Unit 3 Study Guide


“Amigo Brothers”

·  Barrage

·  Bedlam

·  Clarity

·  Devastating

·  Dispel

·  Flail

·  Pensively

·  Perpetual

·  Torrent

·  Unbridled

“The War of the Wall”

·  Aroma

·  Beckon

·  Inscription

·  Masterpiece

·  Trance

“Fish” & “Homeless”

·  Contemplate

·  Inevitably

·  Preoccupied

·  Retort

·  Threshold

·  Urgency

“A Crush”

·  Cherish

·  Discreetly

·  Excess

·  Improbable

·  Taut

·  Usher

“Amigo Brothers”

·  What is the main idea of the story?

·  How are the boys alike and different?

·  What sport do the boys have in common?

·  Describe how the boys fight.

·  What happens at the end of the story?

“The War of the Wall”

·  What is the setting of the story?

·  Why are the license plates on the painter lady’s car important?

·  How do the narrator and Lou feel about the painter lady at first?

·  At the end of the story, how do the people feel about the painter lady?

·  Who is the painter lady? How is she connected to the community?

·  Where do the narrator and Lou work? Who is their boss?


·  Why do you think Mrs. Markham watches Willie closely?

·  Why do you think Willie’s mom won’t help the homeless man?

·  What do the fish with no eyes symbolize?

·  What does Willie give the homeless man?

·  To Mrs. Markham, what is money a symbol of?


·  Why do homeless people avoid shelters?

·  What does a home represent to the author?

·  Who does the author speak to in the bus terminal?

·  What does Ann carry with her? What is Ann trying to prove?

·  What does the author tell you she loves about her house?

·  Where does the author meet Ann?

“A Crush”

·  How does Ernie change in the story?

·  What is Ernie’s favorite thing?

·  What does Ernie leave for Dolores each Wednesday and why?

·  What do others presume about Dolores’s love life?