6th Grade

QTR I: Argument

Text 1: Cyber bullying Overview

Prompt: You have noticed that cyber bullying has become an issue in your school and no one is doing anything about it. Write a letter to your principal on the dangers of ignoring cyber bullying and argue for the three best ways to stop this behavior.

7th Grade

QTR I Argument

Text 1 Paranormal Phenomena is a Legitimate Science

Text 2 No Evidence of Paranormal

Prompt: You and your friends were talking at lunch about a new television show with a lot of paranormal activity. Some people at the table said they believe in paranormal activity and others said they did not. You want to organize your thoughts and bring your argument back to the table the next day. Use evidence from the text “Paranormal Phenomena, to make an argument that formally supports your position.

8th Grade

Quarter One Argument: Smart Phones

Text One: Smart Phones will Benefit Classroom Learning

Text Two: Smart Phones will not Benefit Classroom Learning

Your principal has received many complaints from teachers about student’s cell phones distracting from learning. He is considering putting a policy in place that would ban all cell phone use in school. Using evidence from the article, write an argument to your principalthat supports or refutes a ban on cell phones in the school.

9th Grade

Quarter I Argument

Text: Middle Schools Add Team Rule: Get a Drug Test

Prompt: Your school has decided to implement a random drug testing policy for students participating in extracurricular activities. After reading the article, write a response in favor of or against this new policy to your coach or sponsor citing strong evidence of your claim.

10th Grade

QTR I Argument

Text: Zero Tolerance Policy Overview

Prompt: Your school district has adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy. Write a response to your school online newspaper on why you believe or do not believe in a Zero Tolerance Policy. Use must use evidence from the text to support your claim and acknowledge why your claim is more logical than the counterclaims.

11th Grade

QTR I Argument

Text One: Arming Teachers is not an effective way to Prevent School Violence

Text Two: Teachers should be armed to Prevent School Violence

Prompt: Your school district is considering allowing teachers to carry guns in school due to the increase in school violence. You have the opportunity, on behalf of students, to write a letter to the school board for or against having armed teachers on campus. Citetextual evidence from the articles supporting your claim and a response to any counterclaims in your letter.

12th Grade

QTR I Argument

Text: High Stakes Tests Worth the Wager?

Prompt: Preparing students for successful futures continue to be the goal for the Kansas City, Kansas School District. Imagine when you arrived at school this year the principal informed you all graduating seniors MUST achieve a score of 21 or higher on the ACT test in order to graduate at the end of the year. This requirement was regardless of grades and/or credits earned during the entire four-year process of high school. Read the accompanying article and formulate an argument that supports or opposes the new requirements. Be sure to include your claim and it back it up with logical evidence and addressing possible counterclaims.