Crown street surgery newsletter / 2018 /

April - June 2018

Inside this issue:

  • Staff Update
  • Thursday afternoon closures
  • Bank Holiday Closures
  • Patient Online Services
  • Appointment System & DNA’s
  • Carers Resilience Service
  • Patient Participation Group
  • Boiler Replacement
  • Seasonal Vaccinations

Staff Update

We are still currently actively trying to recruit a Salaried GP to increase our workforce.

Therefore currently we do have a lot of Locum cover to aid patient care. We have some regular Locum GP’s who are:

  • Dr Perera
  • Dr Onu (Female)
  • Dr Solomon
  • Dr Olubowale (Female)

To update on our permanent GP’s we have:

  • Dr M Venables – Partner
  • Dr S Bradshaw – Salaried GP
  • Dr E Weston – Salaried GP
  • Dr M Bryan – Salaried GP

Please Note:Dr Bryan will return from her maternity leave on 23 April 2018. Dr Weston is still on maternity leave.

We would also like to welcome our new apprentice Health Care Assistant to Crown Street Surgery – Kerry Wright.

Crown Street Surgery Website

For more information about the surgery please click the link below:

Patient messaging service

We have set up a new messaging service.

This will be used to confirm, remind and sometimes cancel appointments.

It is simple and easy to use, however please DO NOT free text anything back other than the response it asks for e.g. Cancel, these cannot be followed up.

In-House Staff Training Dates

Once a month on a Thursday afternoon from 12noon we are closed for staff training. If you require any urgent medical attention please contact 111. We will re-open from 8.00am the following morning.

Dates for this quarter are:

Thursday 12thApril

Thursday 24thMay

Thursday 21st June

Bank Holiday Closures

Monday 7th May- May Day

Monday 28th May – Spring Bank


This practice currently offers patients’ facilities to:

  • Book Appointments online
  • Order repeat medications
  • View detailed coded medical record, which will include medications, sensitivities and any allergies.
  • Complete questionnaires

To sign up for online services please ask a member of reception.

Appointment System and DNA’s (Did Not Attend)

The majority of our GP appointments are released each day, therefore we ask you to call the surgery at 8.00am when the lines open to book. We do have some appointments online and embargoed slots which can be booked in advance. Once all the allocated appointments have gone and you require medical attention before the next routine appointment then you will be offered telephone triage with the Duty Doctor that day.

Did you know we are able to book routine appointments to see a GP on the following days out of routine hours:

Monday – Friday 6.30 – 8.00pm

Saturday 8.00am – 11.00am

Sunday 8.00am – 11.00am

These appointments will be held at either Kimberworth Park Medical Centre or Broom Lane Surgery. If you would like to book an appointment or request further information please ask a member of reception.

We are still having an increasing amount of DNA appointments with both GP’s and Nurses. This is having an effect on what appointments we can offer. PLEASE if you cannot attend contact the surgery to cancel or use the text messaging service.

We do have a DNA policy which we adhere to so for repeat offenders their registration at the practice will be reviewed.


Do you currently care for a relative or a friend? If so please inform a member of reception who will take your details and add you to our Carers Register.

We have a member of the Carers Resilience Team who attends surgery every second Tuesday in the month between 9.30 – 11.30am. This is a drop in service where they will be on hand to give advice on:

  • Emotional support
  • Practical support
  • Information on benefits and services Local and national sources of help.

Patient Participation Group

Our meetings are Quarterly and the next one is Monday 30th April 2018

New members are welcome. If you would like to become a member of our PPG then please contact the surgery and ask for Sarah Caddick – Practice Manager.

Boiler Replacement

Our boiler has now been replaced. This all went to plan with minimal disruption.

Seasonal Vaccinations


Are you aged 70 or 78?

Please see receptionist for details to see if you are eligible.


These vaccines are offered to patients aged 65 or over or in an at risk group. These can be given at any time of the year and are usually only administered once in a lifetime.


We will update you all in the next newsletter with information for our flu campaign for 2018 – 19.

Next Issue due: July 2018