Period 1 Map

8000 BCE- 600 BCE

On yourPeriod 1 world map you will be required to:

·  Label key geographic reference points such as the oceans, continents, and majorseas

·  Find and label a specific list of cities/cultural centers listed below

·  You will also be required to demonstrate the expanse of various empiresthat emerged during this period in history.The empires often had overlaps so itwill require that you shade them differently (using different colors) and labelthe map in such a way that it is clear which empire ruled at what time. For the purposeof clarity and neatness, sketch the outline of the empire and use a dashed lineto indicate the empire borders (you should also shadelightly). Remember to indicate the color differences in a key located either on the front or back of themap

·  You may label things beyond the list of requiredlabels, but be careful to not label the names of countries or cities which do not emerge until much later time periods.Some of the listed locations have a modern country in parenthesis to helpyou identify which city is being sought, as some have been duplicated in otherregions (Example: Alexandria –Alexander the Great was an egomaniac that loved toname things after himself so he often renamed cities in his empireAlexandria)

Required Cities/Cultural Centers:

·  Jericho

·  Catal Huyuk

·  Sumer

·  Babylon

·  Damascus

·  Akkad

·  Memphis

·  Giza

·  Nanjing

·  Axum

·  Mohenjo-Daro

·  Harappa

·  Tikal

·  Mycenae – Island of Crete

·  Fiji Islands – Tonga and Samoa


·  Mesopotamia

·  Unified Egyptian Kingdom

·  Hittite Homeland

·  Shang Dynasty

·  Zhou Dynasty

·  Indus Valley

·  Chavin

·  Olmec

Required Geography:

·  Nile river

·  Indus river

·  Tigris river

·  Euphrates river

·  Huang He river

·  Yangzi river

·  Ganges River

·  Sahara Desert

·  Arabian Desert

·  Taklimakan Desert

·  Thar Desert

·  Gobi Desert

·  Andes Mountains

·  Himalaya Mountains

·  Zagros Mountains

·  Gulf of Mexico

·  Tibetan Plateau

·  Mediterranean Sea

·  Persian Gulf

·  Arabian Sea

·  Indian Ocean

·  Bay of Bengal

·  Nile Delta

·  Micronesia


·  Chart pattern of early human migration

o  Draw arrows and include dates of spread

·  Spread of agriculture

o  By 8,000 BCE

o  By 5,000 BCE

o  By 3,000 BCE

o  By 2,000 BCE

o  By 500 BCE