NOVEMBER 1, 2010

7:00 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Weldon Harber, with the following trustees answering to roll call: Ralph Bowley, Mike French, Al Lehr, Linda Lehr, Laura Schaefer and Mike Todd. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

A motion was made by Mike Todd to approve the October 18th minutes. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

COMMUNICATIONS OR CORRESPONDENCE: Crissy Wegescheide issued a commendation of Lieutenant Randel Moser praising his service to our county while serving in the United States Military.

COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS AND COMPUTERS: Ralph Bowley stated he reviewed the bills. Ralph Bowley made a motion to pay the bills. Laura Schaefer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Ralph stated the Village saved $2,197.23 in October by using Cost Recovery Cooperation. The Village has saved $13032.48 this year.

The Mayor stated he was getting a new computer because his wasn’t working anymore.



SEWER: Al Lehr stated everything is running fine at the sewer plant. There haven’t been any problems at the plant or at any of the lift stations.

WATER: Al Lehr stated the Village received a pay request for $160,400. Randy Burk stated there is still money that the Village is holding back. Al Lehr made a motion to pay the pay request for $160,400. Laura Schaefer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Al stated the water lines are being run to the new tower. Randy stated he thinks it’ll be done by Friday, November 5th. When it goes online, it has to be done slowly so that no lines will rupture, although it still tends to happen.

Randy stated he asked the Illinois Historical Society if they could help fund painting the old water tower. They said no.

REFUSE: Al Lehr stated everything is fine.


STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS: Mike Todd stated the Village received a letter from IDOT stating the Village would be getting $15,521 in installments to be used for motor fuel tax projects.

Mike Todd stated Rite-Way still hasn’t gotten started on the curb project. He’s going to try to get them out once Don Traiteur comes back from vacation.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS, MAINTENANCE, AND EQUIPMENT: Mike Todd stated the new maintenance truck was ordered from Mertz Ford. It should be in the week of November 8th.

CABLE SERVICES AND CELL TOWERS: Linda Lehr stated Charter Cable subscribers should be receiving a letter explaining the details of the tier changes.

ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Mike French stated Ordinance 1068 amends chapter 77. Mike French made a motion to accept Ordinance 1068. Mike Todd seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mike French stated Resolution 10-8 is a Council Resolution of Support for St. Clair County Park Grant 2010. It is to apply for park grant funds. Mike French made a motion to accept Resolution 10-8. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mike French stated Ordinance 1069 is for Variance 136 for property owner Richard Stamp at 102 E. Mill Street. It’s for a 2 feet rear set back, 12 feet front set back, and lot coverage. The Zoning Board recommended accepting the variances. Mike French made a motion to accept Ordinance 1069. Mike Todd seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mike Todd stated he met with Police Lieutenant Alan Hucke and Mike French to discuss curfew changes. They decided on the curfew being 11:00pm on weekends and 10:00pm on weekdays. There will also be exceptions for work and school and religious functions. It will be ready to discuss at the next meeting.


PARKS, POOL AND RECREATION: Laura Schaefer stated she had the report from the swimming pool. It didn’t lose as much money this year as it had the past year. Laura asked what was meant by water use in the report. Tracy Holmes stated there was a discrepancy in one of the readings and there was a leak so the usage isn’t very accurate. Laura reminded the Board that the pool isn’t for profit but to provide a service to the community. Linda Lehr pointed out that it hasn’t lost as much money as it had in the past few years.

Laura stated the daffodils were planted at the park. They planted about 1,000 daffodils with the help of the Boy Scouts. Laura also reminded the Board that there would be three Eagle Scouts needing projects. If anyone has any ideas, please let Laura know.

Laura stated the Park Board would meet on Thursday, November 11th at 7:30pm in the meeting room at West End Tavern.

Laura stated she received the official approval that the Village received $20,000 from the St. Clair County Park Grant.

Randy Burk stated TWM is working on applying for a large state funded park grant, which is being administered by IDNR. The grant will pay for 75% of any approved project. The application is due November 29th. TWM has all the paperwork for the application. They took a quick look at the pool this afternoon and when there’s no water in the pool, it’s easy to see all the problems.


COMMUNITY CENTER: Linda Lehr stated the Community Center Executive Board met Monday, October 25th. They discussed the ongoing activities at the Center. There were 1,779 meals served and transported in October, which is a good number for a community the size of Millstadt.

