
Power Point Project


-2 or 3 people per group; 1 topic per group

-Each Power Point must have a minimum of 10 slides plus an introduction slide

with group members, topic, and class.

-Each slide must have at least one picture and at least 3 animations.

-There should be 1 hyperlink in the power point.

-Each person in the group must share equally in the responsibility of completing

the project. One person will be the Historian (in charge of finding the info), one will be the Technology Advisor (create the slide backgrounds, format etc.) and one with be the Decorator (find pictures/video/sound/etc.). All members will help each other as necessary.

-Each member of the group will hand in a paragraph explaining what they did to help the group and what the other member(s) did in completing the


-Each group will hand in 3 multiple choice questions on their topic that could

potentially be used on the test over the power points.

- The group will present their power points to the class (each member must play a

role in the presentation)

*Make sure each member of the group has a specific responsibility and the work is divided up evenly. Example: one person finds the facts, one finds the pictures, and one person makes the slides.All group members help each other as needed!

Grading Rubric:

-Students using class time to work on project (5 points each day) – 15 Pts. (Indv)

-Power Point meets slide and animation requirements – 10 Pts. (Group)

- Information in power point is accurate and thorough – 20 Pts. (Group)

- Summary of each members contributions (each member) 5 Pts. (Indv)

-3 Multiple Choice Questions – 5 Pts (Group)

-Presentation of Power Point – 5 Pts (Indv)

Total Points: 60


-Acquisition of the Louisiana Territory (pg. 280-281)

-Acquisition of Florida (pg. 282)

-Acquisition of Texas (pg. 283-285)

-Acquisition of Oregon (pg. 286-287)

-Mexican-American War (pg. 288-290)

Louisiana Territory

  1. What year did the U.S. acquire the Louisiana Territory?
  1. How did we get possession of the territory? (Did we pay for it? Was there a war for it?)
  1. What was the argument in favor of adding the territory and what was the argument against adding it?
  1. Who owned the territory before the U.S. and how did they feel about losing the territory?
  1. Which states were formed from the Louisiana Territory?
  1. List 5 important facts about the territory and how we got it:







  1. What year did the U.S. acquire Florida?
  1. How did we get possession of the territory? (Did we pay for it? Was there a war for it?)
  1. What was the argument in favor of adding the territory and what was the argument against adding it?
  1. Who owned the territory before the U.S. and how did they feel about losing the territory?
  1. Which states were formed from Florida?
  1. List 5 important facts about the territory and how we got it:







  1. Why were many Americans moving to Texas and who owned Texas at that time?
  1. What issues were the Americans in Texas and the Tejanos (Mexicans in Texas) arguing over in the 1820’s and 1830’s?
  1. Who were the important leaders for the Mexicans and Texans in the Texas War for Independence?
  1. What happened at the Alamo?
  1. How did Texas become a state and what year was it?
  1. Give 5 important facts about The Texas War for Independence:







  1. What year did the U.S. acquire the Oregon Territory?
  1. How did we get possession of the territory? (Did we pay for it? Was there a war for it?)
  1. What was the argument in favor of adding the territory and what was the argument against adding it?
  1. Who owned the territory before the U.S. and how did they feel about losing the territory?
  1. Which states were formed from the Oregon Territory?
  1. List 5 important facts about the territory and how we got it:






The Mexican-American War

  1. What conflict started the war between Mexico and the U.S. and when was the war fought?
  1. What did President Polk hope to gain by the war with Mexico?
  1. What were some important battles of the War and who won them?
  1. What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
  1. What present day states were added to the U.S. after the war with Mexico?
  1. List 5 important facts/details about the war and its outcome:




