Justin Detweiler
This course will prepare students to master fundamental economic concepts. It will apply the tools from other subject areas to the understanding of the operations and institutions of economics systems. Economics will analyze how people, businesses and governments choose to use resources. Students will study the basic economic principles of micro and macro economics, and the role government plays on the American economy.
Unit I. Introduction to economics & basic economic concepts
A. What is Economics?
B. Scarcity
C. Choice and Opportunity Cost
D. Circular Flow
E. Business Structures
F. Production Possibilities
Unit II.microeconomic challenges
A. Demand
B. Supply
C. Equilibrium
D. Elasticity
E. Price
F. Microeconomic Behavior
Unit III.macroeconomic challenges
A. Introduction to Macroeconomics
B. The Business Cycle
C. Gross Domestic Product
D. Unemployment
E. Inflation/Deflation
F. Financial Markets
Unit IV.government
A. Government and the Economy
B. Taxes, Fees, and Fines
C. Understanding Government Budgets
D. Fiscal Policy
E. Monetary Policy
F. Economic Perspectives
The following scale will be used:100 - 93% = A
92 - 85% = B
84 - 77% = C
76 - 70% = D
69 - 0% = F / Your Grade is broken down into 3 categories:
Homework/Practice = 10%
Employability Skills = 20% (5pts per day)
(Prepared, productive, professional)
Skills = 70%
(Major assignments/projects, tests, quizzes)
Grades will be updated and posted on eSchoolPlus weekly, students and parents are strongly encouraged to regularly check grades. Grade sheets may be sent home periodically and will require a parent signature to be returned and graded as homework/practice.
CELL PHONES: No cell phones will be allowed in class at any time, under any circumstance. School policy regarding the use of cell phones will be followed. Violation will result in the appropriate consequences outlined in the student handbook. See student handbook for information and disciplinary consequences.
LANGUAGE/ DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR: Foul language and negative discussion will not be tolerated. Cursing, inappropriate language and general disrespect will be dealt with promptly. Behavior that disrupts the learning/working process is not acceptable. The goal of the class is to create a safe learning environment where ALL can learn and succeed.
The consequences for inappropriate language/disruptive behavior of any kind will be as follows:
A. Verbal Warning and conference with teacher.
B. Note and/or phone call home to parents along with a detention.
C. Conference with parents and administration to determine appropriate
disciplinary action.
COMPUTER/INTERNET USE: Using the school provided computers and internet is a privilege; failure to follow directions will result in those privileges being taken away. (The School’s Utilization of Technology Policy can be found in the student handbook.) Students should not use the Internet unless directed and then only use it for the assignment as directed. Game sites, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc are not appropriate for school and are prohibited!
Item(s) required/Expectation Failure to do so will result in:
Pen or pencil Zero (0) employability points for the day
Folder OR Binder Zero (0) employability points for the day
Notebook Zero (0) employability points for the day
Late to class (arrive AFTER the bell) Zero (0) employability points for the day
Name on ALL assignments Item/Assignment discarded – Loss of points
Parent Name Student Name
Parent Signature Student Signature
Parent BEST/preferred contact (email or phone)