Linda stated there would be a Bar-b-Que November 20th starting at 11:00am at the Community Center. Mike Todd and the Meat Masters will be providing the meals with the proceeds going to the Community Center to benefit their ongoing programs. Mike Todd stated that there will be limited ribs for sale but they can be pre-ordered by calling 476-3731.

Linda stated the Community Times has been very cooperative by publishing the activities that are going on at the Community Center.

Linda stated the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts would be helping to decorate both the inside and outside of the Center for the Holiday season.

PLANNING COMMISSION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Mike French stated the Planning Commission had met Tuesday, October 19th and reviewed the architectural standard and the comprehensive plan. Their next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 16th at 7:00pm at the Village Hall.

Mike French stated the Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting for Dollar General was held Saturday, October 30th. The ribbon cutting for the new bridal shop and China King was held the morning of November 1st.

Mike French stated the annual Chamber of Commerce meeting will be held at the Quail Club on Wednesday, January 19th.

TIF: Mike French stated he had received the recommended changes to the contract with Lisa Bowman. He went over it the changes with Lisa.

Mayor Harber stated the joint review board would meet Thursday, November 4th at 9:30am at the Village Hall. Linda Lehr asked if the meeting had been posted. Ralph Bowley stated Jim Kane would take care of that.


Police Department – Crissy Wegescheide swore in Mike Ellis and Curt Highsmith as Deputy Marshals and John Goodwin as the Training Advisor.

Emergency Service and Disaster Agency - none

Fire Department – none

Ambulance - none

BUILDING COMMISSIONER: Steve Muskopf stated the following permits were issued:

Dollar General 301 W. Washington St. Sign

Charles Fleming Jr. 115 S. Jefferson St. Fence

Beckerle 605 W. Harrison St. Storage Shed

Hecke 9 W. Madison St. Fence

Osick 12 S. Main St. Storage Shed


Melva Schickendanz stated she was going to ask about the Curfew changes but Mike Todd already answered her question earlier in the meeting.

Ralph Bowley stated the Board has been discussing purchasing Liederkranz Park from the Commercial Club for the Village. The offer is for $200,000. It would have to stay a park. The Commercial Club would have the first choice if the Village wanted to sell the park. The Commercial Club would be able to use the park rent-free for Homecoming for the next twenty years. Ralph stated he thought it was a win-win situation because the property would be appraised at a much higher amount then what they are offering to sell it at. It would give the Village more area for storage. Linda Lehr stated she thought Village Attorney Mike Flynn was going to draw up an agreement first before the Board voted. Mayor Harber corrected that it was actually Brent Gains who was drawing up the agreement. Ralph answered that Mike Flynn said the Board would have to approve the purchase before he can do any paper work. Ralph Bowley made a motion to purchase Liederkranz Park from the Commercial Club for $200,000. Laura Schaefer seconded the motion. The motion passed with Ralph voting yes, Mike French voting yes, Al Lehr present, Linda Lehr voting yes, Laura Schaefer voting yes, and Mike Todd present.

Ralph Bowley stated he went through the cost for the Police Department to take part in the Auto Theft Task Force. It would cost the Village $19,000 plus overtime to employ another officer. While it is an excellent program, it’s not feasible when the Village is trying to keep costs down. Ralph stated that they would support additional training for the officers on a class-by-class basis. Mayor Harber stated he talked to Police Chief Ed Wilkerson and he understands why the Village can’t participate and that they will try to budget for more classes in next year’s budget. Linda Lehr stated it’s an honor to be invited to participate and she thinks the Board should try to find $19,000 to pay a new officer, which is cheap. She asked Director Gary Brewer to refresh the Board’s memory about what the Task Force is and why the department is being asked to participate. Mayor Harber stated the Board already heard that at the last meeting. Linda stated she thought the Board should hear what he has to say. Mayor Harber told her the decision had been made. He also stated she did not have permission for the floor because she did not ask for it.


Laura Schaefer made a motion to appoint Randy Eckert to the Park Board. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Melva Schickendanz asked the Mayor why he talks to the Board in the manner that he does. The Mayor stated because he is the presiding officer over the meeting. Linda Lehr stated she should be able to have the floor. Mayor Harber stated it’s because of Linda that the Trustees have to ask for permission to have the floor.

ADJOURNMENT: Ralph Bowley made a motion to adjourn the general Village Board meeting and was seconded by Laura Schaefer. The motion carried unanimously.


Crissy Wegescheide, Clerk Weldon Harber, Mayor