Pensions Liaison Meeting - West Yorkshire Pension Fund

28 July 2015 2pm


HFRS: Dave Lofthouse

WYPF: Yunus, Gajra, Helen Scargill, Dave Garforth, Maxine Coudette.

No / Subject / Discussion / Action / Responsible / Action Taken
Jul2015-1 / Contract / Current contract expires on 31 March 2016, HFRS are likely to invoke the extension as specified in tender / approval decision record required / DL / Decision Record Raised, currently with director
Jul2015-2 / Pension Boards / What type of information is available
Have any other authorities requested info
Annual report
Audit Assurance letter / Performance information to be explored.
Membership to be provided / YG,HS DL
Jul2015-3 / Overpayments / Review of injury pensions has highlighted a number of overpayments –decision on recovery process / Further information to be provided based on timeline of overpayment and detail
Decision on recovery action / MC, HS
DL/KW / Recovery based on WYPF advice following previous identifications
Jul2015-4 / Missing Information / 2006 scheme year end 31/3/14
1991 year end 14-15
2006 year end 14-15
CPD extract previously provided appears to be wrong / Info to be provided, CPD to be clarified / DL / Completed 7/9/15
Jul2015-5 / Annual Benefit Statements / 1992 scheme members sent out / 2006 on resolution of missing data will be processed / WYPF/DL
Jul2015-6 / Watch managers 16% / 5 individuals in receipt of additional pensionable remuneration following CMT report on Call out payments – Norman vs Cheshire / Finalise details of contributions recovery and information to update pension records and arrange back payment of pensions due / DL/HS / Details finalised, Employees spoken to
JHUNT revised figured provided 4/9/15
Jul2015-7 / Phil Jackson / Query over pay increase / Confirmation to be provided / DL / clarified / Complete
Jul2015-8 / Mark Thomas / Ill health injury Retirement
May be more beneficial to retire under the 2006 compensation scheme rather than Modified pension scheme / Info to be provided on transitional arrangements
Confirmation of commencement date of Ill health process.
Review and contact Mark Thomas / HS
DL / Case reviewed by HS & DL, confirmation of award under compensation scheme prior to changes / Complete
Jul2015-9 / 2015 pension scheme / System updates still being awaited to cater for new scheme
WYPF can identify by DOB those that transfer
Notification will be required of those transitional protection changes / Report of current employees and pension schemes to be provided – audit records and resolve discrepancies / DL / Sent 31/7/15
Jul2015-10 / Modified pension scheme / Current process update provided.
Special pensioner member details to be processed by WYPF
Special deferred members details
Special Firefighters / Special pension calcs to be proved following update based on options
WYPF to calculate pensions and interest due
Details to be provided to WYPF for record update
Details to be provided to WYPF for record update / DL / Pensioner members sent on flow
Jul2015-11 / Modified pension backdated contributions / How will the pension account be updated
How will they be collected / Thoughts were that the payments would filter into the account based on the recovery, as employees would only be credited for the full service on completion of the repayment contract
Employee and employers contributions reported based on collection timetable.
Current employees to be taken from salary,
Pensioners from payments owed.
Deferred as authority debtor
Contributions need to be separated from normal contributions / DL/HFRS
Jul2015-12 / Long Service Increments / Queries raised by a number of individuals following ABS and at retirement / Possible missing details on pension system
Report to be prepared based on salaries being paid as at the 30 June 2007 / DL/ERYC / Report requested from payroll provider
Jul2015-13 / Communication with Employees / How do we improve employee communication / Link to WYPF firefighters site, all detail being updated.
Remove all pension detail from HFRS portal and put link on App page. / DL
Jul2015-14 / Transfer Values / How are these to be processed / TVin and TVout to be controlled by WYPF and incorporated into the monthly payment balancing / HS / Complete
Jul2015-15 / Letter confirming Administartors / General letter confirming that WYPF are acting as administrators on behalf of HFRS / Letter to be prepared / DL / Complete
Jul2015-16 / GMP reconciliation / Reconciliation of GMP records required / WYPF to deal and report any queries to HFRS / WYPF/DL
Jul2015-17 / Date & time Next meeting / 22nd September 2015 2pm WYPF / Complete