The Kingdom of Jesus Christ - The Jesus Realm

Luke 16:16 The Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptist: since that time the Kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth [i.e. Luke 7:37-50] through the worldly opposition and into it. ~ Jesus Christ

The September 23, 2017 Signs in Heaven

I'm posting this info as generally informative of current events and ideas and not as specific future events

I have been watching some YouTube videos about End Time events. Each new year brings the potential of End Time prophetic events and already 2017 as a year of change has the potential to begin a significant new era. I certainly don't think 2017 is the end of anything and more likely it is the beginning of a new season however with so much change happening so fast it will be a good idea to get familiar with some of these current concepts so they don't surprise us and possibly confuse us all the more. If I see anything else interesting or that is helpful I'll also post it.

In the last few years there have been some significant changes in the global society. i.e. Pope Francis (2013), Brexit (2016), Trump (2017). The Bible is mostly centered on Israel and Europe regarding the End Times.

I'm not a fan of 1 person prophecy shows. I think that prophecy should be discussed in a group to help provide a better balance and should maintain traditional Protestant Church traditions and creeds. Also taking care not to place America completely front and center in End Times prophecy as that is difficult to do and maintain a traditional Biblical view since the Bible is mostly centered on Israel and Europe regarding the End Times.

All the best to everyone!

YouTube 5 Ways the World Has CHANGED since 58th Inauguration of TRUMP | Can LIBERTY Exist without Religion?
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is declaring the start of global revival. This teaching begins an important series on Good Government called "Is America a Christian Nation?"

YouTube September 23, 2017 | Greatest End Times Sign | Discoverer Interviewed | Revelation 12 Sign!
Rex Bear of sits down with Scott Clarke of to discuss bible prophecy, signs in the heavens, the mark of the beast, biblical wars, the rapture, the tribulation, next September 23, and what 2017 may hold for those who dwell on earth … and so much more. Don’t miss this interview!

YouTube The RAPTURE before February 17th 2017?

Teaching on dispensations and corrupt bible versions

Since December 2011 the Basic Christian PDF has been downloaded over half a million times (648,834) on just one website!
Also in about the same time the larger, more complete file has been downloaded 11,660 times.


The ÜKJV 2014 – KJV 1611 Bible Versions

All the Über 2014 Bibles -- Download
All the KJV 1611 Bibles -- Download

A Bible project 2014 by David Anson Brown

Now in Progress a Countdown to Holy Week

Matthew 12:40 For as (the prophet) Jonah was Three Days and Three Nights in the whale's belly;
so shall the Son of Man be Three Days and Three Nights in the heart of the earth.

The Christian Community Devotional
A Daily Devotional for the Congregational Church Fellowship Style
Located at

Accentuating the Congregational Church model of Christian fellowship equality, the individual believers (royal) priesthood, individual righteousness and holiness maturity, the current Kingdom of Jesus Christ and His Millennial Age Reign to come and the present Age of Christian Responsibilities.

*The Christian Community Devotional after a slow start will eventually be a daily devotional.
**The Christian Community Devotional is going to be published in the HTML 5 and CSS format not blogged on WordPress.

God bless everyone,
David Anson Brown

blog Update

Christian Community Devotional

By David Anson Brown

The Christian Community Devotional
A Daily Devotional for the Congregational Church Fellowship Style

Accentuating the Congregational Church model of Christian fellowship equality, the individual believers (royal) priesthood, individual righteousness and holiness maturity, the current Kingdom of Jesus Christ and His Millennial Age Reign to come and the present Age of Christian Responsibilities.

God bless everyone,
David Anson Brown

Located at

* The Christian Community Devotional after a slow start will eventually be a daily devotional.
** The Christian Community Devotional is going to be published in the HTML 5 and CSS format not blogged on WordPress.

