leadership for health and wellbeing in the West Midlands: Integration Care Models, IET
18 May 2018 | Birmingham
LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition
3-5July2018 | Birmingham
Place-based leadership for health and wellbeing in the West Midlands: Prevention, IET
14 September 2018| Birmingham
Place-based leadership for health and wellbeing in the West Midlands: accountable care – learning to date
14 December 2018 | Birmingham
Andrew Hughes | Head of Care and Health Improvement Programme
T: 020 7664 3192 M: 07 909 534 185 E:
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