Date of Board meeting:28th September 2010

Name of Meeting:Quality and Risk Committee meeting held 8th September 2010

Name & Title of Chair:Ann Chapman, Non Executive Director

Paper number:WL1913

Key Issues to highlight (points from the meeting(s) being highlighted for the Board’s attention and why)

Item 3. Matters Arising
From Trust Board April 2010 (minute 1920/10)
The Board had asked the Committee to review Level 1 (L1) and 2 (L2) action plans and report back to the Board.
The Committee received a verbal update from Mr Trenchard summarised below:
  • The Trust Incident Review Group (IRG) oversees the follow up of L1 actions and reports these to the Board at every meeting.
  • Follow up for L2 Reviews is the responsibility of each SDU and these are discussed locally within their Incident Management and Review Groupsof which the local commissioner is a member.
  • The Trust IRG oversees the minutes of these discussions.
  • Teams where L1 incidents occur are invited to the IRG to present implementation and behaviour/practice change issues following the report being received and actions taken.
  • Ealing has struggled to complete the L2 Reviews and has a backlog - additional resource has been given from the Risk Team to help with this in the short term.
  • L1 and L2 Reports have also been discussed at Executive Directors meeting.
Mr Trenchard also agreed to bring a more detailed paper from the Trust IRG to the October meeting of the Committee.
Item 7. Learning from Experience
The Committee noted that information relating to compliments and PALS cases had not been provided for inclusion in the report; they were also told of difficulty in obtaining timely responses from contributors to the report to requests for data for inclusion. The Committee would like to highlight to the Board the impression this gives to the Committee that their work is not treated sufficiently seriously.
Item 10. CQC Registration
The Committee received the welcome news that it is expected that the conditions on the Trust’s registration will be removed as at end September.

Items of limited assurance: (detail any issues where there is limited assurance and what further action is being taken; state if any changes are needed to the risk register)

Item 7. Learning from Experience
The Committee has requested that the Claims report be reviewed by the Operations board to ensure detailed scrutiny.

Committee / Board decision / referral required: (in respect of key issues indicate what the committee’s recommendations are, what referral is required and or what the Board needs to do; indicate timescale)

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