Christmas Sermon 2015
Christ The Savior and King -- Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 9:6, Daniel 7:14 -- MP3
Source: Bloomsburg Community Church 2009

Starting in 2015 a Countdown to all the Feast Days

Holy Week (Passover) - Friday March 27, 2015 ---> Easter Sunday April 5, 2015
The Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) - May 24, 2015
The Fall Feasts - (Sukkot) starting September 13, 2015 at sundown in Jerusalem, Israel
Christmas Day 'Savior Day' - December 25, 2015

Now the Jew's Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) [Fall Feast - 2nd Coming] was at hand. His brethren therefore said unto Him (Jesus), Depart from this place, and go into Judaea, that Your disciples also may see the works that you do. For there is no man that does anything in secret, and he himself seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world. For neither did His brethren [brothers] believe in Him. Then Jesus said unto them, My time [appointed Feast Day] is not yet come: but your time is always ready. The world cannot hate you; but Me it hates, because I Testify of it [that the world is perishing in sin], that the works thereof are evil [sin]. Go all of you up unto this Feast: I go not up yet [fully] unto this Feast: for My Time [2nd Coming] is not yet full come. When He had said these words unto them, He abode still in Galilee. But when His brethren [brothers] were gone up, then went He also up unto the Feast [in Jerusalem], not openly, but as it were in secret. ~ John 7:2-10 - Note: the Resurrection, Believers Church Age, Rapture and Saints of Revelation are ALL Secret events.

And Paul [the Apostle] after this tarried [stayed] there [Corinth in Greece] yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren [Church], and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn [shaved] his head in Cenchrea [at Greece]: for he had a vow. And he came to Ephesus [in modern Turkey], and left them there: but he himself entered into the Synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews. When they desired him to stay a longer time with them, he consented not; But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this Feast [Sukkot] that cometh in Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if God will [i.e. possibly meaning if the Church Rapture hasn't taken place]. And he sailed from Ephesus. And when he had landed at Caesarea [Israel], and gone up [to Jerusalem], and saluted the Church [during the Feast of Sukkot], [then] he went down to Antioch [Syria]. ~ Acts 18:18-22 - Note: possibly the Apostle Paul was looking for or modeling for us, the fulfilment of the Church Age in the Rapture based on the Feast of Sukkot in Jerusalem. With Pentecost [Acts 2:1] being the last Christian Feast Day then Sukkot is next to be fulfilled or enacted on the Christian Feast Day calendar.

The 3 Feast Groups of Israel

Deuteronomy 16:16 Three times in a year shall all [those who desire to] thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which He shall choose [i.e. Temple Mount]; in the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover - Holy Week), and in the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot - Pentecost), and in the Feast of Tabernacles (Fall Feasts): and they shall not appear before the LORD empty [without an offering]:

Spring Feasts (Justification/Salvation): Passover - Holy Week - 1st Coming of Jesus
Summer 'Middle' Feast (Sanctification): Pentecost - Acts 2:1
Fall Feasts (Redemption): Day of Atonement - 2nd Coming, Final Restoration

The Eight Old Testament Holy Feasts of Leviticus Chapter 23
Holy Convocations, A Statute Forever, All Generations

Schedule of The Lord's 8 Holy Feast Days --- Spring Feasts: Holy Week is comprised of the four Salvation Feasts {Sabbath (Rest), The Lord’s Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits (Easter)} --- Pentecost (Shavuot) [Acts 2:1] is the Middle Feast: The Sanctification Feast --- The Fall Feasts: The three Redemption Feasts are comprised of {Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) possibly the Rapture dates of the Christian Church, Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)}

The Eight Holy Feasts of Leviticus Chapter 23

Salvation Feasts (Spring Feasts) - Jesus' First Coming

1. Sabbath (Rest) - Saturdays - fulfilled (Holy Week) at the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
2. The Lord’s Passover - 14th day of Nisan - fulfilled (Holy Week) at the Last Supper
3. Unleavened Bread - 15th day of Nisan - fulfilled (Holy Week) on the Cross
4. Firstfruits [Born Again] (Easter) - first Sunday after the Feast of The Lord’s Passover - fulfilled (Holy Week) in the Resurrection

Sanctification Feast (Summer Feast or Middle Feast) - The work of the Holy Spirit

5. Pentecost (Shavuot) Acts 2:1 - 50 Days (7 Sabbaths + 1 day) from the Sabbath Day before the Feast of Firstfruits or the 7th Sunday (49 days) after the Feast of Firstfruits (Easter Sunday) - currently in progress

Final Redemption Feasts (Fall Feasts) - Jesus' Second Coming

6. Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)
7. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
8. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Holy Week 2016 - Reality and Faith United!

The many Holy Week events didn't just happen to Jesus but in actuality Jesus happened to the events! -- Basic Christian: Holy Week

The Evangelical Holy Week 2016 --- The Spring Feasts
Jesus Walk 2016 Starting Friday March 18th 2016 until --- Easter Sunday March 27th 2016

The Jesus Walk 2016 10 Day Holy Week (Easter) Timeline Devotional is available now in PDF

Spring Feast Schedule (adjusted for Easter) 2016

Sat. 19 March 2016 -- Sabbath - fulfilled (Holy Week) at the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Wed. 23 March 2016 -- The Lord's Passover - 14th day of Nisan - fulfilled (Holy Week) at the Last Supper
Thur. 24 March 2016 -- Unleavened Bread - 15th day of Nisan - fulfilled (Holy Week) on the Cross
Sun. 27 March 2016 -- Firstfruits (Easter) [individual Spiritually Born Again] - in progress

Note: after Resurrection Sunday (the birth of the Christian Church – Feast of Firstfruits – aka Easter Sunday to Gentiles) we are going to do another countdown this time to countdown to the yearly Feast of Pentecost [May 24, 2015] so people can see that Pentecost (a growth/harvest Sanctification Feast) comes almost two months [in a different Season] after the (Justifying) Feasts of the Spring Passover/Holy Week have already been completed.
Revealing that those who are teaching the very false doctrine of Justification through Sanctification i.e. the Progressive Justification of Augustinian and Calvinism doctrines by wrongly claiming that both the Christian Church (Justification - Salvation 'Born Again') and individual Sanctification (individual Christian growth - empowerment) both began only at Pentecost and that now both continue simultaneously based on our own individual actions and deeds are either knowingly or unknowingly perpetuating perhaps the biggest error in modern Christianity when in fact the work of Christian Church (Justification for our Salvation) was completed on Resurrection Sunday at the completion of Jesus' Holy Week Ministry almost two months before the individual Sanctification empowerment (Acts 1:8, Romans 15:16) work of Pentecost even began.
The Christian Church ‘Born Again’ Age began with the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the ‘Feast of First Fruits’ Easter Day (John 21:22). On Pentecost [50 day later - Acts 2:1] the 'Feast of Shavuot’ individual Born Again Christians received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The Christian Church Age the ‘Born Again’ baptism from Jesus Christ seemingly continues only until an apparent future Church Rapture event [1 Corinthians 15:51-52] while the Pentecost empowerment of the Holy Spirit continues [Acts 2:20] on into the Tribulation and Great Tribulation of Revelation.
Conclusion: any teaching that proclaims that the Christian Church started on Pentecost and ends with the Rapture would then be guilty of proclaiming that the Holy Spirit is not available during the Tribulation period. Either the Born Again Church Age is from ‘First Fruits’ until the Rapture while the empowerment work of Pentecost continues on throughout the Tribulation or the Church Age is from Pentecost to the Rapture and the empowerment work of the Holy Spirit ceases with the Rapture of the Church though Biblically only the first option [First Fruits - Rapture] is realistic.
Also Note: the Holy Feast cycle is completed in the Fall with the Redemptive Fall Feasts. The three Biblical (Leviticus 23) Feast groups are the Spring (Passover) 'Justifying' Feasts (Romans 3:24-25, Colossians 1:20) that bring us sinners into a right relationship with God through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then our individual Christian growth 'Sanctification' and the empowerment process given from God to us on the Feast Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1, Philippians 2:12) followed by the Fall Feasts and our Final 'Redemption' (Romans 8:23, 2 Corinthians 5:10) at our own physical death – when our actual body (soul and spirit) come into the perceivable presence of God.
Source: The Jesus Realm (PDF)